Ellen Macdonald, PhD
Pronouns: she/her
Personal Website: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NVTF3XcAAAAJ&hl=en
Visitor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept
- emacdona@ualberta.ca
Area of Study / Keywords
Forest ecology boreal forest forest disturbance sustainable forest management plant biodiversity
Job/Research Area: Professor Emeritus (Forest ecology and plant biodiversity)
1983 B.Sc. (with distinction) Environmental Biology, University of Calgary
1988 Ph.D. Plant Ecology, University of Calgary.
- University Cup (University of Alberta) (2019)
- IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organisations) Scientific Achievement Award (2019)
- Ed and Peggy Tyrchniewicz Award for Innovation in Teaching (2015)
- Canadian Institute of Forestry Scientific Achievement Award (2014)
- Izaak Walton Killam Annual Professor (2007/08)
- Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences - Teacher of the Year (2004, 2008, 2009, 2010)
- Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Mentoring, Dept. of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta (1999)
Major Responsibilities/Research Interests: The influence of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on the ecology and plant biodiversity of the boreal forest (see EMEND projects). Regeneration processes and successional dynamics of boreal mixedwood forest. Restoration ecology in northern ecosystems.
RenR 322/721 Forest ecosystems: Fall 2014 - 2020
RenR 299 Spring Field School: Annually 1989-2021
No longer accepting new graduate students.
Featured Publications
Harper, K.A., L. Gray, S.E. Macdonald, D. Lesiur, D. DeFields, P. Dodonov, C.M.A. Franklin, S. R. Haughian, L. Mascarúa López, A. Heathcote, K. Jager, R. Yang, C. Angelidis, A. Lanza Braga, W. Butler, S. Coley, J.M.E. Kornelson, L. Murphy, J. Pelton, E. Viotto Recco, R. de Oliveira Xavier, I. Wilson, M.C. Ribeiro, D. Maria da Silva Matos, Y. Bergeron.
Ecology. 2023 May; 10.1002/ecy.4098
Echiverri, L.F.I., S.E. Macdonald, S.E. Nielsen.
Restoration Ecology. 2023 March; 31 (3):e13813 10.1111/rec.13813
Zhang, W.-Q., K. Fleurial, M. Moawad, R. Vassov, S.E. Macdonald, S.E., J.J. Zwiazek
Restoration Ecology. 2023 March; 10.1111/rec.13874
Bartels, S.F., S.E. Macdonald.
Journal of Applied Ecology. 2023 February; 60 10.1111/1365-2664.14366
Hesketh, A.V., Loesberg, J.A., Bledsoe, E.K., Karst, J., Macdonald, S.E.
Ecology. 2022 December; 103 (11) 10.1002/ecy.3805
Errington, R.C., S.E. Macdonald, N.A. Melnycky, J.S. Bhatti.
Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research. 2022 November; 54 10.1080/15230430.2022.2082263
Cardou, F., A. Munson, L. Boisvert-Marsh, M. Anand, A. Arsenault, W. Bell, Y. Bergeron, I. Boulangeat, S. Delagrange, N. Fenton, D. Gravel, B. Hamel, F. Hébert, J. Johnstone, B. Kumordzi, S.E. Macdonald, A. Mallik, A. McIntosh, J. McLaren, C. Messier, D. Morris, J.W. Shipley, L. Sirois, N. Thiffault, I. Aubin.
Journal of Ecology. 2022 October; 110 10.1111/1365-2745.13894
Echiverri, L.F.I., S.E. Macdonald, S.E. Nielsen.
Applied Vegetation Science . 2022 September; 25:e12645 10.1111/avsc.12645
Dokis-Jansen, K.L., B.L. Parlee, Łutsël K’e Dene First Nation, D.S Hik, B. Gendreau-Berthiaume, S.E. Macdonald, C. Stinn.
Arctic. 2022 August; 74 (3):290-305 10.14430/arctic73160
Kuuluvainen, T., P. Angelstam, L. Frelich, K. Jogiste, M. Koivula, Y. Kubota, B. Lafleur, S. E. Macdonald.
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change . 2021 December; 10.3389/ffgc.2021.629020
Robinne, F.-N., J.J. Stadt, C.W. Bater, C. Nock, S.E. Macdonald, and S.E.Nielsen
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution . 2021 January; 8
Echiverri, L., S.E. Macdonald.
Forest Ecology & Management . 2020 October; 474 (article 118358 )
Thorn, S., A. Chao, K.B. Georgiev, J. Müller, C. Bässler, J.L. Campbell, J. Castro, Y.-H., Chen, C.-Y. Choi, T. Cobb, D.C. Donato, E. Durska, E. Macdonald, H. Feldhaar, J.B. Fontaine, P.J. Fornwalt, R.M.H. Hernández, R.L. Hutto, M. Koivula, E.-J. Lee, D. Lindenmayer, G. Mikusiński, M.K. Obrist, M. Perlik, J. Rost, K. Waldron, B. Wermelinger, I. Weiß, M. Żmihorski, A.B. Leverkus.
Nature Communications . 2020 October; 11 (4762)
Bartels, S., B. Gendreau-Berthiaume, S.E. Macdonald.
Science of the Total Environment . 2019 December; 696 (article 133877)
Bartels, S.F., R. James, R. Caners, S.E. Macdonald. 2019.
Journal of Applied Ecology . 2019 February; 56
Franklin, C., S.E. Macdonald, and S.E. Nielsen.
Ecological Applications . 2018 July; 28 (7):1830-1840
Bergeron, J.A.C., J. Pinzon, S. Odsen, S. Bartels, S.E. Macdonald, J.R. Spence
Oikos. 2017 January; 12
Stockdale, C. , M. Flannigan, S.E. Macdonald
Environmental Revoews. 2016 January; 24 (3):233-243
Gendreau-Berthiaume, B., S.E. Macdonald, J.J. Stadt
Ecological Applications. 2016 January; 26 (5):1486-1502
Macdonald, S.E., S. Landhäusser, J. Skousen, J. Frouz, S. Quideau, S. Hall, J. Franklin, D. Jacobs.
New Forests. 2015 January; 46
Harper, Karen A., S. Ellen Macdonald, Michael S. Mayerhofer, Shekhar R. Biswas, Per-Anders Esseen, Kristoffer Hylander, Katherine J. Stewart, Azim U. Mallik, Pierre Drapeau, Bengt-Gunnar Jonsson, Daniel Lesieur, Jari Kouki and Yves Bergeron
Journal of Ecology. 2015 January; 103
Fedrowitz, K., J. Koricheva, S.C. Baker, D.B. Lindenmayer, B. Palik, P. Rosenbald, W. Beese, J.F. Franklin, J. Kouki, E. Macdonald, C. Messier, A. Sverdrup-Thygeson, L. Gustafsson
Journal of Applied Ecology. 2014 January; 51
Bergeron, Y., H.Y.H. Chen, N.C. Kenkel, A.L. Leduc, and S.E. Macdonald
Forestry Chronicle. 2014 January; 90
Lilles, E., B. Purdy, S.E. Macdonald and S. Chang
Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 2012 January; 92
Cavard, Xavier, S.E. Macdonald, Y. Bergeron and H. Chen
Environmental Reviews. 2011 January; 19
Burton, P.J. and S.E. Macdonald
Silva Fennica. 2011 January; 45 (5):843-863
Gärtner, S.M., V.J. Lieffers and S. E. Macdonald
Environmental Reviews. 2011 January; 19:
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