David Chorney, PhD, M.Ed, B.Ed, B.A.

Professor, Faculty of Education - Secondary Education Dept


Professor, Faculty of Education - Secondary Education Dept
(780) 492-0916
448 Education Centre - South
11210 - 87 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2G5



Dr. David Chorney is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education, Department of Secondary Education at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada. His active research program focuses on physical education teacher education (PETE); curriculum theorizing in physical education as well as technology integration within the teaching of physical and health education. Hired as an Assistant Professor in 2003 by the University of Lethbridge in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, and receiving numerous teaching and research awards as a new emerging scholar, Dr. Chorney accepted a position as an Assistant Professor with the University of Alberta in July of 2007. His scholarly work as a researcher and teacher educator of physical education teacher education is nationally and provincially recognized and in 2002 he was recognized by the Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (Now PHE Canada) as a Canadian Young Professional Award winner.

In 2014, Dr. Chorney was the recipient of the Rutherford Award of Excellence in undergraduate teaching for the University of Alberta. This is the highest award given to recognize excellence in undergraduate teaching at the University of Alberta. https://gandalf.registrar.ualberta.ca/Awards/html/teachingawards.html

External and internal research funding have provided an ongoing source of funds to conduct many research projects related to PETE, physical education curriculum and technology-related projects. Although considered a junior academic, Dr. Chorney has secured over $600,000 in research funding individually and as a co-applicant. Over the past few years Dr. Chorney has published 25 refereed articles, 22 non-refereed articles, 6 institutional reports, and electronic publications and 5 book chapters. Direct results of his research have resulted in over 30 international conference presentations, over 50 national conference presentations, and over 30 provincial conference presentations. Over the past few years Dr. Chorney has also won several teaching and research awards including in 2012, the Faculty of Education Undergraduate teaching award and in 2013, the Faculty of Education Innovation in Technology Integration award for the work he has done in having his PE majors create fitness apps called 'Any age Fitness'.

Currently working with 4 graduate students at both the Master’s and Doctoral level, his involvement as a graduate supervisor, committee member and examining committee member allow a breadth and depth of academic variety that is both enriching and challenging. Dr. Chorney has developed graduate-level courses for students interested in pursuing graduate studies in PETE and has offered these courses face to face, online and in a hybrid format. His current graduate course, EDSE 548 'Conceptualizing the field of physical education: An inquiry into enduring and contemporary issues', has attracted students from across Canada and abroad.

If you are interested in pursuing graduate studies in education related to the fields of physical education, outdoor education or health education, please contact Dr. Chorney at dchorney@ualberta.ca.


 Courses Taught

 Undergraduate Courses 

EDU 100: Contexts of Education

EDSE 347: Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Physical Education Majors I

EDSE 348: Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Physical Education Minors

EDSE 401: Outdoor Education and Children

EDSE 447: Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Physical Education Majors II

EDSE 451: Integrating Theory and Classroom Practice in the Advanced Professional Term

Graduate Courses

EDSE 548: Conceptualizing the Field of Physical Education: An Inquiry into Enduring and Contemporary Issues

EDSE 510: Research Methods in Secondary Education (Required Grad Course in Sec Ed.)

EDSE 502: Advanced Level Guided Individual Study in Secondary Education

  • 2019 - Professional Development & Resource Creation for Physical and Health Education Teachers
  • 2018 - Exploring Professional Development in Health and Physical Education
  • 2013 - Holistic Approach to Wellness Education
  • 2012 - Exergaming in Education
  • 2011 - Alberta Fitness Leadership Certification Association (AFLCA) - Pedagogy and Evaluation Process


EDSE 347 - Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Physical Education Majors I

Prerequisites: 9 units in the Major subject area, EDPY 304, EDU 100/300, 210, and 211. Corequisite: Courses in the Introductory Professional Term (IPT) for the Secondary Education Route. Successful completion of the on-campus portion of the IPT is expected prior to being granted permission to continue into EDFX 350. Note: Not open to first year students.

EDSE 348 - Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Physical Education Minors

Prerequisite: 9 units in the Minor subject area; pre/corequisites: EDU 100 or 300, EDU 210, and EDU 211. Note: EDSE 348 is not open to first year students or students whose Major is Physical Education.

