Dawn Pepper


Faculty of Nursing


NURS 520 - Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics-Neonate

Graduate seminar on the principles of pharmacotherapeutics and individual differences related to gender and clinical conditions of the neonate. Specific drug classes chosen as having the widest use with neonates will be used to illustrate application of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic principles. The focus is on decision-making related to prescribing and monitoring. Clinical simulation will be used to augment learning. Corequisite: NURS 522 or by consent of instructor.

NURS 522 - Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology-Neonate

The focus of this course is on in-depth knowledge of advanced perinatal and neonatal physiology and pathophysiology. Students will gain an understanding of applied pathophysiology related to specific health problems in acute, chronic, and acute on chronic health conditions in the neonate. Opportunities to discuss concepts and application of these to advanced clinical practice as it relates to diagnostic reasoning will be provided through seminar discussion. Clinical simulation will be used to augment learning.

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