Pushpanjali Dashora

Associate Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Human Ecology Dept


Associate Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Human Ecology Dept
345 Human Ecology Building
8905 - 116 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2N1



Job/Research Area: Human development in the context of poverty and homelessness.


2008-2009: Graduate Research Fellowship, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University 

2008-2009: Edith M. Slabaugh Scholarship (Graduate Research) Florence Levy Miller and I. George Miller Memorial Scholarship, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University

2008-2009: Alumni Grants for Graduate Research and Scholarship (AGGRS), The Graduate School, The Ohio State University 

2009: Jacobs Foundation International Travel Award, The Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, Colorado, April, 2009

2008: Travel Award, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University


Research Interests

 Dr. Dashora's research interests include: homelessness; poverty; child and adolescent development; participatory action research; and qualitative analysis. Primarily, her research focus is on marginalized populations such as homeless adolescents and families.  

Dr. Dashora's research aims to empower marginalized adolescents and families and to intervene at individual and policy levels of the ecological system. In addition, Dr. Dashora is interested in examining socio-emotional behaviors (such as attachment, self-efficacy, and coping), mental health and well-being among homeless youth and families.

Research funding:

2015-16Support for the Advancement of Scholarship (SAS) research grant - Impact of a transitional supportive housing on homeless youth: a pilot study - $4961

2012-13Alberta Secretariat for Action on Homelessness - Empowering homeless individuals in Fort McMurray - $10,000


Graduate students currently supervised and their research topics/areas

  • Natasha Weber, M.Sc. (ongoing), Topic: Parent child mother goose program (Co-supervisor is Dr. Berna Skrypnek)
  • Aynsley Pidgeon-Graham, M.Sc. (completed in 2014), Topic: LGBT Inclusive End of Life Services within Edmonton Inventory
  • Traci Toszack, M.Sc. (completed in 2013), Topic: Mental health and wellness needs assessment within Energy Services


HECOL 313 - Family Dynamics

An introduction to family dynamics from the perspective of family theory. Changes in family dynamics across the life course will be examined using theoretical concepts, research, and practical application of concepts. Prerequisite: successful completion of 60 units.

Browse more courses taught by Pushpanjali Dashora

Featured Publications

Richter, S., Dashora, P. & Jarvis, K.

International Journal of Case Studies. 2015 January; 4 (3):12-20

Iwasaki Y., Springett J., Dashora P., & McLaughlin A. M.

Child & Youth Services. 2014 January; 35 (4):316-342.

Dashora, P., Slesnick, N., & Erdem, G.

Journal of Community Psychology. 2012 January; 40 (8):938-950

Dashora, P., Erdem, G., & Slesnick, N.

Journal of Health Psychology,. 2011 January; 16 (1):158-168

Slesnick, N., Patton, R., Dashora, P.

Encyclopedia of Adolescence. 2011 January; 3

Slesnick, N., Glassman, M., Garren R., Toviessi, P., Bantchevska, D., & Dashora, P.

Children and Youth Services Review. 2008 January; 30

Slesnick, N., Bartle-Haring, S., Dashora, P., Kang, M. & Aukward, E.

Journal of Youth & Adolescence,. 2008 January; 37 (4):465-474

Bantchevska, D., Bartle-Haring, S., Dashora, P., Glebova, T. & Slesnick, N.

Journal of Human Ecology. 2008 January; 23 (4):285-293

Slesnick, N., Dashora, P., Letcher, A., Erdem, G., & Serovich, J.

Children and Youth Services Review,. 31 (7):732-742