EDSE 447 - Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Physical Education Majors II

Prerequisites: Introductory Professional Term, including EDSE 347 and 24 units in the Major subject area. Successful completion is required prior to being granted permission to continue in EDFX 450.

EDSE 548 - Conceptualizing the Field of Physical Education: Historical and Contemporary Issues

An introduction to theory and research in the field of physical education.

Browse more courses taught by David Chorney

Scholarly Activities

Research - Publications


2010 Chorney, D. A Case Study of Exceptional Physical Education Teachers: What are the characteristics of exemplary teachers of physical education and how do these professionals? Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. Published Doctoral Dissertation. 1-179.

Chapters in Books

Chorney, D. (2014). Technology in Health and Physical Education. In D. Robinson & L. Randall (Eds.), Teaching Physical Education Today: Canadian Perspectives. Chapter 15, (pp. 259-273). Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.

2014 Chorney, D. Teaching Physical Education Today: Canadian Perspectives. Technology in Health and Physical Education. Chapter 15, 259-273. Thompson Publishing.

2014 Chorney, D., Forsberg, N. Teaching Physical Education Today: Canadian Perspectives. The History of Physical Education in Canada. Chapter 1, 2-19. Thompson Publishing.

2010 Chorney, D. Alpine Skiing. Quality Lesson Plans for Outdoor Education. Chapter 15, 465-490. Human Kinetics Publishers, Windsor, ON. http://www.humankinetics.com/products/all-products/Quality-Lesson-Plans-for-Outdoor-Education

2010 Chorney, D. Telemark Skiing. Quality Lesson Plans for Outdoor Education. Chapter 16, 491-514. Human Kinetics Publishers, Windsor, ON. http://www.humankinetics.com/products/all-products/Quality-Lesson-Plans-for-Outdoor-Education

Articles in Refereed Journals

Mangan, A., & Chorney, D. (2020). A Summary of North American High School Students’ Perspectives of Physical Education. Physical & Health Education Journal, 86(1).
Chorney, D. (2019). Making Physical Education Meaningful for Today’s Students. California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Journal. 5(2), 7-13.
CAHPERD e-Journal Fall 2019

Dornstauder, D., & Chorney, D. (2019). Shifting the Focus for Professional Development in Health and Physical Education. Physical & Health Education Journal. 85(1). https://journal.phecanada.ca/issues/287/volume-85-issue-1/shifting-focus-professional-development-health-and-physical-education

Dornstauder, D., & Chorney, D. (2018). Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program Components and their Effects on Physical Activity Promotion. Education and Health Journal, 36(2), 33-41. http://sheu.org.uk/sheux/EH/eh362dd.pdf

Chorney, D., & Eliuk. (2017). Educating Today’s Children through the Lens of Mindfulness. Physical & Health Education Journal, 83(1). https://journal.phecanada.ca/issues/191/volume-83-issue-1/educating-today%e2%80%99s-children-through-lens-mindfulness

Eliuk, K., & Chorney, D. (2017). Calming the Monkey Mind. International Journal of Higher Education, 6(2), 1-7. http://www.sciedu.ca/journal/index.php/ijhe/issue/view/533

Chorney, D. (2016). Why Children Need Outdoor Risky Play. Physical & Health Education Journal, 81(4). https://journal.phecanada.ca/issues/132/volume-81-issue-4/why-children-need-outdoor-risky-play

2015 Tremblay, M. Gray, C., Chorney, D. et al. Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(6), pp. 6475-6506 Open Access Journal.
2015 Chorney, & D., Stecyk, R. Increasing Student Engagement in Physical Education. Georgia Association for Health, Physical Education Recreation and Dance, 47(1), p. 15-20.

2014 Chorney, D. Technological Possibilities in Today’s Physical Education Classroom. Runner: The Journal of Alberta's Health and Physical Education Council of the Alberta Teachers' Association, 46(2), p. 9-10.

2014 Chorney, D. Dance in Schools: An Argument for more. Dance International. Spring, 42(1), 25.

2014 Barron, B., & Chorney, D. Exergaming in Schools: A Cost Benefit Ratio. The Global Journal of Health and Physical Education Pedagogy. 3(1),

2011 Melnychuk, N., Robinson, D., Chorney, D ., Lu, C., Randall, L. Physical Education Teacher Education in Canada. Canadian Journal of Education. 34(2), 148-168.

