Sandrine Ampleman-Tremblay, LLB, LLM, DCL

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law - Admin


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law - Admin
433 Law Centre
8820 - 111 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H5


Area of Study / Keywords

Criminal Law State Accountability Police Sexual Violence Social Justice Legal Rights


Sandrine Ampleman-Tremblay, LL.B. (Laval), LL.M. (Toronto), DCL (McGill), is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Alberta since July 2023.

She specializes in criminal law as well as gender and the law. Her work focuses mostly on police sexual violence, criminal responsibility, and state blame. She presented her research in national and international academic settings, civil society and academia joint initiatives, podcasts, and in a meeting with a police organization. Ampleman-Tremblay’s work has been published in French and English in the Manitoba Law Journal, the Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, and the Ottawa Law Review, amongst others.

Professor Ampleman-Tremblay completed her DCL as a SSHRC Joseph-Armand-Bombardier scholar in 2023. Her engagement in student and Faculty life at McGill helped her develop a keen interest in legal education, with an emphasis on graduate studies and the experience of francophone students. She remains interested in issues related to bilingualism and graduate studies. Since 2022, she is a member of the SSHRC Program Committee.


Selected Recent Publications:


LAW 420A - Criminal Law

A general introduction to the criminal law, including basic procedure, evidence, and sentencing rules, with primary emphasis on substantive criminal law. Topics include the physical and fault elements of offences, common law and statutory defences, and constitutional principles.

LAW 420B - Criminal Law

A general introduction to the criminal law, including basic procedure, evidence, and sentencing rules, with primary emphasis on substantive criminal law. Topics include the physical and fault elements of offences, common law and statutory defences, and constitutional principles.

LAW 496 - Legal History

An examination of law and legal institutions from a historical perspective designed to explore continuity and change in common, statute, and constitutional law. Every year, the course will consist of a limited number of seminar offerings whose focus will be on the historical development of law, legal processes, and institutions.

LAW 599 - Seminars on Specialized Legal Topics

These seminars will cover specialized topics of emerging importance in the law at a senior level. The particular topic covered would vary dependent on the availability of Faculty with necessary teaching competence, student interest, and the needs of the legal profession. Sections may be offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar.

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