Douglas Dederich

Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry Dept


Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry Dept
7-020J Katz Group Centre For Research
11315 - 87 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H5


Area of Study / Keywords


Dr. Douglas Dederich is currently appointed as Professor in the Department of Dentistry & Dental Hygiene in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.


DENT 510 - Periodontology Clinics I

Applied clinical education and experience is obtained through supervised management of selected Periodontology and implant cases.

DENT 511 - Periodontology Clinics II

Second term of clinical educational program. Clinical education and experience is obtained through supervised management of selected Periodontology and implant cases. Prerequisite: DENT 510 or with the consent of the Program Director(s).

DENT 610 - Periodontology Clinics IV

Second year applied clinical educational program. Prerequisite: DENT 517 or with the consent of the Program Director(s).

DENT 611 - Periodontology Clinics V

Second term of second year clinical educational program. Prerequisite: DENT 610 or with the consent of the Program Director(s).

DENT 710 - Periodontology Clinics VII

Third year applied clinical educational program. Prerequisite: DENT 617 or with the consent of the Program Director(s).

DENT 711 - Periodontology Clinics VIII

Second term of third year clinical educational program. Prerequisite: DENT 710 or with the consent of the Program Director(s).

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