Crystal Fraser, PhD
Pronouns: she, her, hers
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Crystal Gail Fraser is Gwichyà Gwich'in and originally from Inuvik and Dachan Choo Gę̀hnjik, Northwest Territories. She also has connections to English and Scottish heritage. Crystal's latest book is By Strength, We Are Still Here: Indigenous Peoples and Indian Residential Schooling in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. Her work makes a strong contribution to how scholars engage with Indigenous research methodologies and theoretical concepts, our understanding of Indigenous histories during the second half of the twentieth century, and how northern Canada was unique in relation to the rest of the settler nation. Crystal is on the Governing Circle of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and a founding member of the National Advisory Committee on Residential School Missing Children and Unmarked Graves. In Fall 2022, Crystal was awarded the prestigious Distinguished Academic Early Career Award from the Confederation of Alberta Faculty Associations.
History of Indian Residential Schools in Canada; the North; Gender and Sexuality; Healthcare; Sport and Recreation; Indigenous Methodologies; Oral Histories.
HIST 368 - Histories of Indigenous Peoples and Kanata until 1870
Examines selected themes of the histories of Indigenous Peoples in what is now known as Canada (or Kanata, a word in Iroquoian meaning village or settlement) from Time Immemorial until 1870.
HIST 462 - Indian Residential Schooling in Canada
Histories of Indian Residential Schools in Canada, with attention to the roles of imperialism, colonialism, and racial ideologies in the implementation and eventual dismantling of the Residential Schools system. Prerequisite: 3 units in HIST at the 300-level or consent of Department.
HIST 662 - Indian Residential Schooling in Canada
Histories of Indian Residential Schools in Canada, with attention to the roles of imperialism, colonialism, and racial ideologies in the implementation and eventual dismantling of the Residential Schools system.
NS 355 - Indigenous Knowledge and Oral Traditions
This course considers oral traditions as aspects of broader, culturally-defined systems of knowledge, in which stories are vehicles for encoding and transmitting knowledge about the people, their culture, and their history. It focuses on new academic and community-based approaches, as well as the complementarity of oral traditions/Indigenous knowledge and Western science. Students will explore the evolving roles of oral traditions for contemporary Indigenous peoples, including creative expression. Prerequisites: NS 110, 111 and 240 or 290 or consent of the Faculty.
NS 504 - Directed Advanced Readings in Indigenous Studies
Prerequisite: NS 503 or consent of the Faculty.
Featured Publications
Crystal Gail Fraser
The University of Manitoba Press. 2024 December;