Feng Qiu

Associate Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology


Associate Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology


Area of Study / Keywords

Agricultural Economics; Energy Economics; Land Use


Dr. Feng Qiu is an economist with a specialization in agricultural and energy subjects. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (REES) at the University of Alberta. Dr Qiu completed her Ph.D. in Economics, minoring in Statistics, at North Carolina State University in 2012. Her research primarily concentrates on biofuels, energy policy and energy economics, land use, price and market analysis, and community food environments. Dr. Qiu leads a research team at the University of Alberta, focusing on the economic and policy aspects of low-carbon energy transition. She has published 45 peer-reviewed journal articles. As a Principal Investigator (PI), Dr Qiu has secured over $1.8 Million dollars in research funding for her program in the past 6 years. Dr. Qiu also serves as an Editor for the journal Agribusiness: An International Journal.


Research Interests

  • Supply chain of biofuel feedstock
  • Energy policy and economics
  • Land use and land use change
  • Price and market analysis 
  • Community food and food environment
  • Economic and policy analysis of emerging technologies

Agribusiness: An International Journal


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Future Energy Systems


Alberta Biojet Initiative



AREC 513 Econometric Applications (graduate level)

AREC 460 / 560 /660 Land Use Economics (under and graduate levels)

AREC 433 / 633 Financial Management in Resource Industries (under and graduate levels)


Hiring Announcement

We are seeking candidates for:

  1. Prospective students (MSc and PhD) with a background in agricultural and/or resource economics.
  2. Postdoctoral Fellows in the fields of land use and urban economics.
  3. CSC visiting Ph.D. students and scholars in land, energy, applied econometrics, geoscience, and environmental science.

If you are interested, please send your CV to fq@ualberta.ca for consideration.


AREC 433 - Financial Management in Resource Industries

Recent theoretical and empirical developments in finance are applied to natural resource industries including agribusiness, farming, forestry and food. Emphasis on capital budgeting, financial risk, and associated topics for long run investment planning in smaller business enterprises. Prerequisite: AREC 200, AREC 365, ECON 281, or FIN 301.

AREC 460 - Land Use Economics

This course introduces concepts and methods employed in the economics of land use and land use change. Topics include: theoretical and empirical analysis of determinants and drivers of land use and land use change; environmental and socioeconomic consequences of land use change; the role of governments in managing land use decisions; and spatial analysis in land use research. Prerequisite: ECON 101 and (AREC 313, ECON 399, or STAT 378).

AREC 513 - Econometric Applications

Econometric theory, multiple linear regression analysis and interpretation, simultaneous equation estimation, qualitative choice models, time series analysis, applications of econometric techniques to resource and agricultural economic problems. Prerequisite: Intermediate course in statistics or econometrics.

AREC 633 - Financial Management in Resource Industries

Recent theoretical and empirical developments in finance are applied to natural resource industries including agribusiness, farming, forestry and food. Emphasis on capital budgeting, financial risk, and associated topics for long run investment planning in smaller business enterprises. Not to be taken if credit received for AREC 433. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

AREC 660 - Land Use Economics

This course introduces concepts and methods employed in the economics of land use and land use change. Topics include: theoretical and empirical analysis of determinants and drivers of land use and land use change; environmental and socioeconomic consequences of land use change; the role of governments in managing land-use decisions; and spatial analysis in land-use research. Not to be taken if credit received for AREC 460. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

Browse more courses taught by Feng Qiu

Featured Publications

Marttin Paulraj Gundupalli, Sara Ansari, Jaquelinne Pires Vital da Costa, Feng Qiu, Jay Anderson, Marty Luckert, David C. Bressler

Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2024 May; 10.1016/j.tifs.2024.104426

Yanfeng Wei, Feng Qiu, Henry An, Xindon Zhang, Changhong Li, Xiaoying Guo

International Review of Economics & Finance. 2024 April; 10.1016/j.iref.2024.02.011

Yanan Zheng, Meng Yang, Henry An, Feng Qiu

Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 2024 February; 10.1017/age.2024.1

Curtis J. McKnight, Grant Hauer, Marty Luckert, Feng Qiu

Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie. 2024 February; 10.1111/cjag.12350

