Claudia Villeneuve


Online & Continuing Education - Continuing Education


EXCST 4201 - Construction Estimating

In this course you will learn the fundamentals of estimating construction projects costs from concept to completion, including types of cost estimates, the tendering process, costing site overheads, and final assembly of tender. The roles of estimators and industrial cost engineers will be explored as well as value engineering and cost control processes and techniques. Cost risks inherent to Alberta conditions will also be discussed.

EXCST 4202 - Construction Planning and Scheduling

Through examining practical construction considerations, this course emphasizes critical path planning and scheduling methods. Topics will include network diagrams, time/resource/cost interrelationships, selection of crew, method and equipment, schedule monitoring, group planning techniques and monitoring, updating, and progress reporting.

EXMGT 5427 - Project Management Essentials

Project management has become a critical skill in every work place. Managers need to know the tools, techniques and have the knowledge to handle projects and deliver successful outcomes. Learn the basics to help you plan, execute, and control project management activities. This is an introductory project management course. We will explore successful projects and why projects that seemingly follow all the necessary rigor and methodology fail. In the end, students will leave with an enhanced ability to plan, execute and control their project management activities.

MATHQ 101 - Calcul élémentaire II

Techniques d'intégration et applications du calcul d'intégrales: calcul de longueurs, aires, volumes et masses, intégrales impropres, équations différentielles ordinaires d'ordre un; séparables, linéaires, méthode d'Euler, applications. Séries infinies, séries de Taylor, séries de puissances et critère de convergence d'une série. Coordonnées polaires, rectangulaires, sphériques et cylindriques dans l'espace de trois dimensions, courbes paramétriques dans le plan et l'espace. Volume et aire d'une surface de révolution. Préalable: MATHQ 100. Note(s): (1) Ce cours n'est pas accessible aux étudiants ayant ou postulant des crédits pour MATHQ 115, MATH 118, 146 ou SCI 100. (2) Ce cours est normalement réservé aux étudiants de la Faculty of Engineering. (3) Les étudiants de la Faculty of Engineering qui suivent ce cours obtiendront 3.5 crédits.

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