Joanne Weber, PhD

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education - Educational Psychology Dept

Pronouns: she/her


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education - Educational Psychology Dept
(306) 994-4541


Area of Study / Keywords

Deaf education bimodal bilingual education dual language education sign language deaf studies applied linguistics


Joanne Weber, PhD (2018) is a Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in deaf education and an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, at the University of Alberta. Her research interests include language and literacy education, arts-based literacy interventions, arts-based research, arts education, posthumanism, applied linguistics, and sign language studies. She was awarded the Governor General Academic Gold Medal at the University of Regina Convocation in June 2019. Joanne is also a published author. Her books, The Pear Orchard (poetry) and The Deaf House (creative non-fiction) were finalists in the Saskatchewan Book Awards (2007, 2013). Joanne is also a leader in the deaf community at provincial and national levels. Her lifelong passion is to improve the quality of education for deaf students. She is the artistic director of Deaf Crows Collective which aims to provide opportunities for theatre performance by deaf actors of all ages to celebrate Deaf culture, encourage self-expression, and foster relationships between hearing and Deaf communities.



Snoddon, Kristin, Weber, Joanne eds. (2021). Critical Perspectives on Plurilingualism in Deaf Education. Multilingual Matters, Bristol, UK

Chapters in Books

Weber, J. (2021) The Deaf way out of no way: Adaptation of a culturally relevant arts education (CRAE) model in a Deaf community devastated by cultural linguicide. Deaf Empowerment: Toward Decolonization of Sign Language Peoples, ed. Grushkin, D.; Monaghan, L. Elm Academic Press.

Weber, J. (2020). Interrogating local sign language ideologies in the Saskatchewan deaf community. Sign Language Ideologies in Practice, ed.  Green, M.; Kusters, A.; Erin Moriarty Harrelson, E.; Snoddon, K., Mouton DeGruyter / Ishara Press, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Weber, J. (2018). Captive Songs of Resistance: A Posthumanist Cartography of a Deaf Diaspora. Handbook of Cultural Studies in Education,  ed.Trifonas, P.; Jagger, S., Routledge Cultural Studies.  New York, NY: Routledge   

Weber, J (2021). Plurilingualism and Policy in Deaf Education, In K. Snoddon and J.Weber (Eds), Critical Perspectives on Plurilingualism in Deaf Education. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters 

Snoddon, K. & Weber, J. (2021). Introduction: Plurilingualism and (in)competence in deaf education. In K. Snoddon & J. Weber (Eds.), Critical Perspectives on Plurilingualism in Deaf Education Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters

Papers in Refereed Journals

Weber, J. (2022). Disrupting Binarized Diversity Discourses in ASL/English Bimodal Bilingual Deaf Education through Examining Affects within Apple Time, a Theatre Play, Volume 78 Issue 1, February / février 2022, pp. 17-33,

Weber, J. (2021). Cyborgs and Fox Wives: Interrogating Sign Language Ideologies and Moving Toward Survival, Resistance and Resilience. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies10(1), 54–83. Retrieved from

Culbert, K., Temple Jones, C., Foster, T., Loeppky, J., Weber, J. (2020) “We Make Art, Too”: A Panel Discussion on Disability Art and Activism on the Canadian Prairies. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(4), 138-145.

Weber, J. & Snoddon, K. (2020) Intelligibility as a methodological problem in the rehearsal spaces of “Apple Time”. Sign Language Studies, 20(4), 595-618.

Snoddon, K. & Weber, J. (2020). Commentary: Shapes and sites of deaf people’s transinstitutionalization. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies

Weber, J. (2017). Reinterpreting arts based data through a posthumanist lensSynnyt/Origin1, Special Issue: Rethinking arts-based & artistic research, pp. 61-73

Weber, J. (2015). Negotiating Deaf Identity in an Audist Educational Environment: An Arts-Based Inquiry.  Ubiquity: The Journal of Literacy, Literature and the Arts. Research Strand, 2(2), pp. 80-113.

Papers submitted to refereed journals

Weber, J. (2021, submitted) Making multiple deaf worlds intelligible through the theatre performance of Apple Time: A posthumanist arts-based cartography of deaf youth performers, Studies in Social Justice.

