Bernardo Araujo Souto
ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept
Grad Research Asst Fellowship, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept
Casual Research Asst, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Human Ecology Dept
ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept
Grad Research Asst Fellowship, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept
Casual Research Asst, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Human Ecology Dept
AFNS 401 - Honors Seminar
Covers specialized topics of current interest to BSc Honors in Food Science students. Presentations by students, faculty and invited speakers. Pre- or corequisite: NU FS 407.
AFNS 601 - Seminar
Covers specialized topics of current interest to graduate students in AFNS. Presentations by students, faculty and invited speakers. Students register in one of four sections - Animal Science, Plant Science, Food Science or Human Nutrition. Attendance is required of all graduate students throughout their program. MSc students normally register for one term in year 2, and are required to present one seminar; PhD students normally register for one term in each of year 1 and 3, and are required to present one seminar per term.