Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept


Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept


Area of Study / Keywords

Determinants of Health Epidemiology Quality of Care Rural or Remote Residence Location Screening Global health Indigenous health Chronic kidney disease


Dr Bello is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Alberta, and Consultant Nephrologist at the University of Alberta Hospital. He is a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences  (FCAHS) and Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease.

He qualified as a medical doctor in Nigeria at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, and underwent specialist clinical training in internal medicine, nephrology, and epidemiology in Ibadan, Nigeria; Sheffield, UK; and Edmonton, Canada. He holds multiple research grants from major provincial and national research organizations including the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). He has published original research work in major general medical journals including the Lancet, JAMA and the BMJ. He reviews regularly for the major general medical and nephrology journals including The Lancet, JAMA, BMJ and Kidney International. He has more than 250 peer-reviewed scientific publications (articles, book chapters and monographs) with over 75000 citations, and H-Index of 64. Dr Bello is keenly interested in global health initiatives to improve nephrology practice and education in emerging nations. He is currently a Co-Chair for the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) Global Kidney Health Atlas (GKHA) Project; an initiative for the development and implementation of strategies to enhance global equity in kidney care across all regions and countries of the world.

Training, education and professional affiliations

�    Fellowship of the African Academy of Sciences (FAAS), 2024

�    Fellowship of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (FCAHS), 2023

�    Fellowship of the International Society of Nephrology  (FISN), 2023

�    Fellowship of the American Society of Nephrology (FASN), 2015

�    Fellowship of the American College of Physicians (FACP), 2014

�    Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians (FRCP), 2013

�    Specialist Registration (Renal), General Medical Council (UK), 2012

�    Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (supervised by Dr Marcello Tonelli) in Nephrology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 2011-2012

�    Clinical Fellowship in Nephrology & Transplantation, University of Alberta, 2010-2011

�    Clinical Fellow in Nephrology/Honorary Lecturer, Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, 2004-2009

�    PhD in Nephrology/Epidemiology (supervised by Professor Meguid El Nahas), University of Sheffield, 2003-2007

�    MMedSci (with Distinction) in Nephrology, University of Sheffield, 2002-2003

�    Residency Training in General Internal Medicine, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2000-2002

�    MBBS (MD), Usmanu Danfodiyo, Nigeria, 1992-1998


Dr. Bello is a clinician-scientist with research interests in improving outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Central themes are innovative care delivery pathways, rural/remote health, global kidney health initiatives, novel risk markers for adverse outcomes in the CKD population, and preventing disease progression and reducing risk of complications. He studies and designs programs to optimize delivery of care to disadvantaged populations (remote, rural, and/or Aboriginal) with CKD.

Research Projects:
Global kidney health and CKD epidemiology:Landmark reviews by Dr Bello have drawn attention to CKD as an important public health issue. At the invitation of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN), he co-chaired the development of the Global Kidney Health Atlas (GKHA) Project, which assessed for the first time the current capacity for kidney care across all world regions.

Representative contributions:

  1. Bello AK, Levin A, Tonelli M, Okpechi IG, Feehally J, Harris D, Jindal K, Salako BL, Rateb A, Osman MA, Qarni B, Saad S, Lunney M, Wiebe N, Ye F, Johnson DW. Assessment of global kidney health care status. JAMA, 2017; 317:1864-1881.
  2. Thomas B, Matsushita K, Abate HK, Al-Aly Z, Arnlov J, Asayama K, Atkins R, Badawi A, Ballew SH, Banerjee A, Barregard LM Barrett-Connor, E, Basu S, Bello AK, Bensenor I, Bergstrom J, Bikbov B, et al. Global Cardiovascular and Renal Outcomes of Reduced GFR. J Am Soc Nephrol 2017, Apr 13 (epub ahead of print).
  3. Bruck K, Stel VS, Gambaro G, Hallan S, Volzke H, Arnlov J, Kastarinen M, Guessous I, Vinhas J, Stengel B, Brenner H, Chudek J, Romundstad S, Tomson C, Gonzalez AO, Bello AK, Ferrieres J, Palmieri L, Browne G, Capuano V, Van Biesen W, Zoccali C, Gansevoort R, Navis G, Rothenbacher D, Ferraro PM, Nitsch D, Wanner C, Jager KJ. CKD Prevalence Varies across the European General Population. J Am Soc Nephrol 2016; 27: 2135-47
  4. Bello AK, Levin A, Manns BJ, Feehally J, Drueke T, Faruque L, Hemmelgarn BR, Kernahan C, Mann J, Klarenbach S, Remuzzi G, Tonelli M. Effective CKD care in European countries: challenges and opportunities for health policy. Am J Kidney Dis 2015; 65: 15-25.
  5. Bello AK, Kawar B, M El Kossi, El Nahas AM. Epidemiology & Pathophysiology of Chronic Kidney Disease. In Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology. Editors, John Fehally, Floege and Johnson.4th Edition. Publisher: Elsevier, 2011.
  6. Bello AK, Tonelli M, Jagger K. Renal Disease- Epidemiology. In Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology. Editors, Davison, Cameron and Winearls.4th Edition. Publisher: Oxford University Press, 2015.
  7. Bello AK, Nwankwo E, El Nahas AM. Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Global Challenge. Kidney International, 2005: S98: S11-7.

