Adam Galovan, PhD

Associate Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Human Ecology Dept

Pronouns: he/him


Associate Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Human Ecology Dept
321 Human Ecology Building
8905 - 116 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2N1


Area of Study / Keywords

Couple Relationships; Virtues and Character Strengths; Strong Relationality; Quantitative Research Methodology


My primary research objective as a family scientist is to understand how couples negotiate their relationships across many different roles, dimensions, and contexts in such a way as to live healthy, productive, and virtuous lives. For example, partners are wage earners, household managers, and companions. Following the birth of a child they are also parents and coparents. Some of these roles also persist even if the romantic relationship dissolves. Each of these different roles influences couples’ relationships and health; couple relationships also have meaning for their child(ren) and his or her health and development.

My overarching research objective is to answer the following questions: how do parents and partners (both partnered or separated) interact in their multiple roles?; what influences the way couples come together and progress in their many roles?; what child and couple outcomes of health and well-being result from these different patterns of interaction?; and what individual, couple, and family characteristics, virtues, and transition points are important to both the content and process of preventative intervention efforts? In answering these questions, I acknowledge the importance of using multiple sources of data from individuals in multiple contexts and employing multiple methods and research designs.

In conducting my research, I have knowledge and experience in advanced multivariate statistics and methods, including structural equation, longitudinal, dyadic, and latent class analyses. Indeed, one of my secondary research interests is quantitative research methodology and the related epistemological questions and implications for family science.


I am currently accepting hard-working, quantitative-minded graduate students interested in studying couple well-being and/or relationship dynamics in families. 


HECOL 321 - Introduction to Family Finance

An introduction to the principles of money management for individuals, households, and families. Students learn basic financial literacy skills and tools required to make key financial decisions by identifying financial goals, assessing current resources, developing and implementing a financial plan and evaluating financial progress. It is also expected that students will be able to apply these tools in their professional work to enhance clients' financial literacy and their ability to resolve financial management challenges. Prerequisite: ECON 101; it is recommended that students have completed both ECON 101 and 102.

HECOL 410 - Parent-Child Relationships

An exploration of parent-child relationships, with a concentration from infancy through adolescence. An examination of theoretical and research perspectives of parent-child relationships and the practical application of those perspectives. Not to be taken if credit received for HECOL 310. Prerequisite: PSYCH 223.

HECOL 550 - Selected Topics in Human Ecology

Topics of current interest. May be taken for credit more than once. Prerequisite: consent of Instructor.

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Scholarly Activities

Research - The Couple Well-Being Project

Using binationally representative data from 615 couples in the United States and Canada, The Couple Well-Being Project explores a strong relationality model of individual and relationship flourishing (Galovan & Schramm, 2018) stemming from the philosophies of Martin Buber and Emmanuel Levinas. While accounting for background influences (e.g., socioeconomic status, racial and cultural background), existing relationship factors (e.g., current relationship quality), external support (e.g., elevation from others), personal states (e.g., stress), contextual challenges (e.g., trials), and individuals’ ethical responsiveness, the project explores how virtues and character traits (e.g., humility, compassion, positivity) and positive relationship-specific applications (e.g., gratitude, forgiveness, affection) contribute to individual and relationship flourishing.

Featured Publications

Brandon T. McDaniel, Jenny Radesky, Jessica Pater, Adam M. Galovan, Annalise Harrison, Victor Cornet, Lauren Reining, Alexandria Schaller, Michelle Drouin

Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies. 2024 September; 10.1155/2024/3601969

Jason S. Carroll, Adam M. Galovan, David G. Schramm

The Wheatley Institute. 2024 February;

J. Scott Crapo, Adam M. Galovan, David G. Schramm

Journal of Family Issues. 2023 June; 45 (6):1560-1582 10.1177/0192513x231181373

Adam M. Galovan, Terri L. Orbuch, M. Rosie Shrout, Emma Drebit, TeKisha M. Rice

Personal Relationships. 2023 March; 31 (1):174-216 10.1111/pere.12452

Adam M. Galovan, Johana Zuluaga Osorio, J. Scott Crapo, David G. Schramm, Emma Drebit

Journal of Family Psychology. 2022 October; 36 (7):1249-1261 10.1037/fam0000997

Adam M. Galovan, Jason S. Carroll, David G. Schramm, Nathan D. Leonhardt, Johana Zuluaga, Siobahn E. M. McKenadel, McKenna R. Oleksuik

Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 2022 July; 48 (3):883-907 10.1111/jmft.12559

Adam M. Galovan, Alan J. Hawkins, Steven M. Harris, David M. Simpson

Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 2022 April; 48 (2):371-390 10.1111/jmft.12480

Erin Kramer Holmes, Adam M. Galovan, Clare R. Thomas, Tiffany L. Clyde

The Routledge Handbook of Family Communication. 2021 November; 10.4324/9781003043423-8

Brandon T. McDaniel, Adam M. Galovan, Michelle Drouin

Media Psychology. 2021 September; 24 (5):637-665 10.1080/15213269.2020.1783561

David G. Schramm, Adam Galovan, Ted G. Futris, Jeremy B. Kanter

Family Relations. 2019 February; 68 (1):5-21 10.1111/fare.12351

Adam M. Galovan, David G. Schramm

Journal of Family Theory & Review. 2018 March; 10 (1):199-218 10.1111/jftr.12238

Brandon T. McDaniel, Adam M. Galovan, Jaclyn D. Cravens, Michelle Drouin

Computers in Human Behavior. 2018 March; 80 10.1016/j.chb.2017.11.019

Adam M. Galovan, Michelle Drouin, Brandon T. McDaniel

Computers in Human Behavior. 2018 February; 79 10.1016/j.chb.2017.10.017

Alan J. Hawkins, Adam M. Galovan, Steven M. Harris, Sage E. Allen, Sarah M. Allen, Kelly M. Roberts, David G. Schramm

Family Process. 2017 December; 56 (4):852-868 10.1111/famp.12299

Matthew D. Johnson, Adam M. Galovan, Rebecca M. Horne, Joohong Min, Sabine Walper

Journal of Family Psychology. 2017 October; 31 (7):821–832 10.1037/fam0000329

David G. Schramm, Adam M. Galovan, H. Wallace Goddard

Family Relations. 2017 October; 66 (4):696-711 10.1111/fare.12270

Adam M. Galovan, David G. Schramm

Journal of Divorce and Remarriage. 2017 April; 58 (3):212-226 10.1080/10502556.2017.1303320

Adam M. Galovan, Erin Kramer Holmes, Christine M. Proulx

Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 2017 February; 34 (1):44-68 10.1177/0265407515621179

Matthew D. Johnson, Rebecca M. Horne, Adam M. Galovan

Developmental Psychology. 2016 December; 52 (12):2031–2043 10.1037/dev0000216

H. Wallace Goddard, Jonathan R. Olson, Adam M. Galovan, David G. Schramm, James P. Marshall

Family Relations. 2016 July; 65 (3):424-438 10.1111/fare.12195

Adam M. Galovan, Erin Kramer Holmes, David G. Schramm, Thomas R. Lee

Journal of Family Issues. 2014 November; 35 (13):1846-1867 10.1177/0192513X13479948

David G. Schramm, Ted G. Futris, Adam M. Galovan, Kimberly Allen

Children and Youth Services Review. 2013 March; 35 (3):429-438 10.1016/j.childyouth.2012.12.013

Joseph M. White, Sean E. Brotherson, Adam M. Galovan, Erin K. Holmes, Jennifer A. Kampmann

Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice about Men as Fathers. 2011 January; 9 (1):22-43 10.3149/fth.0901.22

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