Maria Cutumisu, PhD

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education - Educational Psychology Dept
Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Science - Computing Science


Associate Professor, Faculty of Education - Educational Psychology Dept

Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Science - Computing Science
(780) 492-5211
6-130 Education Centre - North
8730 - 112 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2G5


Area of Study / Keywords

Educational Psychology Computing Science Machine Learning Educational Data Mining



Dr. Maria Cutumisu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, Faculty of Education, McGill University in the area of Learning Sciences. Previously, she was a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, at the University of Alberta in the area of Measurement, Evaluation, and Data Science and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Computing Science at the University of Alberta. She graduated with an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Computing Science from the Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta and she trained as a postdoctoral scholar in Learning Sciences in the AAA Lab at the Stanford Graduate School of Education. Her research in the Assessment of Learning and Transfer (ALERT) lab draws on computing science and education and has been funded by tri-council grants and scholarships as a PI (NSERC DG, NSERC CGS-D, SSHRC IG, and SSHRC IDG) and as a co-PI (SSHRC IG, and SSHRC IDG, and CIHR). Her research interests include feedback processing (SSHRC IDG grant), machine learning and educational data mining techniques for automated feedback generation (NSERC DG), game-based assessments that support learning and performance-based learning (SSHRC IG grants), computational thinking (e.g., CanCode Callysto grants, CCTt tests, and SSHRC IG), AI in games (e.g., reinforcement learning in computer role-playing games), serious games (e.g., the RETAIN game for neonatal resuscitation), and virtual character (i.e., agent) behaviours in interactive computer games with applications in education. She has employed learning analytics to investigate the impact of K-16 students’ choices (e.g., willingness to choose critical feedback from interactive virtual characters and to revise digital posters) on learning outcomes and mindset within an online game-based assessment environment to understand how prepared students are to learn and innovate. She uses psychophysiological techniques (e.g., eye-tracking and electrodermal activity wearables) to provide a comprehensive understanding of students' learning and memory processes (SSHRC, Killam). She is also affiliated with the Centre for Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation (CRAME), Centre for the Studies of Asphyxia and Resuscitation (CSAR), EdTeKLA, AI4Society, Centre for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (CMASTE), Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute (NMHI) at the University of Alberta, and Women and Children’s Health Research Institute (WCHRI).


  • Internal Paper Presentation Grants (PPG), McGill University. December 19, 2024, $2,000. Local.
  • Internal Social Sciences and Humanities Development Grant (SSHD), McGill University. November 15, 2024 - December 31, 2025, $5,000. Using machine learning to identify predictors of digital reading literacy. Local.
  • Fonds de Recherche du Québec Santé (FRQS) – Chercheur-boursier. Évaluation d’un Simulateur de Réanimation Néonatale à l’Aide de Techniques d’Apprentissage Automatique. 2024-2027, $224,741. Provincial.
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada - Insight Development Grant (SSHRC IDG). Multimodal Learning Models of Feedback-seeking Behaviour. 2023-2025, $75,000. National.
  • Support for the Advancement of Scholarship (SAS), University of Alberta. Using machine learning to improve and transfer medical skills in healthcare education. Co-PI: Dr. Georg Schmölzer (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry). 2021-2022: $7,000. Local.
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada - Insight Grant (SSHRC IG). A Model of Computational Thinking for Deeper Learning. Co-PIs: Drs. Ying Cui, Jacqueline Leighton, and Mark Gierl. 2020-2025: $399,987. National.
  • Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant and Discovery Launch Supplement. An Adaptive Feedback System for Agent and Human Learning. 2019-2027. $208,500. National.
  • Killam Cornerstone Operating Grant. Error Processing, Learning, and Attention, 2018-2019, $44,095. Local.
  • SSHRC Insight Development Grant. A Model of Memory for Critical Feedback. Collaborator: Dr. Daniel L. Schwartz (Stanford University), 2017-2019, $51,700. National.
  • Support for the Advancement of Scholarship (SAS), University of Alberta. Eye tracking students' feedback choices in an online assessment game, 2018 - 2019, $7,000. Local.
  • Centre for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (CMASTE) Faculty Member Funds, University of Alberta. Computational Thinking Assessments. Co-PI: Dr. Catherine Adams (Secondary Education, University of Alberta), 2018-2019, $5,000. Local.
  • Killam Cornerstone Small Operating Grant, University of Alberta. Developing and Evaluating a Game That Teaches a Computational Thinking Skill, 2016-2017, $7,000. Local.
  • TLEF-PD (Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund - Professional Development), University of Alberta. Hierarchical Linear Models Course, SREE, Carnegie Foundation, Stanford, CA. 2016: $5,000. Local.
  • SSHRC Insight Grant - Bridge Funding, University of Alberta. Exploring, Building, and Evaluating Virtual Environments that Support Computational Thinking, 2016, $5,000. Local.
  • Support for the Advancement of Scholarship (SAS), University of Alberta. Building Social Virtual Environments that Support Computational Thinking, 2016-2017, $6,000. Local.
  • Hewlett Grant - Postdoctoral Scholar. Stanford University. 2013-2015. Choice-based Assessments.
  • NSERC CGS-D2 & iCore, 2005 - 2007, $90,000. National.
  • Precarn Scholarship, Federal NCE, 2003 - 2008, $35,000. National.


