Barry Scholnick, PhD

Professor and Eldon Foote Chair , Alberta School of Business - Marketing, Business Economics and Law


Professor and Eldon Foote Chair , Alberta School of Business - Marketing, Business Economics and Law
(780) 492-5669
3-40P Business Building
11203 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2R6


Area of Study / Keywords

Household Finance


Barry Scholnick is a Professor of Business Economics and the Eldon Foote Chair in International Business at the Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta, Canada. His PhD is from the University of Cambridge. The focus of his research is on Household Finance. He has published in top journals including Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Review of Economics and Statistics, International Economic Review, Journal of Business, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies.  He has been awarded nine research grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). He has received six awards for teaching in the MBA, Executive MBA, and B. Com programs. He is a Visiting Scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia and an External Academic Consultant at the Bank of Canada.


Journal Articles 

Boskovic, B., S Kapoor, Markiewicz, A. Scholnick B.  (Forthcoming, 2024) “Add-on Pricing over Regional Business Cycles: Evidence from Extended Warranties”,  International Economic Review

S. Mikhed, S. Raina, B. Scholnick, M. Zhang (Forthcoming, 2024) “Debtor Income Manipulation in Consumer Credit Contracts”, Journal of Financial Economics

Agarwal, S, Mikhed, V, and Scholnick, B. (2020), "Peers' Income and Financial Distress: Evidence from Lottery Winners and Neighboring Bankruptcies", Review of Financial Studies.

R. Liu, B. Scholnick and A. Finn "The Complexity of Outsourced Services and the Role of International Business Travel"  (2017), Journal of Economic Geography, pp. 661-684.

N. Massoud, S. Ullah and B. Scholnick "Does it Help Firms to Secretly Pay for Stock Promoters?" (2016), Journal of Financial Stability, Vol. 26, pp 45-61.

A. Savu, D. Schopflocher, B. Scholnick and P. Kaul "The intersection of health and wealth: association between personal bankruptcy and myocardial infarction rates in Canada" (2016), BMC Public Health.

B. Scholnick "Consumption Smoothing After the Final Mortgage Payment: Testing the Magnitude Hypothesis" (2013), Review of Economics and Statistics.

B. Scholnick, N. Massoud and A. Saunders "The Impact of Wealth on Financial Mistakes: Evidence from Credit Card Non-Payment" (2013) Journal of Financial Stability.

S. Ullah, N. Massoud and B. Scholnick "The Impact of Fraudulent False Information on Equity Values" (2013) Journal of Business Ethics.

R. Liu, D. Feils and B. Scholnick “Why Are Different Services Outsourced to Different Countries?” (2011), Journal of International Business Studies.

N. Massoud, A, Saunders and B. Scholnick “The Cost of Being Late? The Case of Credit Card Penalty Fees” (2011) Journal of Financial Stability. 

R. Fatum and B.Scholnick (2008) "Monetary Policy News and Exchange Rate Responses: Do Only Surprises Matter?" Journal of Banking and Finance.

Miller, Danny, Isabelle LeBreton-Miller and Barry Scholnick (2008) “Stewardship vs. Stagnation: An Empirical Comparison of Small Family and Non-Family Businesses,” Journal of Management Studies.

Scholnick, B, Massoud, N, Saunders, A, Carbo-Valverde, S, and Rodríguez-Fernández, F (2008) “The Economics of Credit Cards, Debit Cards and ATMs: A Survey and Some New Evidence,” Journal of Banking and Finance.

Chakrabarti R. and B. Scholnick (2007) “The Mechanics of Price Adjustment: New Evidence on the (Un)importance of Menu Costs,” Managerial and Decision Economics.

Fatum, R and B. Scholnick (2006), “Do Exchange Rates Respond to Day-to-Day Changes in Monetary Policy Expectations When No Monetary Policy Changes Occur?” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.

Massoud, N, A Saunders and B. Scholnick (2006) “The Impact of ATM Surcharges on Large vs. Small Banks: Is There a Switching Effect?” Journal of Business.

Saunders, Anthony and Scholnick, Barry, (2006) “Frontiers in Payment and Settlement Systems: Introduction”, The Journal of Banking and Finance.

