Sheila Carr-Stewart


Faculty of Education - Deans Office



I completed my doctoral work in Educational Policy Studies, Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta and then taught at the University of Saskatchewan. Prior to completing my doctoral work, I taught in Quebec and subsequently worked for the federal government.  During my time at the University of Saskatchewan I completed two terms as Chair and Graduate Coordinator.


Research Interests:

  • Indigenous education
  • Leadership & administration
  • Community development
  • History of education
  • Youth gangs


  • Steeves, L. & Carr-Stewart, S. (2013). Seeking their voices: Aboriginal education in Saskatchewan. $65,000 from the Government of Saskatchewan
  • Steeves, L., Carr-Stewart, S., Furuta, S. (2013). Challenges and opportunities: Teacher Recruitment and Retention in Northern Saskatchewan. Research for the Northern Lights School Division through the University of Regina, $5000
  • Provost Annual Award for Excellence in Aboriginal Education, April 2013
  • Co-chair Dr. Carr-Stewart and Dr. Steeves, University of Regina - Sharing our learning: Lessons from the Te Kotahitanga Experience. Four day conference (Regina & Saskatoon), May 3-6, 2013.
  • Carr-Stewart, S. (2012). University Publications Fund Award, $2,000
  • Carr-Stewart, S. (2012). Educators as change agents: Indian Control of Indian Education. John Ranton McIntosh Research Fellowship $5,000 annually, 2012-2015
  • Steeves, L. & Carr-Stewart, S. (2011). Teacher recruitment and retention issues: Phase One – Issues in selected First Nations communities. University of Regina, $10,000
  • Carr-Stewart, S. (2010). Advancing Indigenous ways of leading in schools. University of Saskatchewan Bridge Funding, $12,000
  • Office of the Federal Interlocutor, Indian & Northern Affairs Canada and the Province of Saskatchewan $62,000.00 as co-ordinator (with Dr. Evelyn Peters) of Improving the Educational Outcomes of Aboriginal People Living Off-Reserve: A Discussion of Delivery Models March 15-16, 2010. Saskatoon, SK.
  • Hiram S. Hunn Memorial Award for 2009. Awarded by Harvard University, Boston
  • SSHRC (2009) Prochner, L. & Carr-Stewart, S. Kindergarten in Schools for Aboriginal Children in Canada and the United States, 1880-1920s. Co-applicant. Value: $114.00 2009-2012
  • Carr-Stewart, S., Marshall, J., & Steeves, L. (2008). Improving Student Learning: A Study of the contribution of enhanced second-level services within the Yorkton Tribal Council in Relation to the Saskatchewan Pre-K to 12 education system. Combined research grant of $27,500 from INAC, SK Ministry of Education, and SIDRU.
  • Carr-Stewart, S. (2008). Department Head Research Support Program. $2,500.
  • Carr-Stewart, S. (2008). Grant of $1,800 to bring in speaker for Celebrating the Local, Negotiating the Schools: Symposium on Language and Literary at the University of Saskatchewan from Adult Knowledge Centre.
  • Carr-Stewart, S., & Good Spirit School Division, Cote, Keeseekoose & Key First Nations. Visions: A collaborative project. Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. 2007-2008. $50,000
  • Berman, H., Fernet, M., Tutty, L. Ursel, J. & Carr-Stewart, S. (2007-2010). Violence in the Lives of Girls. SSHRC. $90,000
  • Carr-Stewart, S. Saskatchewan Learning (AERN) Helping Our Children, 2005-2006, $15,000
  • Carr-Stewart, S. SSHRCC, First Nations Education: Beyond Local Control, (PI) 2005-2008 total $89,000
  • Province of Saskatchewan TEL Award (on-line course development), 2002, $11,000

Featured Publications

Steeves, L., Carr-Stewart, S., & Pinay, D.

2013 January;

Preston, J., Carr-Stewart, S., & Bruno, C.

Canadian Journal of Native Studies. 2012 January; 32 (2):193-207

Carr-Stewart, S.

Journal of the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre. 2011 January; 4

Steeves, L., Carr-Stewart, S. & Pinay, D.

International Studies in Educational Administration. 2011 January; 40 (1):63-73

Furuta, S., Steeves, L., Carr-Stewart, S. & Ingleton, T.