  • SSHRC Partnership Development Grant. Supporting Teams' Management of Cognitive and Emotional Process. PI: Dr. Jason Harley. 2024-2026, $199,895. National.
  • Alberta Innovates – Enabling Better Health Through Artificial Intelligence. Developing AI to support timely and informed suggestion-making for Alberta Health Link 811. PI: Mi-Young Kim (Computing Science). Co-PI: Dr. Randy Goebel. Collaborators: Patricia Chambers (Alberta Health Services), Jane Huang Q. (Alberta Health Services), Sheny Khera (Misericordia Family Medicine Centre), Maria Cutumisu, Marjan Abbasi (Misericordia Hospital), Gillian Lemermeyer (University of Alberta), Janet Wesselius (University of Alberta), Michael Omoge (University of Alberta). 2024-2027. $783,988. Provincial.
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada - Insight Development Grant (SSHRC IDG). I Hate This Lesson! Helping Learners Manage Their Affect During Online Reading Lessons. PI: Carrie Demmans Epp (Computing Science). Co-PIs: Maria Cutumisu, Genaro Rebolledo-Méndez (UBC). Collaborator: Julia Rivard Dexter (CEO, EyeSpeak, Canada). 2023-2025, $71,784. National.
  • CIHR - OPAL: Online Pre-habilitation for patients Awaiting Liver transplantation - a multicenter randomized controlled trial to reduce frailty and improve health outcomes. PI: Puneeta Tandon (FoMD). Co-PIs: Margaret McNeely (Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine), Carla Prado (ALES), John Spence (KSR), Maryna Yaskina (WCHRI), Kathleen Ismond (FoMD), Maria Cutumisu (Faculty of Education). 2022-2026: $1,250,000 (4 x $312,500). National.
  • NSERC CREATE - From Data to Decision (fD2D): Artificial Intelligence from Data Value Chain to Human Value. Collaborative Research and Training Experience. 2022 – 2028. Amount: $1,649,900. PI: Dr. Daniel C. Baumgart (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry: FoMD). Co-PIs: Osmar Zaïane (CS), Petr Musilek (Electrical & Computer Engineering), Michael Serpe (Chemistry), Nidhi Hegde (CS), Martha White (CS), Randolph Goebel (CS), Maria Cutumisu, Mi-Young Kim (Augustana CS), Geoffrey Rockwell (Humanities Computing & Philosophy, Arts), Jennifer Raso (Law). National.
  • CanCode 3.0 Program, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, Government of Canada. Callysto: Building Tomorrow’s Digital Leaders. PI: Cybera/PIMS. Co-PIs: Maria Cutumisu (Team Leader). March 2022 - March, 2024. Team’s portion: $98,000. National.
  • ITESM - UAlberta Seed Grant Program (Artificial Intelligence and Education, Language and Culture). The role of affect in online higher education: A comparative study in Canada and Mexico, 2021-2022: $32,904. PIs: Drs. Carrie Demmans Epp (Computing Science); Genaro Rebolledo-Méndez (Institute for the Future of Education, ITESM: Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey). Co-PI: Drs. Maria Cutumisu, Samira Hosseini (ITESM). Collaborator: Dr. Peter Brusilovsky (Professor, School of Computing and Information Science, University of Pittsburgh; Adjunct Faculty, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University). Local.
  • SSHRC Partnership Sub-Grant. Ensuring Full Literacy in a Multicultural and Digital World. Applicant: Dr. Carrie Demmans Epp (Computing Science); Collaborators: Julia Rivard (CEO, EyeSpeak, Canada); Genaro Rebolledo-Méndez (Institute for the Future of Education, ITESM: Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey); Maria Cutumisu; Samira Hosseini (ITESM). 2021-2022: $14,870. National.
  • CanCode Program: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, Government of Canada. Callysto: Building Tomorrow’s Digital Leaders (Research Assessment), 2019 - 2021: $104,542. PI: Cybera Inc. Co-PIs: PIMS, Dr. Maria Cutumisu (Team Lead), Dr. Catherine Adams and Dr. Florence Glanfield (Secondary Education, University of Alberta). National.
  • SSHRC Insight Grant. Digital Performance-Based Learning and Assessment System for Teaching Data Literacy, 2019 - 2024. PI: Dr. Ying Cui. Co-PIs: Dr. Jacqueline Leighton. Collaborator: Dr. Man-Wai Chu. $298,689. National.
  • Alberta Education, Flexible Pathways to Writing Knowledge Transfer – Moving Research to Practice, 2018 - 2019: $12,000. PI: Dr. Veronica Smith (Educational Psychology, University of Alberta), Dr. Heather Brown (Educational Psychology, University of Alberta). Local.
  • Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF), University of Alberta. Improving the Quality and Quantity of Feedback via Interactive Score Reporting. 2018 - 2020: $62,521. PI: Dr. Okan Bulut (Educational Psychology, University of Alberta). Local.
  • CanCode Program: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, Government of Canada. Callysto (Research Assessment), 2018 - 2020: $1,497,143 (our team's portion: $94,563). PI: David Chan (Cybera Inc.). Co-PIs: PIMS, Dr. Catherine Adams (Team Lead, Secondary Education, University of Alberta), Dr. Mike Carbonaro (Educational Psychology, University of Alberta). National.
  • SSHRC Insight Development Grant (IDG). Modeling the Mathematical Achievement of Children with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder, 2016-2018: $64,149. PI: Dr. Heather Brown (Educational Psychology, University of Alberta). Co-PI: Dr. Daniel Ansari (The University of Western Ontario). Collaborators: Dr. Michele Searle (Queen's University), Dr. Veronica Smith (Educational Psychology, University of Alberta). National.
  • Alberta Education. Flexible Pathways to Writing: Developing and Implementing Assistive Technology to Support Students' Academic Writing Skills in Inclusive Classrooms, 2016-2018: $119,500. PI: Dr. Veronica Smith (Educational Psychology, University of Alberta). Co-PI: Dr. Heather Brown (Educational Psychology, University of Alberta). Local.
  • Google CS4HS 2016 Academy. Computational Thinking for Computing Science Teachers Professional Development Training, 2016-2017, USD 30,600. PI: Harvey Duff (Computing Science, University of Alberta). Co-PIs: Dr. Catherine Adams (Secondary Education, University of Alberta), Dr. Ryan Hayward (Computing Science, University of Alberta), Dr. Paul Lu (Computing Science, University of Alberta), Dr. Cameron Macdonell (Computer Science, MacEwan University), Dr. Mike Carbonaro (Educational Psychology, University of Alberta). International.
  • Support for the Advancement of Scholarship (SAS), University of Alberta. Examining Achievement Emotions Across Test-taking Environments: Does Environment Influence Affect?, 2016-2017: $6,974. PI: Dr. Jason Harley (Educational Psychology, University of Alberta). Co-PIs: Dr. Lia Daniels, Dr. Jacqueline Leighton, Dr. Mark Gierl (Educational Psychology, University of Alberta). Local.


