Darcie DeAngelo
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts - Anthropology Dept
- deangelo@ualberta.ca
ANTHR 207 - Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
Comparative study of human society and culture, particularly non-Western communities, with special attention to the family, social structure, economics and political institutions, and religion; processes of change.
ANTHR 393 - Health and Healing
A cross-cultural study through time of the beliefs and social activities associated with health, illness and healing.
ANTHR 424 - Visual Anthropology
Introduction to visual media and visualization in the creation, reproduction and comprehension of culture over time, and the use of imagery in describing the anthropological subject. Prerequisite: consent of Department. Offered in alternate years.
ANTHR 487 - Seminar in Social, Cultural and/or Linguistic Anthropology
Consult the Department for the specific topics offered and any recommended courses to be completed prior to registering.
ANTHR 587 - Advanced Seminar in Social, Cultural and/or Linguistic Anthropology
Consult the Department and/or the University timetable for the specific topics offered.