2011 Chorney, D. The Need to Re-Conceptualize Physical and Health Education for Schools. Physical and Health Education Canada. 77(2), 6-14.

2009 Gunn, T., Chorney, D., & Poulsen, J. High school completion: A meta-synthesis of projects directed toward keeping students in school. Journal of At Risk Issues 15(1), 17-24.

2009 McKnight, K., Bernes, K., Gunn T., Chorney D., Orr, D., & Bardick, A. Life After Sport: Athletic Career Transition and Transferable Skills. Journal of Excellence. 13, 63-77. http://www.zoneofexcellence.ca/Journal/Issue13/index.html

2009 Chorney, D. Today’s Physical Education Teachers: An Inquiry into Exceptional Practice. Alberta Journal of Educational Research (AJER), 55(2) summer, 171-184.

2009 Chorney, D., & Gunn, T. Utilizing Heart Rate Monitors in Today’s Physical Education Classroom. California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 71(4) spring, 18-21.

2007 Chorney, D. A Case Study of Exceptional Physical Education Teachers. AVANTE, 11(3), 37-46.

2007 Chorney, D. The Characteristics of Exceptional Physical Education Teachers-A Case Study. The Chronicle of Kinesiology and Physical Education in Higher Education, 18(1), 3,17,22.

2006 Chorney, D. Teacher Development and the Role of Reflection. Physical & Health Education Journal, 72(3), autumn, 22-25.

2005 Chorney, D. Making Quality Daily Physical Education (QDPE) a Priority: Success Stories from Alberta. Physical and Health Education Journal, 71(3), autumn, 30-31.

2002 Melnychuk, N., & Chorney, D. Pass and Go. Strategies, 15(4), 15-16.

2001 Chorney, D. Researcher’s Corner. Physical and Health Education Journal, 67(3), autumn, 41.

Refereed International Conference Presentations

Oral Presentations

Chorney, D. (2019, June 20). How can Physical Literacy Impact the Teaching of Quality Physical Education? Oral session presented at the International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP) Conference, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY.

Chorney, D. (2019, June 21). Making Physical Literacy a Priority in Physical Education Teacher Education. Oral session presented at the International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP) Conference, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY.

Chorney, D. (2019, May 10). Using the Principles of Physical Literacy to Support Quality Physical Education Instruction: Secondary Focus. Oral session presented at the International Physical Literacy Conference, Winnipeg, MB.

Chorney, D. (2019, May 8). Ideas to help Promote Physical Literacy for Pre-Service Teachers. Oral session presented at the International Physical Literacy Conference, Winnipeg, MB.

Chorney, D. (2017, April 13). Physical Literacy and its Relation to Quality Physical Education Instruction. Oral session presented at the 3rd International Physical Literacy Conference, Toronto, ON.

Hannay, S., & Chorney, D. (2017, April 13). Are we Discursively Constructing Physical Literacy? Poster session presented at the 3rd International Physical Literacy Conference, Toronto, ON.

Larouche, R., Tremblay, M., Larouche R, Tremblay MS, Gray C, Babcock S, Barnes J, Bradstreet CC, Carr D, Chabot G, Choquette L, Chorney D, Collyer C, Herrington S, Jansen K, Janssen I, LeBlanc C, Pickett W, Power M, Sandseter EBH, Simon B, Brussoni M. (2016, Feb 1). The ParticipACTION Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play. Oral session presented at the Active Living Conference. Clearwater, FL.

Chorney, D., & Forsberg, N. (2015, Oct 29). Preparing Today’s Next Generation of Physical Education Teachers: A Canadian Perspective. Oral session presented at the SHAPE America, PETE & HETE International Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

2014 Chorney, D., & Forsberg, N. Theory and Practice: How PETE Majors’ are Influenced by each. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance annual convention. St. Louis, MI, April 1-5.

2012 Chorney, D. & Forsberg, N. PETE Across Canada: What is at Stake? International Physical Education Teacher Education Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada, October 3-6.

2012 Chorney, D. What Do Today’s PE Pre-Service Teachers Really Think and Know? International Physical Education Teacher Education Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada, October 3-6.

2012 Chorney, D. & Kilborn, M. Quality Daily Physical Education: A Pan-Canadian Perspective. International Physical Education Teacher Education Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada, October 3-6.

2010 Chorney, D. Researching PETE Across Canada: A look at physical education teacher education from coast to coast. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance annual convention. Indianapolis, IN, March 16-20.

