Bohan Song, PhD

Assistant Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Accounting and Business Analytics


Assistant Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Accounting and Business Analytics
3-30D Business Building
11203 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2R6


Area of Study / Keywords

Financial Reporting Auditing Capital Markets Financial Institutions


ACCTG 314 - Intermediate Financial Accounting I

First of two courses covering principles, methods and applications of current and proposed Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Emphasizes accounting for operating and investment assets, and related income measurement and disclosure. Prerequisites: ACCTG 211 or 311 and ACCTG 222 or 322. Not open to students with credit in ACCTG 312 or 412. There is a consolidated exam for ACCTG 314. Students may not receive credit for both ACCTG 314 and ACCTG 414.

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