    Regional and social inequalities in kidney health: Dr Bello explores the mechanisms by which, as is well established, socio-economic status and geography affect health. His team in the UK used a large CKD cohort database and sophisticated geographical information systems (GIS) to show that subjects living in socio-economically deprived areas presented with more advanced CKD. Since coming to Alberta, he has shown that remotely located patients with CKD are less likely to receive recommended quality care and more likely to experience adverse health outcomes. He built a national collaborative team of experts that investigates how care varies in relation to patient and provider characteristics and by region across Canada.

    Representative contributions:
  8. Bello AK, A.A. Abdel Rahman, Rigby J, Peters J, El Nahas AM. Socio-economic status and Chronic Kidney Disease at Presentation to a Renal Service in the UK. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology; 2008; 3:1316-1323.
  9. Bello AK, Peters J, Wight J, de Zeeuw D,  El Nahas AM. A Population-based Screening for Microalbuminuria among Relatives of CKD Patients: The Kidney Evaluation and Awareness Program in Sheffield (KEAPS). American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 2008; 52:434-443.
  10. Bello AK, Hemmelgarn B, Lloyd A, James MT, Manns BJ, Klarenbach S, Tonelli M. Associations among estimated glomerular filtration rate, proteinuria, and adverse cardiovascular outcomes . Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2011; 6(6): 1418-26. 
  11. Rucker D, Hemmelgarn BR, Lin M, Manns BJ, Klarenbach SW, Ayyalasomayajula B, James MT, Bello AK, Gordon D, Jindal KK, Tonelli M. Quality of care and mortality are worse in chronic kidney disease patients living in remote areas. Kidney Int 2011; 79(2): 210-7.
  12. Bello AK, Hemmelgarn BR, Lloyd A,   Klarenbach SW,  Manns BJ, Tonelli  M. Multiple Versus Single and Other Estimates of Baseline Proteinuria Status as Predictors of Adverse Outcomes in the General Population, American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 2012;59:364-71.
  13. Bello AK, Hemmelgarn BR, Lloyd A, Klarenbach SW, James MT,  Manns BJ, Tonelli  M. Impact of remote location on quality care delivery and relationships to  adverse outcomes in patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2012; 27:3849-3855.
  14. Bello AK, Hemmelgarn BR, Lloyd A,   Klarenbach SW, James MT,  Manns BJ, Tonelli  M. A Population-based study on care and clinical outcomes in remote-dwellers with heavy proteinuria. Kidney International Suppl 3, 201 3; 254-258. 
  15. Ayyalasomayajula B, Wiebe N, Hemmelgarn BR, Bello AK, Manns B, Klarenbach S, Tonelli M.  A novel technique to optimize facility locations of new nephrology services for remote areas. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2011; 6(9): 2157-64.

    Delivery of CKD care with a specific focus on remote areas: Dr Bello therefore conducts policy-relevant research on interventions to improve care delivery and outcomes among remote/rural dwellers with CKD in Alberta. He has helped develop innovations such as an e-Consult system linking family physicians to kidney specialists, and a CKD surveillance system in primary care.

    Representative contributions:
  16. Akbari A, Clase CM, Acott P, Battistella M, Bello A, Feltmate P, Grill A, Karsanji M, Komenda P, Madore F, Manns BJ, Mahdavi S, Mustafa RA, Smyth A, Welcher ES. Canadian Society of Nephrology commentary on the KDIGO clinical practice guideline for CKD evaluation and management. Am J Kidney Dis 2015; 65(2): 177-205.
  17. Bello AK, Anita E. Molzahn, Louis P Girard, Mohamed A. Osman, Ikechi G Okpechi, Jodi Glassford, Stephanie Thompson, Erin Keely, Clare Liddy, Braden Manns, Kailash Jinda, Scott Klarenbach, Brenda Hemmelgarn, Marcello Tonelli. . Patient and provider perspectives on the design and implementation of an electronic consultation system for kidney care delivery in Canada: A focus group study. BMJ Open, 2017 (In press)
  18. Bello AK, Qarni B, Samimi A, Okel J, Chatterley T, Okpechi IG, Vandermeer B, Braam B. Effectiveness of multifaceted care approach on adverse clinical outcomes in non-diabetic CKD: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Kidney International Reports, 2017 (In Press)
  19. Osman M, Okel J, Okpechi IG, Jindal, K. Bello AK. Potential applications of telenephrology to enhance global kidney care. BMJ Global Health, 2017 (In Press)
  20. Bello AK, Ronksley P, Tangri N, Grill A, Singer A, Mangin D, Drummond N. Improving CKD management in primary care using the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network: A study protocol of a retrospective observational study. BMJ Open, 2017 (In press)

