Monireh Faramarzi, PhD

Associate Professor, Faculty of Science - Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Admin


Associate Professor, Faculty of Science - Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Admin



Dr. Monireh Faramarzi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Canada. She received her PhD from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETHZ in 2010. She is currently leading the Watershed Science and Modelling Laboratory that involves developing and applying physical and process-based tools such as hydrological, agricultural, and climate models to study water and food challenges in the context of climate change. Her research focuses on assessing trade-offs and interactions between water and land resources, crop production, and geo-physical drivers for environmentally-informed management plans. To date, her research has elaborated on subjects related to the impacts of climate change and management factors on crop yields, streamflow, floods, droughts, and more recently, on nutrients and chemical loads and transport in agricultural watershed of mid-to-high latitude regions such as Canadian Prairies. Her research goal is to contribute to the science of “water-food-energy and environment” nexus under an uncertain future in the Anthropocene.


Research Opportunity

I am interested in attracting post doctoral fellows and graduate students to work on our ongoing and future research projects. For more details about the current job opportunities please see the details in our Watershed Science and Modelling Lab website.


EAS 429 (555), (Adavnced) Hydrologic Modelling (1 - 0 - 3)

This course will provide knowledge and tools that are used to assess water supply and demand in large scale and complex watersheds. The course is divided into two parts: Part I (80% hands on) deals with understanding mechanistic concepts, assumptions behind hydrologic models, and advantages and limitations associated with using models. The course will elaborate on issues in data collection, construction, sensitivity analysis, calibration and validation of hydrologic models used to assess the dynamics of water resources in response to climate change and human activities. Part II aims to enhance understanding of issues such as water scarcity and water surplus under climate change and variability. It describes shortcomings of the traditional ‘blue water’ management and new concepts used to manage blue, green, and grey water resources by discussing water footprint, water productivity, and virtual water trade strategy. It develops basic knowledge and skills to manage water supply/demand with an integrated, multidisciplinary, and dynamic manner. Examples and case studies will be used to illustrate the issues surrounding model applications for water resources management, drawing on perspectives from both the natural sciences and the policy arena.


New PhD and PDF Opportunities in Water-Food-Energy-Environment and Climate Change Sciences

I am interested in attracting post doctoral fellows and graduate students to work on our ongoing and future research projects. For more details about the current job opportunities please see the details at our Watershed Science and Modelling Lab website.

Work Location and Conditions

 o The jobs are full time, located at the Watershed Science and Modelling Lab of the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

 o Salary: depends on the candidate’s skill set and the funding source

How to apply

 o Curriculum Vita

 o Statement of research interest: what questions in job advertisement you find interesting and important, and why, as well how you think progress could be made.

 o Letters of recommendation from three references

 o Applications must be sent to Dr. Monireh Faramarzi via

Closing date:

 o Position open until filled.