Cosette Lemelin, PhD, MEd

Assistant Dir, Ed Dev & Prod, Provost & Vice-President Academic - Centre for Teaching and Learning


Assistant Dir, Ed Dev & Prod, Provost & Vice-President Academic - Centre for Teaching and Learning
5-02C5 Cameron Library
11231 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2J8



Cosette has 18 years of experience in Educational Developer roles in a 20-year career in adult and post-secondary education at three universities (the University of Winnipeg, the University of Manitoba, and the University of Alberta). She has a Master of Education (2003) and PhD in Education (2016) focusing on adult and post-secondary education. Cosetteā€™s unique specialities include teaching within health professions education (with a focus on clinical practicum teaching and learning) and varying aspects of interpersonal communication in teaching and learning. She is the Chair of the Educational Developers Network of Alberta (EDNA) and on the Board of Directors of the Legal Education Society of Alberta (LESA).

Cosette is the 2019 recipient of the University of Alberta Excellence in Learning Support Award, and received the award again in 2020 with the CTL Team as part of their COVID 19 Response.


EDHS 501 - Philosophy of Teaching

Priority given to graduate students in the Master of Education in Health Sciences Education program. This course examines the major philosophical foundations of teaching and learning, and their practical applications to health sciences education. Philosophical traditions will be considered within the context of historical conceptions and emerging theoretical perspectives within health sciences education. Sections are offered at an increased rate of fee assessment.

EDHS 597 - Special Seminars

Priority given to graduate students in the Master of Education in Health Sciences Education program. Content varies from year to year. Topics announced prior to registration period. Transcript carries title descriptive of content. May be repeated. Sections are offered at an increased rate of fee assessment.

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