Damien Cormier, PhD, RPsych

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education


Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
6-133 Education Centre - North
8730 - 112 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2G5


Area of Study / Keywords

School Psychology Learning Development Psychological Assessment Educational Assessment Giftedness Ethics Professional Practice


PhD, University of Minnesota, School Psychology (APA & NASP Accredited) 

MA, University of Minnesota, School Psychology 

BA (Hons), University of Manitoba, Psychology 


Psychological & Educational Assessment

What are the key variables that lead to meaningful educational decisions for students? How can we increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of our psychological and educational assessments? Some of my work to date has focused on improving the ways we collect educational data; whereas others have focused on the practices of psychologists when they use standardized measures (e.g., IQ tests). 

Training and Professional Practice

How can we improve the professional practices of psychologists during and after their graduate studies? What is the best way to teach functional skills in assessment, intervention, and consultation? Over the years, I have completed several projects examining errors as students develop their standardized assessment skills. In addition, I have produced articles and conference presentations to help students and practitioners improve their understanding of assessment-related concepts, as well as the link between assessment and intervention. Currently, my research interests under this broad umbrella are focused on assessment report writing and the development of ethical practices.

Learning and Development 

What processes can be explained by developmental models? How can we optimize learning? I have attempted to answer these questions by investigating the influence of specific cognitive abilities on learning in key curricular areas (reading, math, writing). In addition, I have examined the influence of language development and acculturation on learning and development. Future projects in this area will likely include a focus on gifted students. 


I am currently accepting M.Ed. students who are applying to the School and Clinical Child Psychology program. 

I am not accepting students applying to other programs.

Examples of recent graduate student theses or dissertations that I have supervised:

  • Teachers' Knowledge, Recognition, and Referral of Common Mental Disorders in Schools
  • Applying Cost-Benefit Analysis to Inform the Selection of Academic Interventions
  • Teachers’ Expectations Vary: Implications for Canadian Students of Different Ethnic Groups
  • Predicting academic achievement and cognitive ability from child and parent perceptions of ability
  • Is Teacher Stigma Associated with the Delivery of Instructional Supports to Students with Disabilities?

Featured Publications

Cormier, D. C., Bulut, O., McGrew, K. S., & Kennedy, K.

Journal of Intelligence. 2022 February; 10 (1):1-12

Examiner Drift: What It Is and How It Can be Avoided in Your Assessment Practices.

Antoniuk, A., & Cormier, D. C.

NASP Communique. 2021 May; 49 (3):10-11

Nelson, P. M., Van Norman, E. R., Parker, D. C., & Cormier, D. C.

Journal of Applied School Psychology. 2019 January;

Van Norman, E. R., Nelson, P. M., Klingbeil, D. A., Cormier, D. C., & Lekwa, A. J.

Contemporary School Psychology. 2019 January; 23 (2):152-162

Kan, A., Bulut, O., & Cormier, D. C.

Educational Assessment. 2019 January; 24 (1):13-32

Bulut, O., & Cormier, D. C.

Frontiers in Education. 2019 January; 68 (3)

Cormier, D. C., Bulut, O., Singh, D., Kennedy, K. E., Wang, K., Heudes, A., & Lekwa, A. J.

Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 2018 January;

Cormier, D. C., Van Norman, E. R., Cheong, C., Kennedy, K., Bulut, O., & Mrazik, M.

Canadian Journal of School Psychology. 2018 January;

Cormier, D. C., McGrew, K. S., Bulut, O., & Funamoto, A.

Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 2016 January;

Cormier, D. C., Yeo, S., Christ, T. J., Offrey, L., & Pratt, K.

Exceptionality. 2016 January;

Cormier, D. C., McGrew, K. S., Ysseldyke, J. E.

Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 2014 January;

Ardoin, S. P., Christ, T. J., Morena, L. S., Cormier, D. C., & Klingbeil, D. A.

Journal of School Psychology. 2013 January; 51 (1):1-18

Ysseldyke, J., Lekwa, A. J., Klingbeil, D. A., & Cormier, D. C.

Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. 2012 January; 21 (1):21-43

Christ, T. J., Silberglitt, B., Yeo, S., & Cormier, D. C.

School Psychology Review. 2010 January;