Vadim Bulitko, Ph.D.

Professor, Faculty of Science - Computing Science


Professor, Faculty of Science - Computing Science




  • M.Sc., Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998
  • Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1999


  • Heuristic search
  • Program synthesis
  • Deep learning for sound


CMPUT 272 - Formal Systems and Logic in Computing Science

An introduction to the tools of set theory, logic, and induction, and their use in the practice of reasoning about algorithms and programs. Basic set theory; the notion of a function; counting; propositional and predicate logic and their proof systems; inductive definitions and proofs by induction; program specification and correctness. Prerequisites: CMPUT 101, 174, 175, 274, SCI 100, or ENCMP 100.

CMPUT 499 - Topics in Computing Science

This topics course is designed for a one on one individual study course between a student and an instructor. Prerequisites are determined by the instructor in the course outline. See Note (3) above.

CMPUT 605 - Topics in Computing Science

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