  • Graduate Student Association (GSA) Graduate Supervision Award, University of Alberta, February 16, 2021. Local.
  • 4 x Roger S. Smith Undergraduate Student Researcher - Faculty Award, University of Alberta, 2021, 2019, 2018, 2016. Local.
  • 5 x Mitacs Globalink Research Internship - Faculty, 2022, 2021, 2019, 2018, and 2017. National.
  • Silver Medal Award for the RETAIN tabletop game, Serious Play Conference, 2020.
  • Outstanding Presentation Award. Show and Tell: A student research celebration at the Chancellor and Senate of the University of Alberta, Faculty of Education, 2019.
  • Coutts-Clarke Research Fellowship. 2019-2020. $10,000. Local.
  • Outstanding Project Award and 1st-Place Presentation Award. Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting. 2019. International.
  • University of Alberta Compliments - Dear Prof Event, Teaching recognition from a student organization, 2018. Local.
  • Best Paper Award. International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA). 2017. International.
  • Best Extended Abstract. London International Conference on Education. 2016. International.
  • Best Paper in DEED (Design in Engineering Education Division) Finalist, $50 USD. American Society for Engineering Education Conference (ASEE). 2015. International.
  • Best Paper Award. International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA). 2014. International.
  • Outstanding Research PhD Achievement Award, Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, 2009. Local.
  • Dissertation Fellowship, University of Alberta, 2007 - 2008, $22,000. Local.
  • Graduate Outreach Award, Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, 2007. Local.
  • Honorary Walter H. Johns Graduate Fellowship, University of Alberta, 2005-2007. National.
  • Best Paper Award, GameOn North America Conference, 2006. International.
  • Best Poster Award, NSERC iCore Summit 2005. National.



