Bin Han, PhD

Professor, Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences


Professor, Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
541 Central Academic Building
11324 - 89 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2G1


Area of Study / Keywords

Applied Mathematics Applied Harmonic Analysis Scientific Computing Approximation Theory


My research area is on wavelet theory and its applications to image processing, data sciences, CAGD, and scientific computing. Published the book: Framelets and Wavelets: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications, (2017). Personal web page is at



Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Wavelets and Framelets, Scientific Computing and Numerical Algorithms, Wavelet-based Image Processing and Data Sciences, Splines and Approximation Theory


MATH 535 - Numerical Methods I

Direct and iterative methods for solving linear systems, iterative methods for nonlinear systems, polynomial and spline interpolations, least square approximation, numerical differentiation and integration, initial value problems for ODE's (one-step, multistep methods, stiff ODE's). Prerequisite: 400-level MATH course. Students are required to have knowledge of advanced Calculus and introductory knowledge in Analysis and Linear Algebra and some computer programming. Note 1: Restricted to graduate students only. Note 2: May not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in MATH 381, 481 or 486 or equivalent.

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