Carol Brown

Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Education - Secondary Education Dept
GTA Principal Instructor, Secondary Education, Faculty of Education


Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Education - Secondary Education Dept

GTA Principal Instructor, Secondary Education, Faculty of Education


EDSE 355 - Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Science Majors I

Prerequisites: 9 units in the Major subject area, EDPY 304, EDU 100/300, 210, and 211. Corequisite: Courses in the Introductory Professional Term (IPT) for the Secondary Education Route. Successful completion of the on-campus portion of the IPT is expected prior to being granted permission to continue into EDFX 350. Note: Not open to first year students. Students may only receive credit for one of EDSE 352, EDSE 355, EDSE 360, or EDSE 364.

EDSE 356 - Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Science Minor

Prerequisite: 9 units in the Minor subject area; pre/corequisites: EDU 100 or 300, EDU 210, and EDU 211. Note: EDSE 356 is not open to first year students or students whose Major is Biological Sciences, Chemistry, General Sciences, Physical Sciences or Physics. Students may only receive credit for one of EDSE 353, EDSE 356, EDSE 361, or EDSE 366.

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