    Collaboration: Dr Bello seeks to improve kidney care in collaboration with 
    �    the Alberta Kidney Disease Network (AKDN)
    �    the Kidney Health Strategic Clinical Network (Kidney Health SCN) 
    �    the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN)
    �    Canadians Seeking Solutions and Innovations to Overcome Chronic Kidney Disease (Can-SOLVE CKD)
    �    the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) collaboration.


Dr Bello supervises summer and graduate (MSci and PhD) students, residents, and fellows in research projects. He serves as a course tutor for a renal epidemiology course for nephrology fellows at the University of Alberta. He trains residents and medical students rotating on nephrology in-patient service.

He regularly speaks at national and international conferences:

Recent Scholarly Presentations


2021  International Society of Nephrology (ISN) Research Spotlight Session: How we bridge gaps, build capacity and connect communities. March 2, 2021.

2020  International Society of Nephrology (ISN) Research Collaborative Meeting and 1st International Consensus Meeting on Defining Kidney Failure in Clinical Trials (international stakeholder meeting), Vancouver, BC January 31-February 1.

2019    International Society of Nephrology Global Policy Forum on Kidney Care in Oceania. World Congress of Nephrology, Melbourne, Australia, April 12-15, 2019.

2019    Invited Speaker/Visiting Professor: "The Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network and CKD Surveillance. "Division of Nephrology, John Hopkins University School of Medicine, May 6, 2018.

2018    Invited Speaker: "The Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network and CKD Surveillance." American Society of Nephrology: ASN, 2018, San Diego, October 26, 2018.

2018    International Society of Nephrology Renal Centre Program, ISN, Sokoto, Nigeria, November 12-15, 2018.

2018    International Society of Nephrology Global Policy Forum on End stage Kidney Disease, Dubai, UAE, March 15-18, 2018.

2017    3rd Biennial Conference of Transplant Association of Nigeria & 1st International Conference of College of Health Sciences Bayero University of Kano. 

2017 Invited speaker: Announcing results from the first-ever Global Kidney Health Atlas. World Congress of Nephrology (WCN), Apr 21-25, Mexico City.

2017 Invited speaker: Kidney care in low and middle income countries. 11th Conference on Kidney Disease in Disadvantaged Populations, Apr 25-26, Santiago de Queretaro, Mexico. 

2016 Invited speaker: Patient-oriented research in nephrology: challenge and opportunities for developing nations. Annual Scientific Conference and General Meeting of the Nigerian Association of Nephrology, Feb 14-18, Sokoto, Nigeria.

2016 Invited speaker: Progressive CKD: Current status of care and implications for renal replacement therapy modality option in resource poor settings. Annual Scientific Conference and General Meeting of the Nigerian Association of Nephrology, Feb 14-18, Sokoto, Nigeria.


2018    Invited Speaker, Provincial Nephrology Rounds, University of British Columbia. Topic: Global Kidney Atlas: International and Canadian Findings. Vancouver, September 7, 2018

2018    Invited Speaker, Summer Institute 2018 Keys to Collaboration Conference, Organized by Alberta Innovates held at Best Western Village Park In;Calgary, May 16th, 2018

 2017 Invited speaker: Nephrology advice consult & e-referral for primary care. Alberta Kidney Days 2017: Excellence in Kidney Care - The Power of Partnerships, March 10-11, Calgary. 

2016 Invited speaker: Challenges and opportunities in delivering optimal kidney care to remote dwelling and Northern Canadians with CKD. Canadian Society of Nephrology Administrators (CANA) at CSN, May 11, Halifax.

Featured Publications

Muneer S., Okpechi I.G., Ye F., Zaidi D., Tinwala M.M., Hamonic L.N., Ghimire A., Sultana N., Slabu D., Khan M., Braam B., Jindal K., Klarenbach S., Padwal R., Ringrose J., Scott-Douglas N., Shojai S., Thompson S., Bello A.K.

Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. 2022 June; 9 10.1177/20543581221106248

Okpechi I.G., Hariramani V.K., Sultana N., Ghimire A., Zaidi D., Muneer S., Tinwala M.M., Ye F., Sebastianski M., Abdulrahman A., Braam B., Jindal K., Khan M., Klarenbach S., Shojai S., Thompson S., Bello A.K.