Graduate Courses

  • EDPY 500 Introduction to Data Analysis in Educational Research (using DataCamp: R and SPSS), University of Alberta
  • EDPY 502 Educational Data Mining (using DataCamp: R and Python), University of Alberta
  • EDPY 505 Quantitative Methods I (using DataCamp: SPSS, R, and Python), University of Alberta
  • EDPY 506 Machine Learning: Theory and Applications (using DataCamp: R and Python), University of Alberta
  • EDPE 561 - Artificial Intelligence in Education (using DataCamp: R and Python), McGill University
  • EDU 575 Theory and Practice in Educational Technology (using Raspberry PI), University of Alberta
  • EDPY 599 Independent Study Course (e.g., Deep Learning in Education), University of Alberta
  • EDPY 599/699 Advanced Measurement for Computational Thinking, University of Alberta
  • EDPE 666 Foundations of Learning Science, McGill University, McGill University
  • EDPE 668 Machine Learning: Theory and Applications (using DataCamp: R and Python), McGill University
  • EDPE 682 Univariate/Multivariate Analysis, McGill University
  • EDPY 903 - Directed Research Project, University of Alberta

Undergraduate Courses

  • EDU 210 Introduction to Educational Technology, University of Alberta
  • EDPY 303 Educational Assessment, University of Alberta
  • EDIT 486/EDPY 597 Interactive Multimedia: Building Video Games for Teaching and Learning (using Scratch and Kodu), University of Alberta

