Fernanda Fengler Dal Pizzol, PhD Candidate, MN, RN

Project Coordinator, Faculty of Nursing
Graduate Teaching Assistant - Principal Instructor (GTA-PI), Faculty of Nursing


Project Coordinator, Faculty of Nursing

Graduate Teaching Assistant - Principal Instructor (GTA-PI), Faculty of Nursing


NURS 124 - Foundations of Nursing I

The course explores the meanings of health and healing. It highlights the diversity of beliefs, values, and perceptions of health. The course introduces the Canadian Health Care System, conceptual frameworks of health promotion, determinants of health, disease and injury prevention, and primary health care. The focus is on the nurse/client relationship in a relational practice context. Note: Available only to nursing students in the Collaborative Program. Prerequisites: MMI 133, NURS 106 (or NURS 140 and 150), and NURS 120 (or NURS 103). Corequisite: NURS 125 (or NURS 105). Students must achieve a minimum grade of C+ in order to progress in the program. Credit may be obtained for only one of NURS 124 or 103.

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Featured Publications

Fernanda L. F. Dal Pizzol, Kathleen F. Hunter, Jennifer Baumbusch, Hannah M. O’Rourke

PLOS ONE. 2024 September; 10.1371/journal.pone.0309162

Fernanda L. F. Dal Pizzol, Hannah M. O'Rourke, Joanne Olson, Jennifer Baumbusch, Kathleen Hunter

Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024 June; 10.1111/jan.15999

Hannah M. O’Rourke, Jennifer Swindle, Dorothy Chacinski, Fernanda L. F. Dal Pizzol, Heunjung Lee, Matthias Hoben, Tammy Hopper, Katherine S McGilton, Veronique Boscart

Dementia. 2023 October; 10.1177/14713012231176858

Mariane Lurdes Predebon, Fernanda L. F. Dal Pizzol, Naiana Oliveira dos Santos, Carla Cristiane Becker Kottwitz Bierhals, Idiane Rosset, Lisiane Manganelli Girardi Paskulin

Investigación y Educación en Enfermería. 2021 June; 10.17533/udea.iee.v39n2e03

Carolina B. Day, Carla C. B. K. Bierhals, Duane Mocellin, Mariane L. Predebon, Naiana O. Santos, Fernanda L. F. Dal Pizzol, Ana Cláudia Fuhrmann, Marinês Aires, Lisiane M. G. Paskulin

Health & Social Care in the Community. 2021 January; 10.1111/hsc.13068

Fernanda L. F. Dal Pizzol, Mariane Lurdes Predebon, Carolina Baltar Day, Carla Cristiane Becker Kottwitz Bierhals, Diani Oliveira Machado, Marines Aires, Sati Jaber Mahmud, Idiane Rosset, Lisiane Manganelli Girardi Paskulin

Journal of Nursing Measurement. 2020 April; 10.1891/JNM-D-18-00072

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