PLoS ONE. 2022 June; 17 (6 June) 10.1371/journal.pone.0269839

Bello A.K., Okpechi I.G., Osman M.A., Cho Y., Htay H., Jha V., Wainstein M., Johnson D.W.

Nature Reviews Nephrology. 2022 June; 18 (6):378-395 10.1038/s41581-022-00542-7

Clase C.M., Dicks E., Holden R., Sood M.M., Levin A., Kalantar-Zadeh K., Moore L.W., Bartlett S.J., Bello A.K., Bohm C., Bridgewater D., Bouchard J., Burger D., Carrero J.J., Donald M., Elliott M., Goldenberg M.J., Jardine M., Lam N.N., Maddigan W.J., Madore F., Mavrakanas T.A., Molnar A.O., Prasad G.V.R., Rigatto C., Tennankore K.K., Torban E., Trainor L., White C.A., Hartwig S.

Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. 2022 May; 9 10.1177/20543581221080327

Okpechi I.G., Jha V., Cho Y., Ye F., Ijezie C.I., Jindal K., Klarenbach S., Makusidi M.A., Okpechi-Samuel U.S., Okwuonu C., Shah N., Thompson S., Tonelli M., Johnson D.W., Bello A.K.

Nephrology. 2022 May; 27 (5):391-403 10.1111/nep.14024

Chong C., Smekal M., Hemmelgarn B., Elliott M., Allu S., Wick J., McBrien K., Jackson W., Bello A., Jindal K., Scott-Douglas N., Manns B., Tonelli M., Donald M.

Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. 2022 May; 9 10.1177/20543581221097456

Okpechi I.G., Caskey F.J., Gaipov A., Tannor E.K., Noubiap J.J., Effa E., Ekrikpo U.E., Hamonic L.N., Ashuntantang G., Bello A.K., Donner J.A., Figueiredo A.E., Inagi R., Madero M., Malik C., Moorthy M., Pecoits-Filho R., Tesar V., Levin A., Jha V.

Kidney International Reports. 2022 April; 7 (6):1341-1353 10.1016/j.ekir.2022.03.031

Ghimire A., Sultana N., Ye F., Hamonic L.N., Grill A.K., Singer A., Akbari A., Braam B., Collister D., Jindal K., Courtney M., Shah N., Ronksley P.E., Shurraw S., Brimble K.S., Klarenbach S., Chou S., Shojai S., Deved V., Wong A., Okpechi I., Bello A.K.

BMJ Open. 2022 April; 12 (4):e055456 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055456

Okpechi I.G., Muneer S., Ye F., Zaidi D., Ghimire A., Tinwala M.M., Saad S., Osman M.A., Lunyera J., Tonelli M., Caskey F., George C., Kengne A.P., Malik C., Damster S., Levin A., Johnson D., Jha V., Bello A.K.

BMJ Open. 2022 March; 12 (3) 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055658

Nkunu V., Wiebe N., Bello A., Campbell S., Tannor E., Varghese C., Stanifer J., Tonelli M.

Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. 2022 March; 9 10.1177/20543581221077505

Bello A.K., Johnson D.W.

Nature Reviews Nephrology. 2022 March; 18 (3):133-134 10.1038/s41581-021-00527-y

Lafta A., Ukrainetz J., Davison S., Thompson S., Bello A., Braam B.

PLoS ONE. 2022 February; 17 (2 February) 10.1371/journal.pone.0262519

Okpechi I.G., Zaidi D., Ye F., Fradette M., Schick-Makaroff K., Berendonk C., Abdulrahman A., Braam B., Ghimire A., Hariramani V.K., Jindal K., Khan M., Klarenbach S., Muneer S., Ringrose J., Scott-Douglas N., Shojai S., Slabu D., Sultana N., Tinwala M.M., Thompson S., Padwal R., Bello A.K.

CJKHD. 2022 February; 9 10.1177/20543581221077500

Donald M, Beanlands H, Straus S, Harwood L, Herrington G, Waldvogel B, Delgado M, Sparkes D, Watson P, Elliott M, McBrien K, Bello A, Hemmelgarn B.

A Research Protocol for Implementation and Evaluation of a Patient-Focused eHealth Intervention for Chronic Kidney Disease. 2022 January; 2 (1):85-94 10.1007/s43477-022-00038-3

Wang A.Y.M., Okpechi I.G., Ye F., Kovesdy C.P., Brunori G., Burrowes J.D., Campbell K., Damster S., Fouque D., Friedman A.N., Garibotto G., Guebre-Egziabher F., Harris D., Iseki K., Jha V., Jindal K., Kalantar-Zadeh K., Kistler B., Kopple J.D., Kuhlmann M., Lunney M., Mafra D., Malik C., Moore L.W., Price S.R., Steiber A., Wanner C., Wee P.T., Levin A., Johnson D.W., Bello A.K.