2009 Chorney, D., & Forsberg, N. Physical Education Teacher Education in Canada: What are we doing? International Physical Education Teacher Education Conference. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, October 7-10.

2009 Chorney, D. Bridging Theory and Practice: Pre-Service Physical Education Majors’ Understanding of the Field of Physical Education. International Physical Education Teacher Education Conference. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, October 7-10.

2009 Gunn, T., Chorney, D., & Poulsen, J. High School Completion: A meta-synthesis of projects directed toward keeping students in school. The 7th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, Hawaii, January 4-7.

2008 Chorney, D. Pre-Service PE Majors’ Perceptions About the Field of PE. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) national convention and exposition. Fort Worth, Texas, April 8-12.

2007 Melnychuk, N., & Chorney, D., & Randall, L., & Lu, C., & Robinson, D. Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) in Canada: Socially and Culturally Responsive Physical Education. The 2007 History & Future Directions of Research on Teaching and Teacher Education in Physical Education Conference. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. October 11-14.

2006 Chorney, D., & McConaghy, G. Student Practicum and the Role of Field Experience Programs: An overview of the theory-practice relationship at the University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education. International Conference on Teacher Education. Calgary, Alberta. November 2nd-4th.

2006 Chorney, D. Profiling the Exceptional Physical Education Teacher. National Physical Education Teacher Education Conference. Long Beach, California. October 12th-14th

2006 Chorney, D., & Forsberg, N. Curriculum Theorizing in Physical Education- Constructing a Bridge Between Theory and Practice. National Physical Education Teacher Education Conference. Long Beach, California. October 12th-14th

2006 Chorney, D. Profiling the exceptional physical education teacher: Researching how “good teaching” can become “exceptional”. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) national convention and exposition. Salt Lake City, Utah: April 25-29th, 2006.

2005 Chorney, D. Exceptional Physical Educators: A case study investigation. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) national convention and exposition. Poster Presentation - Chicago, IL: April 12-16th.

2004 Chorney, D., & Forsberg, N. Re-flecting on physical education pre-service praxis: The HOPE mentoring experience. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) national convention and exposition. New Orleans, LA: March 30-April 3.

Poster Presentations

2015 Chorney, D., & Barron, B. Understanding Dance and Rhythm Exergames Within a Physical Education Setting. Banff, AB. April 30.

2015 Chorney, D., & Forsberg, N. Thoughts and Beliefs of PETE Majors: Voices of Lived Experience. SHAPE America National Convention. Seattle, WA. March 12-21.

2015 Chorney, D., & Barron, B. Understanding Dance and Rhythm Exergames Within a Physical Education Setting. Seattle, WA. March 12-21.

2013 Chorney, D., & Shinkaruk, C. Pedometer use with Elementary aged students: Does the Technology Justify the Investment? Physical & Health Education Canada, National Conference. Winnipeg, MB. October 23-26.

2008 Chorney, D., & Gunn, T. Using Heart Rate Monitor Technology in Today’s Physical Education Classroom. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) national convention and exposition. Fort Worth, Texas, April 8-12.

Refereed National Conference Presentations

Oral Presentations

2015 Chorney, D., Card, A., & Lodewyk, K. Research Funding in Health and Physical Education: Opportunities, Challenges and Shared Experiences. Physical and Health Education Canada, National Conference. Banff, AB. April 30 – May 2.

2015 Chorney, D., Hannay, S., Fletcher, T., & Gleddie, D. Exploring Opportunities for Graduate Studies in Health and Physical Education. Physical and Health Education Canada, National Conference. Banff, AB. April 30 - May 2.

2013 Chorney, D., Bell, F., Robinson, D., & Forsberg, N. The State of Physical Education Teacher Education Across Canada. Council of University Professors and Researchers, PHE Canada National Conference. Winnipeg, MB. Oct 23-26.

2013 Chorney, D., Hannay, S. Effective Measures of Heart Rate Monitors on Students’ Motivation and Interest in Mandatory physical education. Council of University Professors and Researchers, PHE Canada National Conference. Winnipeg, MB. Oct 23-26.

