Damian Collins, PhD
Pronouns: He/His
Professor, Faculty of Science - Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Admin
- damian1@ualberta.ca
Area of Study / Keywords
cities health housing human rights
I am a human geographer who focuses on issues of housing and homelessness, especially in urban contexts (where 83% of Canadians live). My work contributes to addressing the housing affordability crisis in Canada, and to educating and training students to take on roles in housing policy, programming and provision.
More broadly, I am interested in the public aspects of contemporary social life - including public policies, public services and public spaces. I seek to understand why these "public things" are important, in discourse and in practice.
Rights claims often play a critical role in shaping public policies, public services and public spaces. I explore the way in which rights are influential in shaping "who gets what where, and how" (Smith D.M., 1974). The human right to adequate housing is of central importance in my research, and I evaluate housing initiatives in terms of their ability to respect, protect and fulfil this fundamental right.
I am also committed to the human right to health. I believe health is a resource for everyday living that everyone has the right to attain.
My BA and MA (Hons) were in Geography at the University of Auckland.
My PhD was in Geography at Simon Fraser University. I worked in the Legal Geography Research Group.
I am the Director of the Community Housing Canada Research Partnership, which sits within the Collaborative Housing Research Network.
Other research interests:
- Coastal development and recreation
- Health-promoting places
- Housing First
- Smoke-free environments
- Winter cities
Lab: The Collins Lab for Urban Excellence (CLUE)
Tory 3-86
Community Housing Canada Project Coordinator:
- Bon Swanson, BA
Research Team:
- Laura Bates, PhD student
- Isabella Grande, BA student
- Meagan Miller, MA student
- Edgar Romario Aranibar Ramos, Intern student
- Pablo Argibay Wikander, PhD student
Recent Graduates:
- Erika Cizek, MA (2023)
- Zahra Azarm, MSc (2023)
- Kenna McDowell, MA (2022)
- Madeleine Stout, MA (2021)
- Alexandra Stout, BA (Hons) (2021)
- Ariel MacDonald, MA (2021)
- Darcy Reynard, PhD (2020)
- Sophie Stadler, MA (2019)
- Sydney Gross, MSc (2019)
- Ranon Soans, MA (2018)
HGEO 240 Cities and Urbanism
Introduction to urban geography and planning emphasizing interactions between the built environment and processes of social and economic change. Topics include urban form, housing and diversity in North American cities.
HGEO 341 Social & Cultural Geography
Connections between space, society and culture at multiple scales. Formation and significance of cultural landscapes, and shaping of social life by spatial arrangements.
HGEO 343 Geographies of Health & Health Care
Geographic research on health and health care, including environmental, social, individual and institutional factors.
HGEO 499 / PLAN 499 Practical Study in Human Geography & Planning (Field School)
Intensive field or practical study in Human Geography and Planning, typically as part of a team working off-campus.
HGEO 499 - Human Geography Field School
Intensive field or practical study in Human Geography, typically as part of a team working off-campus. Details and areas of study may vary from year to year; consult the department about current offerings, fees and timing. Prerequisites: Any HGEO 2XX, HGP 2XX or PLAN 2XX course plus consent of Instructor. Topics vary; may be taken more than once for credit provided no topic is repeated. This course may require the payment of additional fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.
HGEO 599 - Advanced Human Geography Field School
Intensive field or practical study in Human Geography, typically as part of a team working off-campus. Details and areas of study may vary from year to year; consult the department about current offerings, fees and timing. Topics vary; may be taken more than once for credit provided no topic is repeated. This course may require the payment of additional fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.
PLAN 499 - Planning Field School
Intensive field or practical study in Urban and Regional Planning, typically as part of a team working off-campus. Details and areas of study may vary from year to year; consult the department about current offerings, fees and timing. Prerequisite: PLAN 210 or HGP 210 and Consent of Instructor. Topics vary; may be taken more than once for credit provided no topic is repeated. This course may require the payment of additional fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.
PLAN 599 - Advanced Practical Field Study in Planning
Intensive field or practical study in Planning, typically as part of a team working off-campus. Details and areas of study may vary from year to year; consult the department about current offerings, fees and timing. Sections offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar.
Scholarly Activities
Research - Editorial roles
Co-Editor (North America) Housing Studies.
International Editorial Board Member for Health & Place and Geography Compass Social (previously Editor from 2015-2020).
Featured Publications
Alexandra Stout, Damian Collins
Housing, Theory and Society. 2024 May; 10.1080/14036096.2024.2311426
Julia Woodhall-Melnik, Tobin LeBlanc Haley, Chloé Reiser, Emily Nombro, Damian Collins, Cassandra Monette
International Journal on Homelessness. 2024 April; 10.5206/ijoh.2023.3.16805
Intersecting Barriers: The Production of Housing Vulnerability for LGBTQ Refugees in Alberta, Canada
Kenna McDowell, Damian Collins
Housing, Theory and Society. 2023 November; 10.1080/14036096.2023.2282655
Sophie L. Stadler, Damian Collins
Housing Studies. 2023 October; 10.1080/02673037.2021.1982873
Joshua Evans, Madeleine Stout, Damian Collins, Kenna McDowell
Housing Studies. 2023 October; 10.1080/02673037.2021.1977783
Laura Bates, Damian Collins
Housing, Theory and Society. 2023 August; 10.1080/14036096.2023.2204901
Madeleine Stout, Damian Collins, Joshua Evans
Canadian Geographies / Géographies canadiennes. 2022 December; 10.1111/cag.12776
Damian Collins, Esther de Vos, Joshua Evans, Meryn Severson Mason, Jalene Anderson-Baron, Victoria Cruickshank, Kenna McDowell
Housing Policy Debate. 2022 May; 10.1080/10511482.2021.1900890
Shirgaokar M., Reynard D., Collins D.
Transportation Research Part A. 2021 October; 154
Growth over resilience: how Canadian municipalities frame the challenge of reducing carbon emissions
Darcy Reynard, Damian Collins, Manish Shirgaokar
Local Environment. 2021 April; 10.1080/13549839.2021.1892046
Collins D., Stout M.
Housing Studies. 2021 March; 36 (3):336-358
Damian Collins, Laura Bates, Robin Kearns, Joshua Evans
Applied Mobilities. 2020 January; 10.1080/23800127.2018.1471297
Collins, D., Stadler, S.L.
International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2e. 2020 January; 11
Jalene T. Anderson-Baron, Damian Collins
Housing Studies. 2019 September; 10.1080/02673037.2018.1535055
Evans, J., Collins, D., Chai, C-A.
Area. 2019 September; 51 (3):451-460
Robin Kearns, Damian Collins, Laura Bates, Elliott Serjeant
Geographical Research. 2019 August; 10.1111/1745-5871.12344
Damian Collins, Robin Kearns, Laura Bates, Elliott Serjeant
Social & Cultural Geography. 2018 October; 10.1080/14649365.2017.1323342
Madeleine Stout, Damian Collins, Sophie L. Stadler, Ranon Soans, Emma Sanborn, Robert J. Summers
Geography Compass. 2018 August; 10.1111/gec3.12379
Jalene T. Anderson-Baron, Damian Collins
Urban Geography. 2018 April; 10.1080/02723638.2017.1375826
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