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2022 January; 17 (1):38-52 10.2215/CJN.07800621

Schick-Makaroff K., Lagendyk L., Foster B., Lam N.N., Braam B., Bello A., Shojai S., Wen K.

Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. 2022 January; 9 10.1177/20543581211072330

Hockham C, Bao L, Tiku A, Badve SV, Bello AK, Jardine MJ, Jha V, Toyama T, Woodward M, Jun M.

Clin Kidney J.. 2022 January; 15 (6):1144-1151 10.1093/ckj/sfac030

Okpechi I.G., Bello A.K., Luyckx V.A., Wearne N., Swanepoel C.R., Jha V.

NEPHROLOGY. 2021 December; 26 (12):948-960 10.1111/nep.13935

Dahiya A., Bello A., Thompson S., Schick-Makaroff K., Pannu N.

Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. 2021 December; 8 10.1177/20543581211065255

Smekal M.D., Donald M., Beanlands H., Straus S., Herrington G., Waldvogel B., Sparkes D., Delgado M., Bello A., Hemmelgarn B.R.

Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. 2021 December; 8 10.1177/20543581211063981

Smekal M.D., Bello A.K., Donald M., Zaidi D., McBrien K., Nicholson K., Novak E., Hemmelgarn B.

BMJ Open. 2021 November; 11 (11) 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-046068

Donald M., Smekal M.D., Elliott M.J., McBrien K., Weaver R.G., Manns B.J., Tonelli M., Bello A., Straus S.E., Scott-Douglas N., Jindal K., Hemmelgarn B.R.

BMC Nephrology. 2021 October; 22 (1) 10.1186/s12882-021-02533-5

Ajayi S.O., Ekrikpo U.E., Ekanem A.M., Raji Y.R., Ogah O.S., Ojji D.B., Okpechi-Samuel U.S., Ndlovu K.C.Z., Bello A.K., Okpechi I.G.

International Journal of Hypertension. 2021 October; 2021 10.1155/2021/7243523

Luyckx V.A., Al-Aly Z., Bello A.K., Bellorin-Font E., Carlini R.G., Fabian J., Garcia-Garcia G., Iyengar A., Sekkarie M., van Biesen W., Ulasi I., Yeates K., Stanifer J.

Nature Reviews Nephrology. 2021 October; 17 (10):704 10.1038/s41581-021-00473-9

Mudiayi D, Shojai S, Okpechi I, Christie EA, Wen K, Kamaleldin M, Osman ME, Lunney M, Prasad B, Osman MA, Ye F, Khan M, Htay H, Caskey F, Jindal KK, Klarenback S, Jha V, Rondeau E, Kazancioglu RT, Ossareh S, Jager KJ, Kovesdy C, Oconnell P, Muller E, Olanrewaju T, Gill J, Tonelli M, Harris DC, Levin A, Johnson DW, Bello AK

Transplantation . 2021 September; Online ahead of print 10.1097/TP.0000000000003943

Okpechi I.G., Tinwala M.M., Muneer S., Zaidi D., Ye F., Hamonic L.N., Khan M., Sultana N., Brimble S., Grill A., Klarenbach S., Lindeman C., Molnar A., Nitsch D., Ronksley P., Shojai S., Soos B., Tangri N., Thompson S., Tuot D., Drummond N., Mangin D., Bello A.K.

Systematic Reviews. 2021 July; 10 (1) 10.1186/s13643-021-01752-z

Thompson S., Schick-Makaroff K., Bello A., Tonelli M., Wiebe N., Buzinski R., Courtney M., Szigety S., Shah N., Bohm C.

CJKHD. 2021 July; 8 10.1177/20543581211032857

Yeung E., Bello A.K., Levin A., Lunney M., Osman M.A., Ye F., Ashuntantang G., Bellorin-Font E., Benghanem Gharbi M., Davison S., Ghnaimat M., Harden P., Jha V., Kalantar-Zadeh K., Kerr P., Klarenbach S., Kovesdy C., Luyckx V., Neuen B., O'Donoghue D., Ossareh S., Perl J., Ur Rashid H., Rondeau E., See E., Saad S., Sola L., Tchokhonelidze I., Tesar V., Tungsanga K., Turan Kazancioglu R., Wang A.Y.M., Wiebe N., Yang C.W., Zemchenkov A., Zhao M., Jager K.J., Caskey F., Perkovic V., Jindal K., Okpechi I.G., Tonelli M., Feehally J., Harris D.C.H., Johnson D.