2013 Chorney, D., Baert, H. There is an App for that! Enhancing Physical Literacy with Motion Analysis Apps. Council of University Professors and Researchers, PHE Canada National Conference. Winnipeg, MB. Oct 23-26

2013 Chorney, D., Kilborn, M. Exploring the Landscape of Quality Physical Education in Canada. CSSE Congress, Victoria, BC. June 2.

2013 Chorney, D. Bridging Theory and Practice: Revealing the True Thoughts of PETE Majors. CSSE Congress, Victoria, BC. June 3.

2012 Chorney, D. What do the next generation of physical education teachers really think? Council of University Professors and Researchers, PHE Canada National Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia. May 10-12.

2012 Chorney, D. , Koch, J. Integrating Technology beyond the Gymnasium. PHE Canada National Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 10-12.

2012 Chorney, D. What do they really think? An Inquiry into the Changing Beliefs of Today’s Education Undergraduates. WestCAST 2012 Conference. Calgary, AB. February 22-24.

2012 Chorney, D., Koch, J. Putting the TECH back in your Teaching. WestCAST 2012 Conference. Calgary, AB. February 22-24.

2011 Chorney, D. The Role of Field Experiences: Are PE Majors Influenced by the Field? 25th Annual Quality Daily Physical Education Conference. New Westminster, BC. October 20-22.

2010 Chorney, D. How Does Field Experience Influence PETE Majors? Physical and Health Education Canada National Conference. Toronto, ON. October 22.

2010 Chorney, D., Forsberg, N., Singleton, E., Bell, R. The Theory and Practice of Preservice Physical Education Teachers: What’s Happening in Canada? Physical and Health Education Canada National Conference. Toronto, ON. October 23.

2010 Chorney, D. The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Physical Education: Making the Distinction Clear for all Professionals. Canadian Sport For Life Conference. Ottawa, ON. April 7-8.

2009 Chorney, D., Gunn, T., & Poulsen J. High School Completion: A comprehensive review of projects directed toward keeping students in school. Thirty seventh Annual Canadian Society for the Study of Education. Ottawa, ON. May, 22-26.

2009 Chorney, D., Gunn, T. Heart Rate Monitors and Their use in the Physical Education Classroom. Thirty Seventh Annual Canadian Society for the Study of Education. Ottawa, ON. May 22-26.

2009 Chorney, D. Bridging Theory and Practice: Preservice physical education majors understanding and perceptions of the field of physical education. Physical and Health Education Canada National Conference. Banff, AB. April 29-May 2.

2009 Chorney, D. The Role of Field Experiences in a Teacher Education Program. WestCast Conference, Victoria, BC. February 18-21.

2009 Chorney, D. Technology and the Possibilities it has in Today’s Physical Education Classroom. WestCAST Conference, Victoria, BC. February 18-21.

2009 Chorney, D., & Stanec, A. Physical Education Assessment and Evaluation. Long Term Athlete Development Conference. Ottawa, ON. January 22.

2009 Chorney, D., Card, A. The relationship between physical activity and physical education. Long Term Athlete Development Conference. Ottawa, ON. January 22.

2008 Chorney, D. Bridging Theory and Practice: Pre-Service Students’ Understanding and Perceptions of the Field of Physical Education. The Canadian Association for the Study of Education (CSSE) national conference. Vancouver, BC. May 30 – June 2nd.

2008 Chorney, D., & Gunn, T. The Use of Heart Rate Monitor Technology in the Secondary Physical Education Classroom. Canadian Association for the Study of Education (CSSE) national conference. Vancouver, BC. May 30 – June 2nd.

2008 Chorney, D. Integrating Technology into Today’s Physical Education Classroom. Saskatchewan Physical Education Association (SPEA) conference. Saskatoon, SK. May 7-9th.

2008 Chorney, D. The Opportunities in Graduate Studies Within the Field of Physical Education. Saskatchewan Physical Education Association (SPEA) conference. Saskatoon, SK. May 7-9th.

2008 Chorney, D., & Andrea, M. The Life of a Physical Educator/Physical Education 101. Paper presented at the Long Term Athlete Development National Conference. Ottawa, ON. January 15-16th.

2007 Hoar, S.D., Chorney, D., & Mitchel, M. The association between leisure physical activity and screen viewing time with health-related quality of life among grade six students. Paper presented at the Canadian society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology National Conference. Windsor, ON. Nov 7-10th.

