Eva Koppelhus

ATS Associate Lecturer, Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences


ATS Associate Lecturer, Faculty of Science - Biological Sciences



Plants are so cool, regardless of whether they are fossilized or alive. My interest in paleobotany (the study of fossil plants) and palynology (the study of fossilized spores and pollen) goes way back into the Cretaceous Period (135 to 64 million years ago). Many of my research projects have been related to dinosaur sites in Alberta, Antarctica, Argentina and Asia. The two research disciplines compliment each other, and together allow us to interpret ancient environments. 


BIOL 506 - Systematics and Evolution Forum

Lectures and discussions on a variety of subjects in systematics and evolutionary biology by graduate students, staff, and visiting speakers. Credit may be obtained more than once. Prerequisite: consent of instructors for students not registered in the systematics and evolution graduate program.

PALEO 400 - Paleontology Field School

Students will learn the techniques of collection, curation and analysis of fossils at major dinosaur sites in Western Canada. The field component of the course will take place during the summer at a field station off campus. Each student will complete assignments in the field and will prepare a written report for completion by the end of October based on data acquired and methods learned during the field component. Prerequisite: Consent of Department. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. [Faculty of Science]

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