BMJ Open. 2021 June; 11 (7):e047245 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-047245

Bello A.K., Okpechi I.G., Jha V., Harris D.C.H., Levin A., Johnson D.W.

Kidney International Supplements. 2021 May; 11 (2):e4-e10 10.1016/j.kisu.2021.01.010

Kelly D.M., Anders H.J., Bello A.K., Choukroun G., Coppo R., Dreyer G., Eckardt K.U., Johnson D.W., Jha V., Harris D.C.H., Levin A., Lunney M., Luyckx V., Marti H.P., Messa P., Mueller T.F., Saad S., Stengel B., Vanholder R.C., Weinstein T., Khan M., Zaidi D., Osman M.A., Ye F., Tonelli M., Okpechi I.G., Rondeau E.

Kidney International Supplements. 2021 May; 11 (2):e106-e118 10.1016/j.kisu.2021.01.007

Zhang L., Wang J., Yang C.W., Tang S.C.w., Kashihara N., Kim Y.s., Togtokh A., Saad S., Ye F., Khan M., Zaidi D., Osman M.A., Lunney M., Okpechi I.G., Jha V., Harris D.C.H., Levin A., Tonelli M., Johnson D.W., Bello A.K., Zhao M.h.

Kidney International Supplements. 2021 May; 11 (2):e77-e85 10.1016/j.kisu.2021.01.011

Amouzegar A., Abu-Alfa A.K., Alrukhaimi M.N., Bello A.K., Ghnaimat M.A., Johnson D.W., Jha V., Harris D.C.H., Levin A., Tonelli M., Lunney M., Saad S., Khan M., Zaidi D., Osman M.A., Ye F., Okpechi I.G., Ossareh S.

Kidney International Supplements. 2021 May; 11 (2):e47-e56 10.1016/j.kisu.2021.01.002

Divyaveer S.S., Ramachandran R., Sahay M., Singh Shah D., Akhtar F., Bello A.K., Iyengar A., Johnson D.W., Harris D.C.H., Levin A., Lunney M., Rahman M., Rashid H.U., Saad S., Zaidi D., Osman M.A., Varughese S., Wijewickrama E.S., Khan M., Ye F., Tonelli M., Okpechi I.G., Jha V.

Kidney International Supplements. 2021 May; 11 (2):e97-e105 10.1016/j.kisu.2021.01.006

Ethier I., Johnson D.W., Bello A.K., Ye F., Osman M.A., Levin A., Harris D.C.H., Kerr P., Liew A., Wong M.G., Lunney M., Saad S., Zaidi D., Khan M., Jha V., Tonelli M., Okpechi I.G., Viecelli A.K.

Kidney International Supplements. 2021 May; 11 (2):e86-e96 10.1016/j.kisu.2021.01.004

Bello A.K., McIsaac M., Okpechi I.G., Johnson D.W., Jha V., Harris D.C.H., Saad S., Zaidi D., Osman M.A., Ye F., Lunney M., Jindal K., Klarenbach S., Kalantar-Zadeh K., Kovesdy C.P., Parekh R.S., Prasad B., Khan M., Riaz P., Tonelli M., Wolf M., Levin A.

Kidney International Supplements. 2021 May; 11 (2):e66-e76 10.1016/j.kisu.2021.01.001

Wainstein M., Bello A.K., Jha V., Harris D.C.H., Levin A., Gonzalez-Bedat M.C., Rosa-Diez G.J., Ferreiro Fuentes A., Sola L., Pecoits-Filho R., Claure-Del Granado R., Madero M., Osman M.A., Saad S., Zaidi D., Lunney M., Ye F., Katz I.J., Khan M., Shrapnel S., Tonelli M., Okpechi I.G., Johnson D.W.

Kidney International Supplements. 2021 May; 11 (2):e35-e46 10.1016/j.kisu.2021.01.005

Debska-Slizien A., Bello A.K., Johnson D.W., Jha V., Harris D.C.H., Levin A., Tonelli M., Saad S., Zaidi D., Osman M.A., Ye F., Khan M., Lunney M., Okpechi I.G., Turan Kazancioglu R.

Kidney International Supplements. 2021 May; 11 (2):e24-e34 10.1016/j.kisu.2021.01.008

Oguejiofor F., Kiggundu D.S., Bello A.K., Swanepoel C.R., Ashuntantang G., Jha V., Harris D.C.H., Levin A., Tonelli M., Niang A., Wearne N., Moloi M.W., Ulasi I., Arogundade F.A., Saad S., Zaidi D., Osman M.A., Ye F., Lunney M., Olanrewaju T.O., Ekrikpo U., Umeizudike T.I., Abdu A., Nalado A.M., Makusidi M.A., Liman H.M., Sakajiki A., Diongole H.M., Khan M., Benghanem Gharbi M., Johnson D.W., Okpechi I.G.

