Sherry Dahlke, PhD, RN, GNC(C)

Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Nursing

Pronouns: she, her, hers


Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Nursing
Edmonton Clinic Health Academy
11405 87 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 1C9


Area of Study / Keywords

Nursing practice with older people



  • PhD (Nursing), University of British Columbia (2013)
  • MN, University of British Columbia (2004)
  • BScN, University of Victoria (1996)
  • Certificate in Gerontology, Malaspina University-College (1996)
  • BVEd, University of Regina (1992)
  • Certificate of Administration, University of Regina (1990)
  • Nursing Diploma, Wascana Institute, (1979)

Sherry Dahlke joined the Faculty of Nursing after completing her PhD and a career that included practice in acute and community care, teaching, administration and research. Dr. Dahlke has held many roles in is the the Gerotological Association of British Columbia, the Alberta Gerontological Nurses Association and the Canadian Gerontological Nurses Association. In 2019 she received the McCalla Teaching Professorship Award and the International Award for Excellence in Gerontological Education


Dr. Dahlke's program of research aims to improve nursing practice with older people. Dr. Dahlke’s program of research focuses on three main themes: (1) how nurses in interprofessional teams can enhance care of older people; (2) examining and improving nursing education related to older people; (3) how nurses’ perceptions of safety and harm and their context influences their practice with older people. For the past three years much of her work has focused on improving how nurses are educated to work with older people. As a result, she has developed and tested three e-learning activities (based on finding from her previous studies) to enhance undergraduate nurses’ education about older people. These e-learning activities have been tested and refined. Student nurses rate them as an interesting and helpful way to learn about older people. Current research studies include:

  • Awakening Canadians to Ageism
  • Understanding the impact of the faculty navigator program
  • Understanding nursing practices with managing continence in older people
  • Understanding warning signs for readmission in older people in rural settings

Current Funding

  • Social Sciences Health Research Committee Partnership Development Grant



Dr. Dahlke has taught foundational nursing theory courses, older adult clinical and theoretical courses, and research courses.