Andy Greenshaw

Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Psychiatry Dept


Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Psychiatry Dept



Dr. Andrew Greenshaw is currently appointed as Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta. 

Dr. Greenshaw also serves as the Scientic Director of the APEC Digital Hub for Mental Health and serves as the Board Chair for Mental Health Research Canada, based in Toronto, and for Our House Addiction Recovery Centre in Edmonton, Alberta.


PSYCI 515 - Maternal, Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Lectures and seminars on mental health from the perspective of the developing child and adolescent. As the foundations of mental health are determined by the complex interplay of genetics and the environment, issues related to maternal mental health and potential impact on the developing foetus are also examined. Prerequisite: consent of the Department.

PSYCI 603 - Psychiatry Tutorial, Research and Reading Course

This course allows a student to study an area of psychiatry in much greater detail than usual. Format is usually a reading/tutorial in which the student carries out directed reading and meets with the tutor regularly. Term papers will be used for evaluation purposes. The course requires independent study. Students who have a particular interest in any specific area in psychiatry are encouraged to meet with Faculty members to explore the possibly of arranging a suitable topic. Prerequisite: consent of Department.

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