Ahmed Qureshi, PhD, PEng

Professor and Engineering Research Chair in Advanced Manufacturing Processes and Automation, Faculty of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Dept


Professor and Engineering Research Chair in Advanced Manufacturing Processes and Automation, Faculty of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Dept
(780) 492-3609
10-217 Donadeo Innovation Centre For Engineering
9211 116 St
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H5


Area of Study / Keywords

Design And Manufacturing Additive Manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing Automation And Robotics Engineering Management Information And Knowledge Management Ergonomics Process Management



  • 2007-2011 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France
  • 2006-2007 M.S. Design Innovation & Industrial Production, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France
  • 1998-2002 B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore


My research interests are centered around the areas of advanced Design and Manufacturing, leading extensive research and development projects in Additive Manufacturing, Robust Design, and Engineering Design. I am currently leading and collaborating on the following key projects:

  • Design and development of robotic wire-based additive manufacturing processes
  • Design and development of plasma transfer arc based additive manufacturing process for oil sands operations
  • Geometric deviation modeling of metal additive manufacturing processes
  • Sub voxel micro control for geometric modeling of vat photopolymerization processes
  • Design and development of ferromagnetic 3D printing processes
  • Design and development of ferromagnetic polymer metal matrix resins
  • Investment casting processes
  • Transdisciplinary engineering design processes

Information and updates on the above projects can be found by visiting my google scholar page below:



Please note that I post all of my research vacancies on my Linkedin profile which can be found here:


Please follow this profile for upcoming job postings and apply through the links provided.

Please also note that due to the sheer volume of application emails that I receive, I am unable to reply to your individual emailed applications. 


ENG M 501 - Production and Operations Management

Production and operations management, analysis, and design of work, forecasting, inventory management including MRP, JIT, and Kanban, maintenance management, facility layout, operations scheduling, and project planning and management. Credit cannot be obtained in both ENG M 501 and MEC E 513. Prerequisites: one of ENGG 310, 401 or ENG M 310, 401 and STAT 235 or equivalent.

MEC E 265A - Engineering Graphics and CAD

Engineering drawing and sketching, conventional drafting, computer-aided drawing in 2D and 3D, solid modelling, and computer-aided design.

MEC E 265B - Engineering Graphics and CAD

Engineering drawing and sketching, conventional drafting, computer-aided drawing in 2D and 3D, solid modelling, and computer-aided design.

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