Carsten Krauss, PhD

Associate Professor, Faculty of Science - Physics


Associate Professor, Faculty of Science - Physics
(780) 492-7610
2-085 Centennial Ctr For Interdisciplinary SCS II
11335 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H5



Diploma 1999 RWTH Aachen, Germany

PhD 2002 Heidelberg University, Germany

Postdoctoral Researcher 2002-2003, Heidelberg University, Germany

Postdoctoral Fellow at Queen's University, Kingston, ON 2003-2007

Assistant Professor, University of Alberta 2007-2013

Associate Professor, University of Alberta 2013-now

Sabbatical at SNOLAB from August 2015 to August 2016


Direct detection of dark matter, high energy neutrino physics, solar neutrino physics, low background detection of radioactivity.

 I work with bubble chambers which have excellent sensitivity to dark matter particles that are interacting via their spin. I am an expert at developing and operating new particle detectors and I am excited about the prospects of finding out what makes the sources of the highest energy neutrinos from cosmic sources work. 


PHYS 295 - Experimental Physics I

Contemporary methods of experimental physics with measurements from classical and modern physics. Analysis and graphing of experimental data using programming techniques. Estimation and statistical treatment of experimental uncertainties consistent with standard practice in physics. Planning and record keeping for experimental work, written presentation of laboratory results. Prerequisites: MATH 101 or 115 or 118 or 146, one of PHYS 124, PHYS 144, or EN PH 131; and one of PHYS 126, PHYS 146, PHYS 181, or PHYS 130. Note: To proceed to PHYS 295 after taking PHYS 126 a minimum grade of B+ in PHYS 126 and some experience of computer programming are strongly recommended.

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Featured Publications

S Archambault, E Behnke, P Bhattacharjee, S Bhattacharya, X Dai, M Das, A Davour, F Debris, N Dhungana, J Farine, S Gagnebin, G Giroux, E Grace, C M Jackson, A Kamaha, C Krauss, S Kumaratunga, M Lafrenière, M Laurin, I Lawson, L Lessard, I Levine, C Levy, R P MacDonald, D Marlisov, J-P Martin, P Mitra, A J Noble, M-C Piro, R Podviyanuk, S Pospisil, S Saha, O Scallon, S Seth, N Starinski, I Stekl, U Wichoski, T Xie, and V Zacek

Physics Letters B. 711 (2):153-161

Aubin, F., Auger, M., Genest, M.-H., Giroux, G., Gornea, R., Faust, R., et al.

New Journal of Physics. 10 (10):103017

C Amole, M Ardid, D M Asner, D Baxter, E Behnke, P Bhattacharjee, H Borsodi, M Bou-Cabo, S J Brice, D Broemmelsiek, K Clark, J I Collar, P S Cooper, M Crisler, C E Dahl, S Daley, M Das, F Debris, N Dhungana, J Farine, I Felis, R Filgas, M Fines-Neuschild, F Girard, G Giroux, M Hai, J Hall, O Harris, C M Jackson, M Jin, C B Krauss, M Lafrenière, M Laurin, I Lawson, I Levine, W H Lippincott, E Mann, J-P Martin, D Maurya, P Mitra, R Neilson, A J Noble, A Plante, R B Podviianiuk, S Priya, A E Robinson, M Ruschman, O Scallon, S Seth, A Sonnenschein, N Starinski, I Stekl, E Vázquez-Jáuregui, J Wells, U Wichoski, V Zacek, J Zhang

PRL. 114 (23):231302

C Amole, M Ardid, D M Asner, D Baxter, E Behnke, P Bhattacharjee, H Borsodi, M Bou-Cabo, S J Brice, D Broemmelsiek, K Clark, J I Collar, P S Cooper, M Crisler, C E Dahl, S Daley, M Das, F Debris, N Dhungana, S Fallows, J Farine, I Felis, R Filgas, F Girard, G Giroux, A Grandison, M Hai, J Hall, O Harris, M Jin, C B Krauss, M Lafrenière, M Laurin, I Lawson, I Levine, W H Lippincott, E Mann, D Maurya, P Mitra, R Neilson, A J Noble, A Plante, R B Podviianiuk, S Priya, E Ramberg, A E Robinson, R Rucinski, M Ruschman, O Scallon, S Seth, P Simon, A Sonnenschein, I Stekl, E Vázquez-Jáuregui, J Wells, U Wichoski, V Zacek, J Zhang, I A Shkrob

Phys. Rev. D. 93 (5):052014

SNO Collaboration, B Aharmim, S N Ahmed, A E Anthony, N Barros, E W Beier, A Bellerive, B Beltran, M Bergevin, S D Biller, K Boudjemline, M G Boulay, B Cai, Y D Chan, D Chauhan, M Chen, B T Cleveland, G A Cox, X Dai, H Deng, J A Detwiler, M Dimarco, P J Doe, G Doucas, P-L Drouin, F A Duncan, M Dunford, E D Earle, S R Elliott, H C Evans, G T Ewan, J Farine, H Fergani, F Fleurot, R J Ford, J A Formaggio, N Gagnon, J TM Goon, K Graham, E Guillian, S Habib, R L Hahn, A L Hallin, E D Hallman, P J Harvey, R Hazama, W J Heintzelman, J Heise, R L Helmer, A Hime, C Howard, M Huang, P Jagam, B Jamieson, N A Jelley, M Jerkins, K J Keeter, J R Klein, L L Kormos, M Kos, C Kraus, C B Krauss, A Krüger, T Kutter, C C M Kyba, R Lange, J Law, I T Lawson, K T Lesko, J R Leslie, J C Loach, R Maclellan, S Majerus, H B Mak, J Maneira, R Martin, N Mccauley, A B McDonald, S R McGee, M L Miller, B Monreal, J Monroe, B G Nickel, A J Noble, H M O'Keeffe, N S Oblath, R W Ollerhead, G D Orebi Gann, S M Oser, R A Ott, S J M Peeters, A W P Poon, G Prior, S D Reitzner, K Rielage, B C Robertson, R G H Robertson, R C Rosten, M H Schwendener, J A Secrest, S R Seibert, O Simard, J J Simpson, P Skensved, T J Sonley, L C Stonehill, N Tolich, T Tsui, R Van Berg, B A VanDevender, C J Virtue, H Wan Chan Tseung, D L Wark, P J S Watson, J Wendland, N West, J F Wilkerson, J R Wilson, J M Wouters, A Wright, M Yeh, F Zhang, and K Zuber

Phys Rev C. Vol. 88 (2):025501

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