Euijin Choo, PhD

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science - Computing Science


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science - Computing Science


Area of Study / Keywords

Data driven cyber security Bigdata analytics


  • Dr. Euijin (Alley) Choo is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computing Science at University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Prior to U of Alberta, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at QCRI, a research professor at Korea University, and a visiting assistant professor at University of Missouri, Rolla. She received her Ph.D. from North Carolina State University under the supervision of Dr. Min Chi and Dr. Ting Yu in 2015. She also received her dual BS in Computer Science and Mathematics, and MS in Computer Science, at Korea University under the supervision of Dr. Heejo Lee. Her research interest sits at the intersection of security and big data analysis involving graph mining, data mining, machine learning, and deep learning. More specifically, it includes security and information assurance in e-commerce, and anomaly detection in network traffic and enterprise logs. During her research, she received Provost Fellowship from NC State University and Brain Korea 21 Scholarship from Korea Research Foundation. She was also an awardee of a few travel grants to attend major security conferences including ACM CCS and IEEE S&P. She is truly honored to be a recipient of the best paper award at DBSEC 2015.


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