2007 Chorney, D., & Gunn, T. Heart Rate Monitor Technology and its use in the Physical Education Classroom. Canadian Association for the Study of Education (CSSE) national conference. Saskatoon, SK. May 26-29th.

2007 Chorney, D., & Melnychuk, N., & Robinson, D. Investigating Physical Education Teacher Education. Canadian Association for the Study of Education (CSSE) national conference. Saskatoon, SK. May 26-29th.

2007 Chorney, D. Bridging Theory and Practice: Pre-service Physical Education Majors’ Beliefs and Perceptions about the Field of Physical Education. Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (CAHPERD) national conference. Moncton, New Brunswick. May 9-12th.

2007 Melnychuk, N., & Chorney, D., & Randall, L., & Lu, C., & Robinson, D. Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) in Canada. Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (CAHPERD) national conference. Moncton, New Brunswick. May 9-12th.

2006 Chorney, D. Exceptional teaching of physical education: How “effective teaching” can become “exceptional”. Saskatchewan Physical Education Association (SPEA) conference. Saskatoon, SK. May 3-5th.

2005 Chorney, D. A Case Study of Exceptional Physical Educators. Canadian Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance national conference. Discussion forum at the University of Regina, Regina, SK. May 3-7th.

2003 Chorney, D. Ethnicity, culture and physical education: Are we meeting the challenge of today’s physical education classrooms? Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD) national convention. Winnipeg, MB. October 22-25.

2003 Chorney, D., & Lu, C. Curriculum development: An analysis of physical education curriculum using the three predominant theories of curriculum studies. Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD) national convention. Winnipeg, MB. October 22-25.

2003 Chorney, D. The reflective process and its place in physical education. The Saskatchewan Provincial Physical Education Association (SPEA) provincial conference. Saskatoon, SK. May 7-9.

2002 Chorney, D. Are we ready? Identifying the uniqueness of our Aboriginal and Métis students within our physical education programs. The Saskatchewan Physical Education Association (SPEA) provincial conference. Saskatoon, SK. May 1-3.

2002 Chorney, D. Physical Education Curriculum: Addressing the needs of Saskatchewan’s Indigenous students today and beyond. WESTCAST conference. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC. February 20-23.

2001 Chorney, D., & Forsberg, N. The outdoor environment classroom: A personal and professional development workshop in outdoor education. The Saskatchewan Physical Education Association (SPEA) provincial conference. Saskatoon, SK. May 2-4.

2001 Chorney, D. The female physical educator: Does gender affect the success of a teacher? WESTCAST conference. University of Calgary, Calgary, AB: February 21-24.

2000 Chorney, D. Attitudes towards teaching physical education: A female perspective. The Saskatchewan Physical Education Association (SPEA) provincial conference. Saskatoon, SK. May 3-5.

1998 Chorney, D. Concerns of today’s physical educators. The Saskatchewan Physical Education Association (SPEA) provincial conference. Saskatoon, SK. May 5-7.

Refereed Provincial Conference Presentations

2014 Chorney, D. Graduate Studies in Physical & Health Education: The opportunities are endless. Health & Physical Education Conference (HPEC), Edmonton, AB. May 1-3.

2014 Chorney, D. Tech Tools and Apps for Today’s PE/Health Ed Classroom. Health & Physical Education Conference (HPEC), Edmonton, AB. May 1-3.

2013 Chorney, D. Graduate Studies in Physical Education: Opportunities Galore! SPEA conference. Medicine Hat, AB. May 2-4.

2013 Chorney, D. Today’s Most Useful and Relevant APPs for PE, Coaching and More. SPEA conference. Medicine Hat, AB. May 2-4

2013 Chorney, D. Technology and Physical Education: Tips for the novice to veteran educator. Greater Edmonton Teachers’ Convention Association. Edmonton, AB. Feb 27-29.

2012 Chorney, D. The Realities of Earning a Graduate Degree in Physical Education. Health and Physical Education council of Alberta. Camrose, AB. May 3-5.

2012 Chorney, D. PE Apps for Teachers and Other Digital Tools. . Health and Physical Education council of Alberta. Camrose, AB. May 3-5.

2011 Chorney, D. Graduate Studies in the Field of Physical Education. Health and Physical Education Council of Alberta annual conference. Calgary, AB. May 5-7.

2011 Chorney, D. Who are Today’s New Physical Educators? Health and Physical Education Council of Alberta annual conference. Calgary, AB. May 5-7.