Chakrabarti R. and B. Scholnick (2005) “Nominal Rigidities without Literal Menu Costs: Evidence from E-Commerce” Economics Letters Vol. 86, (2), pp 187-191.

Chakrabarti R. and Scholnick B. (2003), “Frictions in International E-Commerce” Management International Review, Vol 43 (1), 31-49.

Chakrabarti, R. and B. Scholnick, (2002), “Exchange Rate Expectations and FDI Flows” Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv (Review of World Economics), Vol 138 (1), pp.1-21.

Chakrabarti, R. and B. Scholnick, (2002), “International Expansion of E-Retailers: Where the Amazon Flows” Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol 44(1) pp. 85-104.

Scholnick, B. (2000), “Regulation, Competition and Risk in the Market for Credit Cards”, Canadian Public Policy Vol XXVI, (2), 171-181.

Scholnick, B. (1999), “Interest Rate Asymmetries in Long Term Loan and Deposit Markets”, Journal of Financial Services Research, Vol 16, (1), 5-26.

Mirus, R., B. Scholnick, and D. Spinanger, (1997), “Front-Loading Protection: Canada’s Approach to phasing out the Multi-Fiber Arrangement”, International Trade Journal, Winter, Vol XI, (4), 433-451.

Scholnick, B. (1996), “Asymmetric Adjustment of Commercial Bank Interest Rates: Evidence from Malaysia and Singapore”, Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol 15 (3), 485-496.

Scholnick, B. (1996), “Retail Interest Rate Rigidity after Financial Liberalization”, Canadian Journal of Economics, April, 433-437.

Research Distinctions

2023 - 2028: Professor and Eldon Foote Chair in International Business, University of Alberta School of Business

2020 - 2023: Roger Smith Professor of Business, University of Alberta School of Business

2022 - current: External Academic Consultant, Financial System Research Center, Bank of Canada

2017 - current: Visiting Scholar, Consumer Finance Institute, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

2013 - 2016: Alex Hamilton Professor of Business Economics, University of Alberta School of Business,

2006 - 2009:Eric Geddes Associate Professor of Business Economics, University of Alberta School of Business

SSHRC Funding (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) 

2022        SSHRC Insight Grant “Banks and their Debtors” ($149 500), Scholnick, PI, Co-Applicants are Ho (Ryerson) and Raina (Alberta), Collaborators are Huynh (Bank of Canada) and Kulkarni (Virginia) 

2022        SSHRC Insight Grant "Financial Markets, Information Extraction, and Artificial Intelligence" ($141 000), Avdis PI (Alberta), Co-Applicants, Frei, Hegde, Scholnick (all Alberta))

2021        SSHRC Insight Development Grant. “Debt, Bankruptcy and Labour Market Outcomes” ($54 000) (Raina, (Alberta) PI, Scholnick CI)

2020        SSHRC Insight Development Grant. “Peer Effects and Program Take-Up: Evidence from Employer-Employee Linked Administrative Data” ($61 700) (d’Astous, HEC Montreal PI, Scholnick CI).

2017        SSHRC Insight Grant. “Keeping Up with the Joneses: Household Level Evidence of Neighbourhood Peer Effects” ($68 000) (Scholnick PI). 

2014       SSHRC Insight Grant. “Effects of Quality Signaling, Product Failure, and Brand Strategies on Manufacturer and Retailer Performance” ($95 000) (Fisher PI, Scholnick CI).

2008       SSHRC Special Call, Management, Business and Finance. “Individual Financial Decisions: Evidence from Confidential Micro Data” ($137,000) (Massoud PI, Scholnick CI).

2006       SSHRC Standard Grant. “Does Money Grow On Fees? The Case of Credit Cards” ($75,000) (Massoud PI, Scholnick CI, Saunders CI).

2003    SSHRC Standard Grant. “ATM Pricing and Proliferation” ($91 000) (Massoud PI, Scholnick CI).


Teaching Awards (University of Alberta School of Business)

2021    Winner of MBA Association Teaching Award

2017    Winner of the MacKenzie MBA Teaching Award

2012    Winner of MBA Association Teaching Award

2005    Winner of the Executive MBA Teaching Award (U of Alberta - U of Calgary)

1999    Winner of MacKenzie Undergraduate Teaching Award 

1997    Winner of MacKenzie Undergraduate Teaching Award