Alexander Carpenter, PhD, MA, BMus

Professor, Augustana - Fine Arts & Humanities
Director, Faculty of Arts - Wirth Institute

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Professor, Augustana - Fine Arts & Humanities
(780) 679-1571
Founders' Hall
4901 46 Ave
Camrose AB
T4V 2R3

Director, Faculty of Arts - Wirth Institute
(780) 492-4326
300-B Arts Building (Main & Conv Hall)
113 St and 91 Ave
Edmonton AB
T6G 2E6


Area of Study / Keywords

Musicology popular music film music aesthetics psychoanalysis zombies


I am a musicologist, music critic, and rock musician. I studied voice and music history at Brock University, music criticism at McMaster University, and historical musicology at the University of Toronto, where I earned a PhD. At Augustana, I have served as Director of Music and as Chair of Fine Arts and Humanities.

At present, I am the Director of the Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies at the Edmonton campus of the University of Alberta.


Research areas: Arnold Schoenberg and the Second Viennese School, fin-de siecle-Vienna, popular music, music and psychoanalysis, zombies in popular culture, film music. 


Teaching areas: music history/musicology, cultural history, popular music, aesthetics, theory/harmony, interdisciplinary studies


AUIDS 101 - First Year Seminar

Selected topics that highlight the interdisciplinary nature of the Liberal Arts and Sciences. This seminar-style class is the first course in Augustana's Core. The focus and content of each course are determined by faculty interests, and vary from year to year.

AUMUS 170 - Tuning In: An Introduction to Music

Development of listening approaches and techniques for understanding and appreciating a variety of Western and non-Western music, and an examination of the ideologies that prompt the sampling of such music. Music studied includes Western art music, African music, First Nations music, North Indian music, and popular music.

AUMUS 369 - Popular Music: Analysis, Interpretation, Meaning

Critical examination of popular music, with a focus on analytical paradigms and methodologies and interdisciplinary approaches to interpretation.

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Featured Publications

Jerome Melancon, Alexander Carpenter

Journal of Zizek Studies. 2017 January; 11 (3):203-228

Alexander Carpenter

Intersections: Canadian Journal of Music. 2010 January; 30 (2):5-24

Alexander Carpenter

Journal of Popular Culture. 46 (6):1231-1252

Alexander Carpenter

Popular Music and Society. 40 (3):261-273