David J Kahane, PhD (Cambridge), MA (McGill), BA (Concordia)
Professor, Faculty of Arts - Political Science Dept
- dkahane@ualberta.ca
- Phone
- (780) 492-2164
- Address
10-27 Tory (H.M.) Building
11211 Saskatchewan Drive NWEdmonton ABT6G 2H4
Area of Study / Keywords
Systems change climate change public participation anarchism prefigurative politics
David Kahane is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Alberta in Canada. His research and teaching focus on climate change, climate emotions, systems change, systemic design, public participation, power, and how these fit together in theory and practice. He is a national 3M teaching fellow, a permaculture gardener, and father to young Solomon.
David Kahane's research deals with theories and practices of democratic dialogue and deliberation, with particular focus on understanding the impact (or lack of impact) of innovative citizen participation processes given the complex systems in which they intervene. He also writes about connections between self, emotion, and systems change in connection with climate change. His publications include two edited volumes, Deliberative Democracy in Theory and Practice and Dispute Resolution in Aboriginal Contexts: Land Claims, Treaties, and Self-Government Agreements; and chapters and articles like “Climate change, social change, and systems change: Lessons from Alberta Climate Dialogue" and "Linking climate change, systems change, and care in the university classroom."
From 2010-2016 he was Principal Investigator and Project Director of Alberta Climate Dialogue (ABCD), a $1 million SSHRC-funded community-university research partnership that convened citizens in Alberta to deliberate on climate change policy, and learned from careful evaluation of these processes and their outcomes.
David regularly teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on climate change, participatory systems change, marxism, anarchism, political theory, and history of political theory. He weaves participatory and deliberative methods into teaching/learning contexts, and has experimented with how meditation and contemplation can be used in the university classroom. He has won two national teaching awards (the 3M Teaching Fellowship and the Alan Blizzard Award for Collaborative Projects that Improve Student Learning) as well as the Rutherford Award for Undergraduate Teaching, the Award for Excellence in Graduate Supervision, the Teaching Unit Award, and the Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Teaching Award. His teaching publications include “Mindfulness and Presence in Teaching and Learning” and “Learning about Obligation, Compassion, and Global Justice: the Place of Contemplative Pedagogy.”