Weber, J., Skyer, M.E. (2022, submitted). The Aesthetics of OER, Deaf Pedagogy, and Curriculum Design Contra the “Wicked” Policy Problems of Deaf Education. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia. 

Presentations and Papers at Refereed Conferences 

  1. Co-presenter with Dr. Chelsea Jones, Dr. Helen Pridmore, Abneet Atwal, Dinner Table Experience: Deaf and Disabled Arts in and Beyond the Flyover Provinces of Canada, Pacific Rim Conference on Disabilities, February 28, 2022.
  2. Presenter, Troubling Intersectionality and the Potential of Critical Posthumanism in Arts-Based Research in Education, Canadian Society for Education through Art. November 14, 2021.
  3. Presenter, Culturally Relevant Arts Deaf Education, Deaf Studies Seminar, DHHA caucus and CDS program, School of Health Policy & Management and the Faculty of Health, November 4th, 2021.
  4. Co-presenter with Dr. Kristin Snoddon, Dr. Debra Russell, Dr. Schonstrom and Dr. Holmstrom; Dr. Dai O'Brien, Dr. Camilla Lindahl, Dr. Charlotte Enns, Dr. Oyserman and Dr. Geus; Dr. Mitchiner and Dr. Batamula, Critical Perspectives on Plurilingualism in Deaf Education. ICED, July 2021
  5. Presenter, Re-aligning audience perceptions of deaf people through the theatre performance of Apple Time, ICED, July 2021
  6. Co-presenter with Dr. Kristin Snoddon, On the Pitfalls and Hazards of Doing Deaf Community Research, Deaf Academic Conference, Montreal Quebec (virtual), June 19, 2021.
  7. Presenter, Becoming Deaf in the Posthumanist Era: Posthumanism, Arts-Based Research and Deaf Education, University of Alberta, Faculty of Education, January 20, 2021.
  8. Presenter, Using Selected EAL Strategies in Bimodal Bilingual Programs for DHH Students, BC-CAEDHH Conference, Vancouver, 2020 (October - Virtual presentation)  
  9. Co-presenter with Dr. Chelsea Jones, University of Regina, Artivism Across the ‘Flyover Provinces’: Reflecting on Disability and Deaf Life, CDSA, Vancouver, 2019 (June)
  10.  Presenter, American Association of Applied Linguistics, The Secrets of the Deaf Forest: Deaf Translanguaging Spaces, Atlanta, Georgia, 2019 (March)
  11.   Presenter, Canadian Disability Studies Association, Disrupting Diversity: Apple Time as a Liminal and Rhizomatic Space for all, UR Congress, Regina, 2018 (May)
  12.  Co-presenter with Dr. Kristin Snoddon, CCERBAL, Translanguaging and Sign Language Vitality in Education for Deaf Learners, University of Ottawa, 2018 (May)
  13.  Presenter, Deaf Academic Conference, Captive songs: Developing a Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in a Deaf Diaspora, Copenhagen, Denmark. 2017 (July)
  14.  Presenter, American Association of Applied Linguistics, A Reclaiming of Public Space  through Ambivalent Discourses Concerning ASL English Bilingual Education, Portland,  Oregon, 2017 (March)
  15. Presenter, Art-based Research and Artistic Research, Aalto University, Reinterpreting Arts Based Data Through Multiple Theories, Helsinki, Finland. 2016 (June)
  16. Poster presenter, International Congress on Education of the Deaf, The More Things Change, the More They Remain the Same: A Literacy Needs Assessment, Athens, Greece 2015 (July)


EDPY 301 Introduction to Inclusive Education

EDPY 474 Introduction to American Sign Language

EDPY 458/555 Assessment and Programming for Children with Reading Disability


I have a limited number of graduate student openings. I only supervise students who are using a social science or humanities lens - not a scientific or medical one. If you are interested in working with me, please specify in your email how much training/experience you have had in deaf education that does not view deaf persons through a deficit lens or in need of a "cure". Your work in linguistics, sign language, deaf studies, sociology, political theory, philosophy, critical disability studies or related sociocultural fields will be a valuable asset to my research program.


EDPY 474 - Introduction to American Sign Language

This is a practical course to develop basic skills in American Sign Language. Students may not receive credit for both EDPY 474 and EDPSY 451. Not to be taken by students with credit in ASL 111.

Browse more courses taught by Joanne Weber