Ergin Cankaya, PhD

Grad Research Asst Fellowship, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept


Grad Research Asst Fellowship, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept


Area of Study / Keywords

Remote Sensing LIDAR Forest Biometrics Forest Growth and Yield Modeling


Modeling forest stand dynamics and applying quantitative analysis techniques to forestry problems by using remote sensing and application of LiDAR technology from handheld, stationary ground and airborne platforms. 


MPB PSP Enhanced Forest Monitoring Beginning in 2015, a network of permanent forest sample plots (PSPs) were activated within the Lower Foothills Natural Subregion in Alberta. The goal was to monitor stands that had been impacted by mountain pine beetle (MPB). Plots were re-measured startng in 2020, with the goal of assessing stand dynamics. In this project, the PSP design is expanded to include terrestrial and aerial remote sensing, to complete an enhanced forest monitoring network. Goals in this project include assessing stand response, assessing the ability of growth models to forecast dynamics, and testing and developing new remote sensing technologies.