Kidney International Supplements. 2021 May; 11 (2):e11-e23 10.1016/j.kisu.2021.01.009

Okpechi I.G., Muneer S., Tinwala M.M., Zaidi D., Hamonic L.N., Braam B., Jindal K., Klarenbach S., Padwal R.S., Shojai S., Thompson S., Bello A.K.

BMJ Open. 2021 May; 11 (5):e044195 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044195

Bello A.K., Okpechi I.G., Jha V., Harris D.C.H., Levin A., Johnson D.W.

Kidney International Supplements. 2021 May; 11 (2):e1-e3 10.1016/j.kisu.2020.11.003

Zakharova E., Gaipov A., Bello A.K., Johnson D.W., Jha V., Harris D.C.H., Levin A., Saad S., Khan M., Zaidi D., Osman M.A., Ye F., Lunney M., Tonelli M., Okpechi I.G., Zemchenkov A., Tchokhonelidze I.

Kidney International Supplements. 2021 May; 11 (2):e57-e65 10.1016/j.kisu.2021.01.003

Deevelopment and testing of the early-stage chronic kidney disease sekf-management (esCKD-SM) Questionnaire

ISN Virtual World Congress of Nephrology 2021, hosted by the Canadian Society of Nephrology (CSN) and La Société Québécoise de Néphrologie (SQN). 2021 April;

Vanholder R, Annemans L, Bello AK, Bikbov B, Gallego D, Gansevoort RT, Lameire N, Luyckx VA, Noruisiene E, Ostrom T, Wanner C, Wieringa F.

Clinical Kidney Journal . 2021 April; 14 (7):1719-1730 10.1093/ckj/sfab070

Impact of home telemonitoring and management support on BP control in non-dialysis CKD: A systematic review and meta-analysis

ISN Virtual World Congress of Nephrology 2021, hosted by the Canadian Society of Nephrology (CSN) and La Société Québécoise de Néphrologie (SQN). 2021 April;

Lunney M., Thomas C., Rabi D., Bello A.K., Tonelli M.

Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. 2021 April; 26 (8):20543581211008698. 10.1177/20543581211008698

Cho Y., Bello A.K., Levin A., Lunney M., Osman M.A., Ye F., Ashuntantang G.E., Bellorin-Font E., Gharbi M.B., Davison S.N., Ghnaimat M., Harden P., Htay H., Jha V., Kalantar-Zadeh K., Kerr P.G., Klarenbach S., Kovesdy C.P., Luyckx V., Neuen B., O'Donoghue D., Ossareh S., Perl J., Rashid H.U., Rondeau E., See E.J., Saad S., Sola L., Tchokhonelidze I., Tesar V., Tungsanga K., Kazancioglu R.T., Yee-Moon Wang A., Yang C.W., Zemchenkov A., Zhao M.h., Jager K.J., Caskey F.J., Jindal K.K., Okpechi I.G., Tonelli M., Harris D.C., Johnson D.W.

American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2021 March; 77 (3):315-325 10.1053/j.ajkd.2020.05.032

Wiebe N., Ye F., Crumley E.T., Bello A., Stenvinkel P., Tonelli M.

JAMA Network Open. 2021 March; 4 (3):e211263 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.1263

Htay H., Bello A.K., Levin A., Lunney M., Osman M.A., Ye F., Ashuntantang G.E., Bellorin-Font E., Gharbi M.B., Davison S.N., Ghnaimat M., Harden P., Jha V., Kalantar-Zadeh K., Kerr P.G., Klarenbach S., Kovesdy C.P., Luyckx V.A., Neuen B., O'Donoghue D., Ossareh S., Perl J., Rashid H.U., Rondeau E., See E.J., Saad S., Sola L., Tchokhonelidze I., Tesar V., Tungsanga K., Kazancioglu R.T., Yee-Moon Wang A., Yang C.W., Zemchenkov A., Zhao M.h., Jager K.J., Caskey F.J., Perkovic V., Jindal K.K., Okpechi I.G., Tonelli M., Harris D.C., Johnson D.W.

American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2021 March; 77 (3):326-335.e1 10.1053/j.ajkd.2020.05.030

Bello A., Vandermeer B., Wiebe N., Garg A.X., Tonelli M.

Methods in Molecular Biology. 2021 March; 2249 10.1007/978-1-0716-1138-8_22

Lwezaula B.F., Ameh O.I., Ekrikpo U.E., Botha F.C., Okpechi-Samuel U.S., Wearne N., Ronco P., Bello A.K., Okpechi I.G.

