Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts - East Asian Studies Dept
Area of Study / Keywords
Literature Language History Religion Premodern Japan
PhD, Columbia University
BA, MA, University of Auckland
Premodern Japanese literature; poetry (waka) and poetic thought; anecdotal literature (setsuwa); classical Japanese language; the Japanese supernatural
EASIA 240 - Overview of Japanese Culture
Major trends in Japanese literature, art, and other forms of cultural expression, from earliest times to the modern period. Note: Not open to students with credit in JAPAN 240.
EASIA 247 - Samurai, Geisha, and Ghosts
Literature and art of early modern Japan, with attention paid to representations of warriors, women, and the supernatural. Prerequisite: EASIA 101, or consent of the Department.
EASIA 347 - The Japanese Supernatural
Representations of the supernatural in Japanese literature from the earliest times to the present day. Prerequisites: EASIA 101 and 3 units in EASIA at the senior level, or consent of the Department.
EASIA 443 - Japanese Theatre from the Noh to the Avant-garde
Note: Not open to students with credit in JAPAN 416. Prerequisite: EASIA 101 and 3 units in EASIA at the senior level, or consent of Department.
EASIA 490 - Honors Thesis
Note: Open to fourth year Honors students only.
JAPAN 341 - Classical Japanese I
Introduction to the classical Japanese language, involving study of classical Japanese grammar and reading of primary texts. Not a literature course. Prerequisite: JAPAN 202 or consent of the Department. EASIA 211 recommended.
JAPAN 598 - Topics in Pre-Modern Japanese Literature
Graduate students specializing in pre-modern Japanese literature must take JAPAN 598 at least once. May be repeated for credit when course content differs. A reading knowledge of Classical Japanese is required.