Rhonda Bell

Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept


Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept
2-126B Li Ka Shing Centre For Research
8602 112 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2E1




PhD, Cornell University

Job/Research Area 

Human Nutrition 


Major Responsibilities/Research Interests 

I am retired, but remain part of a team of researchers with strong interest in the role of nutrition in promoting health and preventing and treating diabetes and its complications. My research program integrates applied, clinical and basic research. Much of my work is conducted within the paradigm of the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD), examining the role of nutritional intake during sensitive periods of development on health, specifically diabetes risk, in mothers and their offspring. 

I am an ongoing member of the Women and Children's Health Research Institute (WCHRI), and am part of several important studies in the DOHaD area, including the Health Life Trajectories Initiatives-Canada study (HeLTI-Canada) and the Indigenous Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative (I-HeLTI).

Featured Publications

Soria D, McCargar LJ, Bell RC, Chan CB

Cdn J Diabetes. 2014 January; 38

Fayyaz F, Wang F, Jacobs RL, O’Connor DL, Bell RC, Field CJ, and the APrON Team

Appl Physiol Nutr Metabol. 2014 January; 39 (12):1402-1408

Watanabe T, Berry TR, Willows ND, Bell RC.

Cdn J Diabetes. 2014 January;

Graham JE, Mayan M, McCargar LJ, Bell RC and the Sweet Moms Study Team

Journal of Nutr Education and Behavior. 2013 January; 45

Berry T, Chan CB, Bell RC, Anders S.

Health Promotion Practice. 2012 January; 13 (3):388-394

Begum F, Colman I, McCargar LJ, Bell RC

Can J Obstetrics Gynaecol. 2012 January; 34 (7):637-647

Kaplan BJ, Giesbrecht GF, Leung BMY, Field CJ, Dewey D, Bell RC, Manca DP, O'Beirne M, Johnston DW, Pop VJ, Singhal N, Gagnon L, Bernier FB, Eliasziw M, McCargar LJ, Kooistra L, Farmer A, Cantell M, Goonewardene L, Casey LM, Letourneau N, Martin JW.

Maternal and Child Nutrition. 2012 January;