Courtney Thomas, PhD (Yale), MA (UofA), BA (Honours) (UofA)

Chief of Staff, Vice-President Research Innovation

Pronouns: She/Her

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Chief of Staff, Vice-President Research Innovation
2-51D South Academic Building
11328 - 89 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2J7


Area of Study / Keywords

History Early Modern Renaissance Gender Social History honor and reputation crime prescriptive literature


I received my BA (Honours) and MA from the University of Alberta and received my doctorate in History and Renaissance Studies from Yale and have held a variety of administrative positions on campus since graduating with my PhD. Building on previous experience in the University Secretariat/Office of University Governance, I spent a decade with the Graduate Students' Association (including service as the organization's Executive Director), and I have most recently served as the Academic Department Manager for the Humanities Division in the Faculty of Arts. I currently serve as Chief of Staff in the Office of Vice-President (Research and Innovation).


My doctoral research and subsequent monograph ('If I Lose Mine Honour, I Lose Myself:' Honour among the Early Modern English Elite, University of Toronto Press, 2017) focused on a close reading of multi-generational family paper collections in order to develop a fuller picture of how the concept of honour was employed in the daily life and social interactions of members of the gentry and aristocracy. I have previously published articles on Queen Anna of Denmark, the concept of family unity in the early modern period, and bestiality in early modern England, and have authored entries in the Encyclopedia of the Daily Life of Women, the Encyclopaedia of Tudor England, and for the Map of Early Modern London (a digital humanities project). Additional information about my research can be found here.


I have previously taught undergraduate courses in history at the University of Alberta, Yale (including a self-designed seminar on women in early modern England), and MacEwan University. I currently serve as a Tutor at Athabasca University for a survey course on British history from the Roman period to the Augustan Age and for a course on the history of the Italian Renaissance and have previously served as a Tutor for classes on the Vikings, the early Medieval period, and the High Middle Ages.

Featured Publications

Courtney Thomas, edited by Colleen Boyett, Mildred Diane Gleason, and H. Micheal Tarver

2022 January;

Courtney Thomas

University of Victoria. 2018 January;

Courtney Thomas

University of Toronto Press. 2017 January;

Courtney Thomas

Journal of Cultural and Social History. 2013 January; 10 (3)

Courtney Thomas, edited by John A. Wagner and Susan Walters Schmid

2011 January;

Courtney Thomas

The Seventeenth Century. 2011 January; 26 (1)

Courtney Thomas

Quidditas: The Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association. 2009 January; 29

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