Guest Lectures

  • EDPY 597 - Learning, Cognition, and Education. 2019. Instructor: Dr. Veronica Smith, Educational Psychology, University of Alberta. Posterlet - A Behavioural Assessment Game. 1h.
  • EDPY 303 - Educational Assessment. 2018. Instructor: Dr. Okan Bulut, Educational Psychology, University of Alberta. 2h.
  • EDPY 510 - Learning, Cognition, and Education. 2017. Instructor: Dr. Veronica Smith, Educational Psychology, University of Alberta. Posterlet - A Behavioural Assessment Game. 1.5h.
  • EDIT 486/EDPY597: Building Video Games for Teaching and Learning - Undergraduate Course. 2017. Instructor: Dr. Mike Carbonaro, Educational Psychology, University of Alberta. 1 Guest Lecture. 1.5h. February 28.
  • CMPUT 250 - Computers and Games. 2016. Instructor: Dr. Vadim Bulitko, Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta. Games for learning and assessment. 1.5h.
  • EDIT 486: Building Video Games for Teaching and Learning - Undergraduate Course. 2016. Instructor: Dr. Mike Carbonaro, Educational Psychology, University of Alberta. 3 Guest Lectures. 1.5h. January 26th, February 2nd, and March 1st.
  • EDPY 597: Building Video Games for Teaching and Learning - Graduate Course. 2015. Instructor: Dr. Mike Carbonaro, Educational Psychology, University of Alberta. 1 Guest Lecture. 1.5h. October 20th.
  • Computer Integrated Architecture/Engineering/Construction Global Teamwork. 2015. Project Based Learning (PBL) class. Instructor: Dr. Renate Fruchter, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, USA. Choicelets - A suite of assessment games for learning. 2 Guest Lectures. 1h.

Featured Publications

Predicting the mathematics literacy of resilient students from high-performing economies: A machine learning approach.

Zhang*, Y., & Cutumisu, M.

Studies in Educational Evaluation. Impact Factor: 2.6. Rank: 16% = 120/756.. 2024 October;

Assessing critical thinking skills in data literacy: A digital performance assessment

Cui, Y., Liu*, X., Chen*, F., Lutsyk*, A., Leighton, J. P., & Cutumisu, M.

Journal of Education. Special Issue: Critical Thinking in Higher Education in the Digital Age: New Research Concepts, Innovative Measurement Methods, and Digital Interventions. 2024 September;

A randomized controlled simulation trial of a neonatal resuscitation digital game simulator for labour and delivery room staff

Bilodeau*, C., Schmölzer, G. M., & Cutumisu, M.

Children – Pediatric Neonatology. New Insights in Neonatal Resuscitation. Impact Factor: 2.0. Rank: 37% = 68/186. 2024 June;

Using machine learning to predict student science achievement based on science curriculum type in TIMSS 2019

Song*, Y., & Cutumisu, M.

International Journal of Science Education. Impact Factor: 2.3. Rank: 52% = 140/269. 2024 May;

Cognitive, interpersonal, and intrapersonal deeper learning domains: A systematic review of computational thinking.

Jin*, H.-Y., & Cutumisu, M.

Education and Information Technologies. Impact Factor: 5.5. Rank: 7% = 19/269.. 2024 April;

Assessing numerical analysis performance with the Practi mobile app.

Cutumisu, M., Garn, K., & Spiteri, R. J.

Education Sciences. Impact Factor: 3.0. Rank: 15% = 114/759. 2024 April;

Predicting teacher research reading: A machine learning approach

Yousefpoori Naeim*, M., He*, S., Cui, Y., & Cutumisu, M.

International Review of Education. Impact Factor: 3.2. Rank: 11% = 87/759. 2024 April;

The effects of a digital game simulator versus a traditional intervention on paramedics’ neonatal resuscitation performance

Cutumisu, M., & Schmölzer, G. M.

Children – Pediatric Neonatology. Newborn Resuscitation: Advances in Training and Practice: 2nd Edition. Impact Factor: 2.4. Rank: 45% = 58/130.. 2024 January;

Pan*, Z., & Cutumisu, M.

British Journal of Educational Psychology. Impact Factor: 3.7. Rank: 20% = 12/60. 2023 December; 10.1111/bjep.12657

Validating a novel digital performance-based assessment of data literacy: Psychometric and eye-tracking analyses.