Yanan Zheng, Henry An, Meng Yang, Feng Qiu

Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie. 2024 January; 10.1111/cjag.12347

Wenbei Zhang, Marty Luckert, Feng Qiu

Energy. 2023 July; 10.1016/j.energy.2023.128425

Wenbei Zhang, Feng Qiu, MK Marty Luckert, Jay A Anderson, Alexander W McPhee

BioEnergy Research. 2023 April;

Meghan Lim, MK Marty Luckert, Feng Qiu

Biomass and Bioenergy. 2023 March; 170

Xueting Wang, Qingmeng Tong, Feng Qiu, Junbiao Zhang

Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 2023 February; 66 (3):621-641 10.1080/09640568.2021.2000373

Curtis McKnight, Feng Qiu, Marty Luckert, Grant Hauer

Biofuels. 2023 February; 14 (1):59-67 10.1080/17597269.2022.2116770

Journal of Environmental Management. 2023 January; 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118969

Ziwei Hu, Hotaka Kobori, Brent Swallow, Feng Qiu

Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2022 August; 70 10.1111/cjag.12317

Feng Qiu, Qingmeng Tong, Junbiao Zhang

Environment and Development Economics. 2022 August; 27 (4):357-373 10.1017/S1355770X21000346

Curtis McKnight, Feng Qiu, Marty Luckert, Grant Hauer

Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2021 September; 69 (3):337-351 10.1111/cjag.12295

Qiu, F. and Q. Tong

Economic Modelling. 2021 June; 99

H. An, F. Qiu, and J. Rude

Economic Modelling. 2021 May;

Yanan Zheng, Claire A Doll, Feng Qiu, Jay A Anderson, Grant Hauer, MK Luckert

Biosystems Engineering. 2021 April; 204

Yangzhe Cao, Brent Swallow, Feng Qiu

Land use policy. 2021 March; 102

Claire Doll, Grant Hauer, Feng Qiu, Martin K Luckert

Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 2020 December;

Yanan Zheng, Feng Qiu

Biomass and Bioenergy. 2020 September; 140

Yang, M, H. Wang, and F. Qiu

The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien. 2020 March; 64 (1):135-154

Tong, Q and F. Qiu

Ecological Economics. 2020 March; 169

Alec Zuo, Feng Qiu, Sarah Wheeler

Resource and Energy Economics. 2019 November; 58

Meng Yang, Haoluan Wang, Feng Qiu

Cities. 2019 April; 87

Zhen, M., J. Rude, and F. Qiu

Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2018 January; (66):209-229

Wang, H and F. Qiu

Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 2018 January; (29):58-67

Haarsma, D. & F. Qiu

Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. 2017 January; 10 (1):21-41

Wang, H., and F. Qiu

Ecological Economics. 2017 January; 139

Wang, H. & F. Qiu

The Canadian Geographer. 2017 January; 61 (3):457-470

Wang, H., F. Qiu and X. Ruan

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2016 January; 221 (222-234)

Ruan, X., F. Qiu and M. Dyck

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188. 2016 January; 8 (1-31)

An, H., F. Qiu and Y. Zheng

Food Policy. 2016 January; 62

Wang, H. & F. Qiu

Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning. 2016 January; 51

Qiu, F. & J. Rude

Applied Economics. 2016 January; 48 (46):4379-4392

Götz, L., F. Qiu, J.P., Gervais and T. Glauben

Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2016 January; 67 (2):398-419

Work, J., F. Qiu and M.K. Luckert

Forest Policy and Economics. 2016 January; 70

Wang, H., L. Tao, F. Qiu and W. Lu

Applied Geography. 2016 January; 67

Qiu, F, L. Laliberte, B. Swallow, and S. Jeffrey

Land Use Policy. 2015 January; 48

Lu, W. & F. Qiu

The Canadian Geographer. 2015 January; 59 (3):267-282

Wang, H., F. Qiu and B. Swallow

Applied Geography. 2014 January; 55

Qiu, F, B. K. Goodwin and J.P. Gervais

Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 2011 January; 36 (3):536–551

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