BMC Nephrology. 2021 January; 22 (1):15 10.1186/s12882-020-02216-7

Luyckx V.A., Al-Aly Z., Bello A.K., Bellorin-Font E., Carlini R.G., Fabian J., Garcia-Garcia G., Iyengar A., Sekkarie M., van Biesen W., Ulasi I., Yeates K., Stanifer J.

Nature Reviews Nephrology. 2021 January; 17 (1):15-32 10.1038/s41581-020-00363-6

Moloi M.W., Rusch J.A., Omar F., Ekrikpo U., Dandara C., Bello A.K., Jayne D., Okpechi I.G.

International Urology and Nephrology. 2021 January; 53 (9):1865-1873 10.1007/s11255-020-02780-9

Riaz P, Caskey F, McIsaac M, Davids R, Htay H, Jha V, Jindal K, Jun M, Khan M, Levin A, Lunney M, Okpechi I, Pecoits-Filho R, Osman MA, Vachharajani T, Ye F, Harris D, Tonelli M, Johnson D, Bello A

BMJ Global Health . 2021 January; 6 (1):e004014 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-004014

Tummalapalli S.L., Shlipak M.G., Damster S., Jha V., Malik C., Levin A., Johnson D.W., Bello A.K.

American Journal of Nephrology. 2020 December; 51 (12):959-965 10.1159/000511848

Lunney M., Bello A.K., Levin A., Tam-Tham H., Thomas C., Osman M.A., Ye F., Bellorin-Font E., Gharbi M.B., Ghnaimat M., Htay H., Cho Y., Jha V., Ossareh S., Rondeau E., Sola L., Tchokhonelidze I., Tesar V., Tungsanga K., Kazancioglu R.T., Wang A.Y.M., Yang C.W., Zemchenkov A., Zhao M.H., Jager K.J., Jindal K.K., Okpechi I.G., Brown E.A., Brown M., Tonelli M., Harris D.C., Johnson D.W., Caskey F.J., Davison S.N.

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2020 December; 16 (1):79-87 10.2215/CJN.09070620

See EJ, Bello AK, Levin A, Lunney M, Osman MA, Ye F, Ashuntantang GE, Bellorin-Font E, Benghanem Gharbi M, Davison S, Ghnaimat M, Harden P, Htay H, Jha V, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Kerr PG, Klarenbach S, Kovesdy CP, Luyckx V, Neuen B, O'Donoghue D, Ossareh S, Perl J, Rashid HU, Rondeau E, Syed S, Sola L, Tchokhonelidze I, Tesar V, Tungsanga K, Kazancioglu RT, Wang AY, Yang CW, Zemchenkov A, Zhao MH, Jager KJ, Caskey F, Perkovic V, Jindal KK, Okpechi IG, Tonelli M, Feehally J, Harris DC, Johnson DW

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation . 2020 December; 22 10.1093/ndt/gfaa343

Okpechi I.G., Ekrikpo U., Moloi M.W., Noubiap J.J., Okpechi-Samuel U.S., Bello A.K.

BMJ Open. 2020 December; 10 (12):e039970 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-039970

Kajawo S., Ekrikpo U., Moloi M.W., Noubiap J.J., Osman M.A., Okpechi-Samuel U.S., Kengne A.P., Bello A.K., Okpechi I.G.

Kidney International Reports. 2020 November; 6 (1):78-90 10.1016/j.ekir.2020.10.019

de Ruiter A., Bello A., Braam B.

Current opinion in nephrology and hypertension. 2020 November; 29 (6):572-580 10.1097/MNH.0000000000000640

Harris D.C.H., Davies S.J., Finkelstein F.O., Jha V., Bello A.K., Brown M., Caskey F.J., Donner J.A., Liew A., Muller E., Naicker S., O'Connell P.J., Filho R.P., Vachharajani T., Abu Alfa A.K., Ashuntantang G., Brown E., Cullis B., Dreyer G., Eke F.U., Garcia G.G., Goh B.L., Hemmelgarn B., Hou F.F., Iyengar A., Johnson D.W., Levin N.W., Luyckx V.A., Martin D.E., McCulloch M.I., Mengistu Y.T., Moosa M.R., Morton R.L., Niang A., Obrador G.T., Okpechi I.G., Ossareh S., Shah K.D., Sola L., Swanepoel C., Tchokhonelidze I., Tonelli M., Trask M., Kazancioglu R.T., Twahir A., Walker R., Were A.J.O., Yang C.W., Yeates K., Zakharova E., Zuniga C.

Kidney International. 2020 November; 98 (5):S117-S134 10.1016/j.kint.2020.07.023

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