Chen*, F., Cui, Y., Lutsyk-King, A., Gao*, Y., Liu*, X., Cutumisu, M., & Leighton, J. P.

Education and Information Technologies. Impact Factor: 5.5. Rank: 3% = 21/742. 2023 August;

Tan*, B., Jin*, H.-Y., & Cutumisu, M.

Computer Science Education. Impact Factor: 2.7. Rank: 23% = 172/742. 2023 August; 10.1080/08993408.2023.2245687

Data literacy assessments: A systematic literature review

Cui, Y., Chen*, F., Lutsyk*, A., Leighton, J. P., & Cutumisu, M.

Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice. Impact Factor: 2.52. Rank: 47% = 128/270. 2023 February;

Predicting pre-service teachers' computational thinking skills using machine learning classifiers

Jin*, H.-Y., & Cutumisu, M.

Education and Information Technologies. Impact Factor: 3.67. Rank: 23% = 62/270. 2023 January;

Insights into computational thinking from think-aloud interviews: A systematic review

Pan*, Z., Cui, Y., Leighton, J. P., & Cutumisu, M.

Applied Cognitive Psychology. Impact Factor: 2.36. Rank: 61.5% = 56/91. 2023 January;

Discovering clusters in the responses to the Canadian community health survey: An unsupervised machine learning approach

Cutumisu, M., Southcott*, J., & Lu*, C.

International Journal of Mental Health & Addiction. Impact Factor: 11.55. Rank: 6% = 8/142. 2022 July;

Online engagement and performance on formative assessments mediate the relationship between attendance and course performance

Lu*, C., & Cutumisu, M.

International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. Impact Factor: 4.94. Rank: 7% = 18/265. 2022 January;

Assessing computational thinking in higher education: A scoping review

Lu*, C., MacDonald*, R., Odell*, B., Kokhan*, V., Demmans Epp, C., & Cutumisu, M.

Journal of Computing in Higher Education. Impact Factor: 2.63. Rank: 40% = 107/265. 2021 December;

Using structural equation modeling to examine the relationship between pre-service teachers’ computational thinking attitudes and skills

Cutumisu, M., Adams, C., Glanfield, F., Yuen*, C., & Lu*, C.

IEEE Transactions on Education. Impact Factor: 2.1. Rank: 59% = 162/273. 2021 July;

Feedback choices and their relations to learning are age-invariant starting in middle school: A secondary data analysis

Cutumisu, M., & Schwartz, D. L.

Computers & Education. Impact Factor: 8.54. Rank: 1.1% = 3/264. 2021 April;

Key information processes for thinking critically in data-rich environments

Leighton, J. P., Cui, Y., & Cutumisu, M.

Frontiers in Education, section Educational Psychology. 2021 January;

Mindset moderates healthcare providers' longitudinal performance in a digital neonatal resuscitation simulator

Lu*, C., Ghoman*, S. K., Cutumisu, M., & Schmölzer, G. M.

Frontiers in Pediatrics: Neonatology. Impact Factor: 3.42. Rank: 18.6% = 24/129. 2021 January;

Testing measurement invariance of PISA 2015 mathematics, science, and ICT Scales using the alignment method

Odell*, B., Gierl, M., & Cutumisu, M.

Studies in Educational Evaluation. Impact Factor: 1.983. Rank: 34% = 90/263. 2021 January;

Digital simulation improves, maintains, and helps transfer healthcare providers' neonatal resuscitation performance

Ghoman*, S. K., Cutumisu, M., & Schmölzer, G. M.

Frontiers in Pediatrics: Neonatology. Impact Factor: 3.42. Rank: 18.6% = 24/129. 2020 December;

Health care providers’ performance, mindset, and attitudes toward a neonatal resuscitation computer-based simulator: Empirical study

Cutumisu, M., Ghoman*, S. K., Lu*, C., Patel*, S. D., Garcia-Hidalgo*, C., Fray*, C., Brown, M. R. G., Greiner, R., & Schmölzer, G. M.