2010 Chorney, D. Graduate Studies in Physical Education: What you really need to know. Health and Physical Education Council of Alberta (HPEC) annual conference, Red Deer, AB. April 29-May 1.

2008 Chorney, D., Gunn, T., & Poulsen, J. High school completion: A meta-synthesis of projects directed towards keeping students in school. 2008 Research Symposium (College of Alberta Superintendents – CASS): Building Leadership Capacity in Alberta Schools, University of Calgary, November, 13-14.

2008 Gunn, T., Chorney, D., & Poulsen, J. (2008). High school completion: Preliminary findings from AISI Cycle 2. AISI Symposium, February 26, Edmonton, AB.

2007 Chorney, D., Gunn, T., & Poulsen, J. (2007). High school completion: Preliminary findings from AISI Cycle 2. Promising Practices to Enhance High School Completion Amongst FNMI Students Conference, Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium (ERLC). November 19-20, 2007.

2007 Chorney, D. Profiling the exceptional physical education teacher: How professional and personal experiences can improve one’s teaching. Health and Physical Education Council of Alberta (HPEC) annual conference, Edmonton, AB. May 3-5th.

2007 Chorney, D. Planning your physical education program: Year planning made easy. Health and Physical Education Council of Alberta (HPEC) annual conference, Edmonton, AB. May 3-5th.

2006 Chorney, D. Profiling the Exceptional Educator: A case study inquiry. International Conference on Teacher Education. Calgary, Alberta. November 2nd-4th.

2004 Chorney, D. Aboriginal and other culturally rooted games and activities. Alberta Health and Physical Education Council (HPEC) provincial conference. Lethbridge, AB: May 6-8.

2004 Chorney, D. Physical education and the word “curriculum”: Past to present perspectives. South Western Alberta Teachers’ Convention (SWATCA). Lethbridge, AB: February 19-20.

2004 Chorney, D. Meeting the challenge of today’s PE classroom: Culture, ethnicity and the changing demographics. South Western Alberta Teachers’ Convention (SWATCA). Lethbridge, AB: February 19-20.

2003 Chorney, D., & Meadows, W. Timeout! Gym teacher to reflective practitioner. Alberta Health and Physical Education Council (HPEC) provincial conference. Red Deer, AB: May 1-3.

Refereed Professional Contributions

2010 Chorney, D. Physical Education Resource Lesson Plans. Dance lessons for grades 4-6. Ever-Active Schools, Edmonton, Alberta.

Editor/Non-Refereed Publications

2012 Chorney, D. Teaching as a Stranger in Our Own PE Classroom. Physical & Health Education Journal, 78(2), 16-17.

2012 Chorney, D., Clements, A. The Rightful Place of Dance Within a Quality Physical Education Program. On The Move 29(2), 25-34.

2012 Chorney, D., Bell, R., Singleton, E., & Forsberg, N. Physical Education Teacher Education in Canada: A snapshot of the present reality and future possibilities. Physical & Health Education Journal, 77(4), 46-48.

2011 Chorney, D. What’s Your PE Program all About? Physical & Health Education Journal, 77(3), 24.

2011 Chorney, D., & Evaniew, A. Educating the Developing Child: The Role of Fundamental Movement Skills. The Runner, 45(2).

2010 Chorney, D. Can Anyone Plan a Quality Physical Education Program? Physical & Health Education Journal, 76(2), 12-14.

2009 Chorney, D. Daily Physical Education Initiatives Across Canada: A progress Report. Physical & Health Education Journal, 75(3), 12-13.

2009 Chorney, D., & Weitz, C. Gender Issues in Physical Education: Female Students’ Perspectives and Experiences. The Runner, 44(1), 5-9.

2009 Chorney, D. Personality and its Relation to Becoming a Physical Educator. On the Move, 25(1), spring/summer, 26-37.

2008 Chorney, D. Daily Physical Activity: An Alberta Initiative. Physical & Health Education Journal, 73(4), 26.

2006 Chorney, D. Identifying the Key Characteristics of Exemplary Physical Educators. On the Move, 22(2), fall/winter, 33-40.

2006 Chorney, D. Profiling the Characteristics of Exceptional Teaching in Physical Education. Runner, 42(2), 60-63.

2005 Chorney, D. A Case Study of Exceptional Physical Education Teachers. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

1999 Chorney, D. Truth or denial: Are today’s physical educators’ admitting there are problems? Runner, 38(1), fall, 25-26.

