Deniz Top

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Cell Biology Dept


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Cell Biology Dept


CELL 302 - Diversity of the Cell

A cross-sectional study of human cells and their specialized functions. The function of neurons, adipocytes, myocytes, epithelial cells, endothelia cells and other cell types will be explored. Current literature will be used when possible. Prerequisite: CELL 201 or BIOL 201.

CELL 445 - Current Topics in Cell Biology

Study of recent literature that defines significant advances in cellular and molecular biology research. Introduces students to advancements in cellular and molecular biology research of outstanding quality and interest. Instruction will be provided on critical analysis of research articles, presentation of scientific results, and assessment of research grants. Students will be exposed to current literature through student-led presentations and discussions. Prerequisites: Any 300-level Science course or consent of Department. Enrolment is limited and registration is by consent of Department.

CELL 545 - Current Topics in Cell Biology

Study of recent literature that defines significant advances in cellular and molecular biology research. Introduces students to advancements in cellular and molecular biology research of outstanding quality and interest. Instruction will be provided on critical analysis of research articles, presentation of scientific results, and the construction and assessment of research grants. Students will be exposed to current literature through student-led presentations, discussion, and the development of a research proposal. Prerequisite: Enrolment is limited and registration is by consent of Department.

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