JMIR Serious Games. Impact Factor: 3.526. Rank: 26% = 7/27. DOI: 10.2196/21855. 2020 November;

University students’ negative emotions in a computer-based exam: The roles of trait test-emotion, prior test-taking methods, and gender

Harley, J. M., Lou*, N. M., Liu*, Y., Cutumisu, M., Daniels, M., Leighton, J. P., & Nadon*, L.

Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. Impact Factor: 4.98. Rank: 6.44% = 17/264. 2020 October;

Using technology to bridge the gap for remote healthcare education during COVID-19

Ghoman*, S. K., Cutumisu, M., & Schmölzer, G. M.

BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning (BMJ STEL). Rank: 81.33% = 122/150. 2020 September;

Ghoman*, S. K., Cutumisu, M., & Schmölzer, G. M.

Frontiers in Pediatrics: Neonatology. Impact Factor: 3.42. Rank: 18.6% = 24/129. 2020 September;

Guidelines for generating effective feedback from e-assessments

Bulut, O., Cutumisu, M., Singh*, D., & Aquilina*, A.

Hacettepe University Journal of Education. 2020 August;

Unsupervised machine learning algorithms examine healthcare providers' perceptions and longitudinal performance in a digital neonatal resuscitation simulator.

Lu*, C., Ghoman*, S. K., Cutumisu, M., & Schmölzer, G. M.

Frontiers in Pediatrics: Neonatology. Impact Factor: 3.42. Rank: 18.6% = 24/129. 2020 July;

A scoping review of the relationship between students’ ICT and performance in mathematics and science in the PISA data

Odell*, B., Cutumisu, M., & Gierl, M.

Social Psychology of Education. Impact Factor: 2.19. Rank: 61% = 37/61. 2020 July;

The roles of generic and domain-specific mindsets in learning graphic design principles

Cutumisu, M., & Lou*, N. M.

Interactive Learning Environments. Impact Factor: 3.93. Rank: 16% = 43/264. 2020 June;

The moderating effect of mindset on the relation between university students' critical feedback-seeking and learning

Cutumisu, M., & Lou*, N. M.

Computers in Human Behavior. Impact Factor: 6.83. Rank: 7% = 10/140. 2020 May;

Ghoman*, S., Cutumisu, M., & Schmölzer, G.

Frontiers in Pediatrics: Neonatology. Impact Factor: 3.42. Rank: 18.6% = 24/129. 2020 January; 8 10.3389/fped.2020.00014

Ghoman*, S. K., Cutumisu, M., & Schmölzer, G. M.

SAGE Research Methods Cases: Medicine and Health. 2020 January; 10.4135/9781529734461

Cutumisu, M., Schwartz, D. L., & Lou*, N. M.

Computers & Education. Impact Factor: 8.54. Rank: 1.1% = 3/264. 2020 January; 149 (Article 103806):1-40

Ghoman*, S. K., Patel*, S., Cutumisu, M., von Hauff*, P., Jeffery*, T., Brown, M. R. G., & Schmölzer, G.

Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition. Impact factor: 3.95. Rank: 6% = 7/124. 2020 January; 105 (1):98-107 10.1136/archdischild-2019-317011

Odell*, B., Galovan, A., & Cutumisu, M.

Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. Impact Factor: 0.90. Rank: 62% = 147/235. 2020 January; 16 (6, Article em1846):1-15

Bulut, O., Cutumisu, M., Aquilina*, A. M., & Singh*, D.

Frontiers in Education, section Assessment, Testing and Applied Measurement. 2019 January; 4 10.3389/feduc.2019.00065

Cutumisu, M.

Frontiers in Psychology - Educational Psychology. Impact Factor: 2.13. Rank: 29% = 40/137. 2019 January;

Cutumisu, M., Turgeon*, K.-L., Saiyera*, T., Chuong*, S., González Esparza*, L. M., MacDonald*, R., & Kokhan*, V.

