Anja Arnhold


Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts - Linguistics Dept

Pronouns: she, her, hers

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Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts - Linguistics Dept
(780) 492-6912
4-24 Assiniboia Hall
9137 116 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2E7


Area of Study / Keywords

prosody phonology phonetics acoustics information structure typology focus Finnish Inuit-Yupik-Unangan languages


LING 101 - Introduction to Linguistic Analysis

Central concepts of linguistics: linguistic categories and structure (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics). Note: May not be taken by students with credit in LING 111.

LING 205 - Phonetics

Recognizing, transcribing, and producing speech sounds using the International Phonetic Alphabet; problems in phonetic analysis; elementary acoustic phonetics; techniques for describing the sound system of an unfamiliar language. Sections may be offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar. Prerequisite: LING 101.

LING 510 - Phonological Theory

Overview of phonological theory, comparing different approaches to selected theoretical issues. Prerequisite: LING 310 or consent of Department.

LING 523 - Introduction Statistics for Linguistic Data

Basic statistical concepts, analysis methods and visualization techniques focusing on linguistic data. Prerequisite: any one of LING 308, LING 309, LING 310 or equivalent, or consent of Department.

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Featured Publications

Wenfu Bao, Anja Arnhold, Juhani Järvikivi

Applied Psycholinguistics. 2024 March; 10.1017/S0142716424000031

McKinley Alden, Anja Arnhold

Laboratory Phonology. 2023 December; 10.16995/labphon.8475

Anja Arnhold, Emily Elfner, Richard Compton

Word Prominence in Languages with Complex Morphologies. 2023 March; 10.1093/oso/9780198840589.003.0005

Jiseung Kim

SpeechProsody. 2022 May; 10.21437/speechprosody.2022-20

Liam P. Blything, Juhani Järvikivi, Abigail G. Toth, Anja Arnhold

Frontiers in Psychology. 2021 July; 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.684639

Anja Arnhold, Bettina Braun, Maribel Romero

Language and Speech. 2021 March; 10.1177/0023830920914315

Anja Arnhold

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2021 March; 10.1121/10.0003594

Kristján Árnason, Anja Arnhold, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Nicole Dehé, Amelie Dorn, Osahito Miyaoka

The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody. 2020 December; 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198832232.013.19

Psychonomic bulletin & review. 2020 May; 10.3758/s13423-020-01731-w

Tweets’n Greets for Caroline Féry on the Occasion of her Farewell from Goethe-University Frankfurt. 2019 January;

Verum focus and negation

2019 January;

Arnhold, Anja, Compton, Richard, Elfner, Emily

Proceedings of the Workshop on Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas 21. 2018 January;

Laboratory Phonology. 2017 March; 10.5334/labphon.78

Negative Polar Question Types in English

2017 January;

Frontiers in Psychology. 2016 January; 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01886

Journal of Phonetics. 2016 January; 10.1016/j.wocn.2016.02.002

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2016 January; 10.1121/1.4948448

Nordic Journal of Linguistics. 2015 January; 10.1017/S033258651500013X

Anja Arnhold

Prosodic Typology II. 2014 January; 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199567300.003.0008

Finnish prosody: studies in intonation and phrasing

2014 January;

Finno-Ugric Languages and Linguistics. 2013 January;

13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association 2012, INTERSPEECH 2012. 2012 January;

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