Alexander Gainer

Teaching Professor, Faculty of Arts - Economics Dept


Teaching Professor, Faculty of Arts - Economics Dept
7-14 Tory (H.M.) Building
11211 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H4


ECON 102 - Introduction to Macroeconomics

Employment, inflation, international payments, monetary policy, and fiscal policy, all in the Canadian economy. Prerequisite: ECON 101 or consent of Department. Not open to students with credit in ECON 204.

ECON 213 - An Introduction to the Economics of Developing Countries

A survey of the major approaches to and problems of economic development in the less developed countries with particular emphasis on issues relating to savings and investment, income distribution, employment and population growth, and trade and aid. Prerequisite: ECON 101 and 102 or equivalent. Note: Not open to students with credit or enrolled in ECON 414.

ECON 299 - Quantitative Methods in Economics

Introduction to the use of statistical methods in economics with computer applications. Prerequisites: ECON 101 and 102, STAT 161 or equivalent, and MATH 154 or equivalent.

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