Frontiers in Psychology - Educational Psychology. Impact Factor: 2.13. Rank: 29% = 40/137. 2019 January;

Cutumisu, M., Patel*, S., Brown, M. R. G., Fray*, C., von Hauff*, P., Jeffery*, T., & Schmölzer

Frontiers in Pediatrics: Neonatology. Impact factor: 2.35. Rank: 31% = 38/124. 2019 January; 7 (13) 10.3389/fped.2019.00013

Cutumisu, M., & Guo*, Q.

IEEE Transactions on Education. Impact Factor: 2.21. Rank: 36% = 15/41. 2019 January; 62 (4):325-332 10.1109/TE.2019.2925253

Cutumisu, M., Vasquez, C., Uhlich, M., Beatty, P., Mehrabani, H., Djebah, R., Murtha, A., Greiner, R., & Lewis, J.

JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics (JCO-CCI). 2019 January; 3 10.1200/CCI.18.00144

Chin, D. B., Blair, K. P., Wolf, R. C., Conlin, L. D., Cutumisu, M., Pfaffman, J., & Schwartz, D. L.

Journal of the Learning Sciences. Impact factor: 3.54. Rank: 3% = 8/243. 2019 January; 3 (28):337-380 10.1080/10508406.2019.1570933

Cutumisu, M., Adams, C., & Lu*, C.

Journal of Science Education and Technology (JOST). Impact Factor: 1.785. Rank: 19/41 = 46%. 2019 January;

Cutumisu, M.

Computers in Human Behavior. Impact factor: 4.31. Rank: 4.5% = 4/88. 2019 January; 93 10.1016/j.chb.2018.12.026

Cutumisu, M., Chin, D. B., & Schwartz, D. L.

British Journal of Educational Technology. Impact factor: 2.73. Rank: 9% = 23/239. 2019 January; 50 (6):2977-3003 10.1111/bjet.12796

Bulut, O., & Cutumisu, M.

Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH). 2018 January; 27 (1):25-42

Cutumisu, M., & Schwartz, D. L.

Computers in Human Behavior, Impact factor: 4.31. Rank: 4.5% = 4/88. 2018 January; 78 (ISSN 0747-5632. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2017.06.029):351-367

Cutumisu, M., Brown*, M., Fray*, C., & Schmölzer, G.

Frontiers in Pediatrics, section Neonatology. 2018 January; 6

Cutumisu, M.

Interactive Technology and Smart Education. 2018 January; 15 (4):363-380

Cutumisu, M., & Bulut, O.

Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH). 2017 January; 26 (4):325-342

Cutumisu, M., Labonté*, C., Oslie*, V., Gange*, E., Brown, H., & Smith, V.

LEARNing Landscapes. 2017 January; 11 (1):87-102

Cutumisu, M., Blair, K. P., Chin, D. B., & Schwartz, D. L.

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED), Springer. 2016 January; 27 (3):419-447

Cutumisu, M., Blair, K. P., Chin, D. B., & Schwartz, D. L.

Journal of Learning Analytics. 2015 January; 2 (1):49-71

Carbonaro, M., Szafron, D., Cutumisu, M., & Schaeffer, J.

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Carbonaro, M., Cutumisu, M., Duff, H., Gillis, S., Onuczko, C., Siegel, J., Schaeffer, J., Schumacher, A., Szafron, D., & Waugh, K.

Computers and Education. 2008 January; 51 (2):687-707

Cutumisu, M., Onuczko, C., McNaughton, M., Roy, T., Schaeffer, J., Schumacher, A., Siegel, J., Szafron, D., Waugh, K., Carbonaro, M., Duff, H., & Gillis, S.

Science of Computer Programming. 2007 January; 67 (1):32-55

Cutumisu, M., Szafron, D., Schaeffer, J., McNaughton, M., Roy, T., Onuczko, C., & Carbonaro, M.

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Szafron, D., Carbonaro, M., Cutumisu, M., Gillis, S., McNaughton, M., Onuczko, C., Roy, T., & Schaeffer, J.

Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning (IMEJ). 2005 January; 7 (1):1-13

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