Okan Bulut, PhD, MA, BA

Professor, Faculty of Education

Pronouns: he, him, his

Personal Website: https://www.okanbulut.com


Professor, Faculty of Education
(780) 492-3668
6-110C Education Centre - North
8730 - 112 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2G5


Area of Study / Keywords

Educational measurement psychometrics educational data mining learning analytics artificial intelligence


University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Ph.D., Educational Psychology - Quantitative Methods in Education (2013)

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

M.A., Educational Psychology - Quantitative Methods in Education (2010)


I am a Professor in the Measurement, Evaluation, and Data Science program and a researcher at the Centre for Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation CRAME) at the University of Alberta. I teach courses on computational psychometrics, machine learning, and statistical modeling. Also, I regularly give workshops and develop online courses on a variety of topics, such as data mining, big data modeling, data visualization, and statistical data analysis using software programs like R, SAS, and Python. My ultimate goal is to empower learners to harness the transformative power of data.

My research interests lie at the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI), educational data mining, and learning analytics. Through the utilization of AI-driven algorithms and natural language processing, I seek to create intelligent systems that can dynamically adapt to learner preferences, cognitive styles, and performance trajectories. My scholarly work has been published in prestigious journals, such as Educational and Psychological Measurement, Review of Educational Research, and Computers & Education: Artificial Intelligence. I am also a co-author of the CRC Press book: Handbook of Educational Measurement and Psychometrics Using R


Courses Taught:

  • EDPY 303 Educational Assessment
  • EDPY 500 Introduction to Data Analysis in Educational Research
  • EDPY 501 Introduction to Methods of Educational Research
  • EDPY 504 Survey Design and Implementation
  • EDPY 506 Machine Learning: Theory and Applications
  • EDPY 507 Measurement Theory I
  • EDPY 605 Quantitative Methods II
  • EPDY 607 Measurement Theory II


EDPY 507 - Measurement Theory I

This course will introduce students to the concepts and procedures required to develop, administer, and use educational and psychological assessments. Emphasis will be placed on the foundational concepts related to reliability and validity.

EDPY 607 - Measurement Theory II

This course will focus on advanced topics and applications required to develop, administer, and use educational and psychological assessments. Emphasis will be placed on the application of theoretical concepts necessary for solving practical assessment problems. Prerequisite: EDPY 507 or equivalent. Formerly EDPY 508. Students cannot receive credit for both EDPY 508 and EDPY 607.

Browse more courses taught by Okan Bulut

Featured Publications

Tarid Wongvorachan, Okan Bulut, Joyce Xinle Liu, Elisabetta Mazzullo

Information. 2024 June; 10.3390/info15060326

H. Cigdem Bulut, Okan Bulut, Ashley Clelland

Field Methods. 2024 May; 10.1177/1525822X241247444

Colin Madland, Valerie Irvine, Chris DeLuca, Okan Bulut

The Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association Journal. 2024 May; 10.18357/otessaj.2024.4.1.57

Colin Madland, Valerie Irvine, Chris DeLuca, Okan Bulut

The Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association Journal. 2024 May; 10.18357/otessaj.2024.4.1.63

Bin Tan, Nour Armoush, Elisabetta Mazzullo, Okan Bulut, Mark J. Gierl

2024 April; 10.35542/osf.io/6d8tj

Joyce Xinle Liu, Okan Bulut, Matthew D. Johnson

Psychology International. 2024 April; 10.3390/psycholint6020030

Okan Bulut, Guher Gorgun, Surina He

Zeitschrift für Psychologie. 2024 April; 10.1027/2151-2604/a000558

Okan Bulut

Journal of Intelligence. 2024 March; 10.3390/jintelligence12030031

Seyma N. Yildirim-Erbasli, Guher Gorgun, Okan Bulut

2023 December; 10.4018/979-8-3693-0066-4.ch004


International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education. 2023 December; 10.21449/ijate.1394194

Elisabetta Mazzullo, Okan Bulut, Tarid Wongvorachan, Bin Tan

Analytics. 2023 November; 10.3390/analytics2040046

Elisabetta Mazzullo, Okan Bulut, Tarid Wongvorachan, Bin Tan

2023 August; 10.20944/preprints202308.0366.v1

Bulut, O., Gorgun, G., Wongvorachan, T., & Tan, B.

