Herbert Colston

Professor, Faculty of Arts - Linguistics Dept


Professor, Faculty of Arts - Linguistics Dept
(780) 492-5500
4-36A Assiniboia Hall
9137 116 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2E7


LING 102 - Linguistics in Action

An introduction to cross-disciplinary and applied areas in linguistics (e.g. language change, language acquisition, language in society). Pre/corequisite: LING 101.

LING 199 - Special Topics in Linguistics

A study of recent developments in particular sub-areas of linguistics. Can be repeated twice when topics vary.

LING 299 - Special Topics in Linguistics

A study of recent developments in particular sub-areas of linguistics. Can be repeated twice when topics vary.

LING 323 - Linguistics and the Mind

The role of language and linguistics in the understanding of human information processing and the nature of mental representations. Prerequisite: LING 101.

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