Alexandra Sheppard

Clinical Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry Dept


Clinical Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry Dept
(780) 492-4479
5-577 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy
11405 87 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 1C9



Alexandra Sheppard is a Clinical Professor in the School of Dentistry and a faculty member since 1999. She is a registered dental hygienist since 1993 providing dental hygiene treatment in a private practice which specializes in the treatment of anxious patients and is authorized for the restricted activities of local anaesthesia, nitrous oxide/oxygen conscious sedation, and prescribing Schedule 1 drugs listed in the Dental Hygienists Profession Regulation.

For the past 25 years Alexandra has been an educator teaching dental anatomy, motivational interviewing, ethics, periodontology, caries, nutrition, prescribing and third and fourth year clinical coordination.  

In a volunteer capacity Alexandra is a former Dental Hygiene Committee Chair for the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada (CDAC). She is the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA) Director from Alberta and current President Elect. During 2022-2023 Alexandra was a House of Delegate (2022-2023) representing the CDHA and Canada for the International Federation of Dental Hygienists.

Alexandra is the past Co-Chair of Activities for the University Club formerly known as the Faculty Club.



Clarke A, Lai H, Sheppard ADE, Yoon M. Effect of diagnostic score reporting following a structured clinical assessment of dental hygiene student performance. Can J Dent Hyg. 2021; 55(1): 39-47.

Clarke A, Lai H, Sheppard ADE, Yoon M. Development of diagnostic score reporting for a dental hygiene structured clinical assessment. Can J Dent Hyg. 2021; 55(1): 48-56.

Jain P, Stevenson T, Sheppard A, Rankin K, Compton S, Preshing W, Anderson R, Islam S, Mackie A. Antibiotic prophylaxis for infective endocarditis: Knowledge and implementation of American Heart Association Guidelines among dentists and dental hygienists in Alberta, Canada. JADA. 2015; 146(10): 743-750.

Jain P, Stevenson T, Sheppard A, Compton S, Preshing W, Anderson R, Mackie A. Antibiotic prophylaxis for bacterial endocarditis: A study of knowledge and implementation of American Heart Association guidelines among dentists and dental hygienists. Can J Cardiol. 2014; 30(10): S317.


SHEPPARD ADE. Nutrition for a healthy mouth. Int J Dent Hygiene. 2006; 4(4):217.

Sheppard Alexandra. Preparation of dental hygiene students in prescribing drugs for dental hygiene care. J Dent Educ. 2023; 87. p. 260.

Sheppard Alexandra, Cauti Susan, Fawcett Susan, Martindale Roberta, Ward Christopher, Yoon Minn N. Caring for clients with head and neck cancer: An interprofessional approach. Can J Dent Hyg. 2019; 52(2).

Lockwood S, Clark, D, Sheppard, A, Male W, Gitzel, B, Levin L. Development of a periodontal risk assessment tool. J Dent Educ/ 2019; 83(2). p. 233.

Sheppard ADE, Compton SM, Lai H, Moran B. Examining Interventions provided by dental hygiene students based on a patient’s nutritional status: An exploratory study. J Clin Perio. 2018; 45 (S19); p. 178-179.

Nguyen K, Compton S, Sheppard A. Evaluating occurrences and recommendations for patients with dry mouth in predoctoral student dental clinics. J Dent Educ. 2017; 81 (2); p. 197.

Sheppard ADE, Cobban SJ, Compton SJ, Kline LM. Evaluation of Evening Student Clinics in a Dental Hygiene Program. J Dent Educ. 2013; 77(2):241.

Sheppard ADE. Dental hygiene students’ service-learning experiences in the inner city. J Dent Educ. 2011; 75(2). p. 197.


Clarke A, Lai H, Sheppard ADE, Yoon M. Effect of diagnostic score reporting following a structured clinical assessment of dental hygiene student performance. Can J Dent Hyg. 2021; 55(1): 39-47.

Clarke A, Lai H, Sheppard ADE, Yoon M. Development of diagnostic score reporting for a dental hygiene structured clinical assessment. Can J Dent Hyg. 2021; 55(1): 48-56.

Jain P, Stevenson T, Sheppard A, Rankin K, Compton S, Preshing W, Anderson R, Islam S, Mackie A. Antibiotic prophylaxis for infective endocarditis: Knowledge and implementation of American Heart Association Guidelines among dentists and dental hygienists in Alberta, Canada. JADA. 2015; 146(10): 743-750.

Jain P, Stevenson T, Sheppard A, Compton S, Preshing W, Anderson R, Mackie A. Antibiotic prophylaxis for bacterial endocarditis: A study of knowledge and implementation of American Heart Association guidelines among dentists and dental hygienists. Can J Cardiol. 2014; 30(10): S317.


SHEPPARD ADE. Nutrition for a healthy mouth. Int J Dent Hygiene. 2006; 4(4):217.


Alexandra's teaching areas include dental anatomy, periodontology, professionalism and professional ethics, prescription writing, clinical dental hygiene including the dental hygiene management and treatment of patients with complex health histories. 



D HYG 356B - Oral Health Sciences IV

This course provides advanced understanding and critical analysis of periodontal and implant diseases, dental caries, and nutritional concepts related to oral health. Mechanisms for pain control are covered, including local anaesthesia.

D HYG 429B - External Rotation

Each student will spend two weeks at an external placement. Students may provide health promotional programs including preventive dental hygiene therapies, classroom education and community interventions. This program aims to provide intensive exposure to dental hygiene practice both within and external to traditional dental practice settings. Prerequisite: D HYG 360.

D HYG 455B - Oral Health Sciences V

This course will advance knowledge and application of pharmacology and develop proficiency in the elements of prescribing drugs for dental hygiene practice. Emphasis is placed on safety of prescribing drugs including the reporting process for adverse effects.

D HYG 460B - Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice III

A clinical course with increased practicum experiences in alternative settings with diverse individuals and population groups. Students will be scheduled in numerous external settings as well as onsite in the Oral Health Clinic. Prerequisite: D HYG 360.

D HYG 462B - Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice III Part B

A clinical course with increased practicum experiences in alternative settings with diverse individuals and population groups. Students will be scheduled in numerous external settings as well as onsite in the Oral Health Clinic. Restricted to students that completed D HYG 361 in Spring Term. Prerequisite: D HYG 361.

Browse more courses taught by Alexandra Sheppard

Featured Publications

Preparation of dental hygiene students in prescribing drugs for dental hygiene care

International Symposium of Dental Hygiene. 2022 June;