Algorithms. 2023 February; 16 (2):89 10.3390/a16020089

Bulut, O., & Yildirim-Erbasli, S. N.

International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education. 2022 November; 9 (Special Issue):72-87 10.21449/ijate.1124382

Bulut, O., Bulut, H. C., Cormier, D. C., Ilgun Dibek, M., & Sahin Kursad, M.

Educational Assessment. 2022 October; 28 (1):48-63 10.1080/10627197.2022.2138322

Bulut, O., Gorgun, G., Yildirim-Erbasli, S. N., Wongvorachan, T., Daniels, L. M., Gao, Y., Lai, K. W., & Shin, J.

British Journal of Educational Technology. 2022 September; 54 (1):19-39 10.1111/bjet.13276

Bulut, O., Cormier, D. C., & Yildirim-Erbasli, S. N.

Information. 2022 August; 13 (8):400 10.3390/info13080400

Okan Bulut, Jinnie Shin, Damien C. Cormier

Mathematics. 2022 June; 10 (13):2230 10.3390/math10132230

Yizhu Gao, Ying Cui, Okan Bulut, Xiaoming Zhai, Fu Chen

Computers in Human Behavior. 2022 April; 129 10.1016/j.chb.2021.107142

Hatice C. Bulut, Okan Bulut

Studies in Educational Evaluation. 2022 March; 72 10.1016/j.stueduc.2022.101126

Bulut, H. C., Bulut, O., & Arikan, S.

International Journal of Testing. 2022 February; 23 (1):10-33 10.1080/15305058.2022.2044821

Okan Bulut, Cheryl N. Poth

AIMS Public Health. 2022 February; 9 (2):293-306 10.3934/publichealth.2022020

Jinnie Shin, Okan Bulut

Behavior Research Methods. 2022 February; 54 10.3758/s13428-021-01602-9

Okan Bulut, Maria Cutumisu, Deepak Sing, Alexandra Aquilina

Hacettepe University Journal of Education. 2020 September; 35 (Special Issue):60-72

Okan Bulut, Damien Cormier, Jinnie Shin

Frontiers in Education. 2020 September; 5

C. D. Desjardins, O. Bulut

The Journal of Open Source Software. 2020 March; 5 (47):1941

J. Xiao, O. Bulut

Educational and Psychological Measurement. 2020 March; 0 (0):1-23

P.-Y. Liou, O. Bulut

Research in Science Education. 2020 February; 50

O. Bulut, C. D. Desjardins

PsyArXiv Preprints. 2020 February; 0 (0):1-16

O. Bulut, M. Cutumisu, A. M. Aquilina, D. Singh

Frontiers in Education. 2019 June; 4 (65):1-16

O. Bulut, H. C. Yavuz

International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education. 2019 January; 6 (5):20-36

O. Bulut, M. Lei, Q. Guo

International Journal of Research & Method in Education. 2018 January; 41 (2):169-183

O. Bulut, M. Cutumisu

Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. 2018 January; 27 (1):25-42

O. Bulut, Q. Guo, M. Gierl

Large-Scale Assessments in Education. 2017 January; 5 (8):1-20

O. Bulut, Ö. Sünbül

Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology. 2017 January; 8 (3):266-287

O. Bulut, M. L. Davison, M. C. Rodriguez

Multivariate Behavioral Research. 2017 January; 52 (1):86-104

O. Bulut, Y. Suh

Frontiers in Education. 2017 January; 2 (51):1-14

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