Derek Dillane

Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine
Chair, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine


Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine
(780) 407-8861
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building
11304 83 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2G3

Chair, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine


Area of Study / Keywords

Point of care ultrasound hip fracture surgery regional anesthesia ultrasound sensory assessment skin temperature hand surgery infrared opioid use complex foot surgery High risk surgery critical care risk factors Study design implementation analysis


Dr Dillane is a graduate of University College Dublin, Ireland, from where he obtained his medical degree in 1996. Prior to embarking on a career in anesthesiology he completed a Masters degree in pharmacology. He obtained his Fellowship in Anesthesia from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

He joined the University of Alberta in 2006 where he completed a Clinical and Research Fellowship in regional anesthesia. He is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Alberta and director of the fellowship program in regional anesthesia and pain medicine. His clinical research interests involve the use of ultrasound in regional anesthesia with a particular focus on education and training techniques. He has taught and led ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia in numerous workshops in the United States and Canada for both the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and the Canadian Anesthesiologist’s Society.

Featured Publications

Neuman M.D., Feng R., Ellenberg S.S., Sieber F., Sessler D.I., Magaziner J., Elkassabany N., Schwenk E.S., Dillane D., Marcantonio E.R., Menio D., Ayad S., Hassan M., Stone T., Papp S., Donegan D., Marshall M., Douglas Jaffe J., Luke C., Sharma B., Azim S., Hymes R., Chin K.J., Sheppard R., Perlman B., Sappenfield J., Hauck E., Hoeft M.A., Tierney A., Gaskins L.J., Horan A.D., Brown T., Dattilo J., Carson J.L.

Annals of Internal Medicine. 2022 July; 175 (7):952-960 10.7326/M22-0320

Devereaux P.J., Marcucci M., Painter T.W., Conen D., Lomivorotov V., Sessler D.I., Chan M.T.V., Borges F.K., Martínez-Zapata M.J., Wang C.Y., Xavier D., Ofori S.N., Wang M.K., Efremov S., Landoni G., Kleinlugtenbelt Y.V., Szczeklik W., Schmartz D., Garg A.X., Short T.G., Wittmann M., Meyhoff C.S., Amir M., Torres D., Patel A., Duceppe E., Ruetzler K., Parlow J.L., Tandon V., Fleischmann E., Polanczyk C.A., Lamy A., Astrakov S.V., Rao M., Wu W.K.K., Bhatt K., de Nadal M., Likhvantsev V.V., Paniagua P., Aguado H.J., Whitlock R.P., McGillion M.H., Prystajecky M., Vincent J., Eikelboom J., Copland I., Balasubramanian K., Turan A., Bangdiwala S.I., Stillo D., Gross P.L., Cafaro T., Alfonsi P., Roshanov P.S., Belley-Côté E.P., Spence J., Richards T., VanHelder T., McIntyre W., Guyatt G., Yusuf S., Leslie K.

NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE. 2022 May; 386 (21):1996-1997 10.1056/NEJMoa2201171

Evidence-Based Practice of Anesthesiology 4th Edition Edited by Lee Fleisher. 2021 December; 9780323778466

Neuman M.D., Feng R., Carson J.L., Gaskins L.J., Dillane D., Sessler D.I., Sieber F., Magaziner J., Marcantonio E.R., Mehta S., Menio D., Ayad S., Stone T., Papp S., Schwenk E.S., Elkassabany N., Marshall M., Jaffe J.D., Luke C., Sharma B., Azim S., Hymes R.A., Chin K.J., Sheppard R., Perlman B., Sappenfield J., Hauck E., Hoeft M.A., Giska M., Ranganath Y., Tedore T., Choi S., Li J., Kwofie M.K., Nader A., Sanders R.D., Allen B.F.S., Vlassakov K., Kates S., Fleisher L.A., Dattilo J., Tierney A., Stephens-Shields A.J., Ellenberg S.S.

NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE. 2021 November; 385 (22):2025-2035 10.1056/NEJMoa2113514

Verrier M., Niu S., Kroetch K., Buro K., Douglas C., Green J., Pedersen M.E., Dillane D.

Canadian Journal of Anesthesia-Journal canadien d anesthesie. 2021 September; 10.1007/s12630-021-02104-0

BMJ-British Medical Journal. 2021 September;

CMAJ Open. 2021 March; 10.9778/cmajo.20200176

Hruslinski J., Menio D.A., Hymes R.A., Jaffe J.D., Langlois C., Ramsey L., Gaskins L.J., Neuman M.D.

BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA. 2021 February; 126 (2):395-403 10.1016/j.bja.2020.09.052

Green J., Niu S., Verrier M., Buro K., Lupul N., Douglas C., Fairey A., Dillane D.

EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY. 2021 February; 38 (2):187-189 10.1097/EJA.0000000000001306

Dillane, Derek Finegan, Barry

Springer. 2021 February; 3030588416