1999 Chorney, D. Sacrifice for equality: Creating opportunities for northern and rural students. On the Move, 14(2), winter, 11-13. Published by the Saskatchewan Physical Education Association (SPEA).

Published Report – Institutional Report

2012 Chorney, D., & Kilborn, M. Quality Daily Physical Education in Canada. An Environmental Scan Report prepared for, Physical & Health Education Canada. January 16, 2012, pp. 1-29.

2012 Chorney, D., & Koch, J. Quality Daily Physical Education (QDPE): A global literature Review from the past decade. Prepared for Physical & Health Education Canada. February, 2012. pp. 1-46.

2009 Adams, S., Chorney, D., Gleddie, D., Podlosky, M., Potts, K., Rootsaert, H., & Vandelee, L. Comprehensive School Health: A framework for Wellness in Alberta Schools. A position paper submitted to the Alberta Teachers’ Association. September 2009, pp. 1-16. http://hpec.teachers.ab.ca/publications/Pages/PositionPapers.aspx

2008 Gunn, T.M., Chorney, D.W., & Poulsen, J.C. High school completion: AISI provincial research review. Edmonton: Alberta Education. pp. 1-33.

Electronic or Digital Publications

2010 Chorney, D. Physical Education and Physical Activity Online Resource. This personally conceptualized and developed web space contains relevant and purposeful websites for all teachers and professors of physical education and instructors of physical activity. www.physedsource.com

2008 Gunn, T.M., Chorney, D.W., & Poulsen, J.C. (2008). High school completion: AISI provincial research review. pp. 1-33. Retrieved from the Alberta Education website: http://education.alberta.ca/media/6412220/research_review_high_school_completion_2008.pdf

2006 Chorney, D. Review of the School Physical Education Program Delivery Assessment Tool. Canadian Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (CAHPERD), pp. 1-16. Online Resource. http://www.phecanada.ca/programs/physical-literacy/physical-literacy-checklist

2006 Binder, D., & Chorney, D. , Bradford, B. Heart Health: A Resource for Senior High School Physical Education. Alberta Learning Publication. pp. 1- 174. http://www.education.gov.ab.ca/k_12/curriculum/bysubject/physed/heart.asp

2001 Chorney, D. The female physical educator: Does gender affect the success of a teacher? Conference proceedings included on CD-ROM as part of the WESTCAST conference. University of Calgary.


Betkowski, B. (2020, March, 25). How to Help your Kids-and yourself-Handle being at Home. I was interviewed and cited for the U of Alberta’s online publication of Folio. https://www.folio.ca/how-to-help-your-kidsand-yourselfhandle-being-at-home/

Gormley, J. (Nov 19, 2019). I was an Invited guest on the 650 CKOM radio show in Saskatoon, SK, hosted by John Gormley. Topic of interview was cell phone use by elementary aged students and banning of cellphones in schools.  https://soundcloud.com/980cjme_650ckom/gormley-no-phones-in-schools-november-19-2020

Nye, J. (Nov 13, 2019). Invited guest on the 630 CHED radio afternoon show in Edmonton, hosted by J’Lyn Nye. Topic of interview was cell phone use in today’s schools. https://omny.fm/shows/ched-afternoon-news/smartphone-use-and-children

Adler, C. (Nov 7, 2019). Invited guest to be on the Nationally syndicated Radio program Charles Adler Tonight. Focus of my interview was on the topic of cell phone use in schools.   https://omny.fm/shows/charles-adler-tonight/banning-cellphones-in-classrooms-yes-or-no\

Collie, M. (Nov 6, 2019). I was interviewed for Global news national by Meghan Collie, Toronto, ON. Topic of the online article pertained to the banning of cellphones in schools. https://globalnews.ca/news/6133587/cellphone-ban-expert-opinion/

Miller-Young, J. (2019, April 3). I was interviewed by the Director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Alberta. Topic of podcast focused on building rapport with classes.

Ma, K. (2019, March 16,). Article in the St. Albert Today newspaper. The article focused on a     research project I am involved with entitled, ‘How do you build hope in schools?’             https://www.stalberttoday.ca/local-news/how-do-you-build-hope-1322996