Trevor Gayford

ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing


ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing


NURS 327 - Mental Health and Wellness in Nursing

This course in mental health provides opportunities to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes to promote wellness, through safe, ethical nursing practice, in a variety of contexts. The focus will be mental well-being throughout the lifespan. Learning experiences will provide students an understanding of the mental health nursing process. Clinical hours listed are the total number of hours and will be offered over 6 weeks. Note: Available only to nursing students in the Collaborative/Honors Program or Bilingual Program. Prerequisites: NURS 216, NURS 224, and NURS 225.

NURS 431 - Advanced Acute Care Nursing Practice I

This acute care practicum builds on the concepts and intentional clinical learning from NURS 335 and NURS 345. The focus is on integrating prior learning to move towards providing comprehensive patient and family centered care and socialization to the role of the nurse in an acute care setting. Note: Available only to nursing students in the After Degree/After Degree Honors Program or RPN-BScN Program. Prerequisites: NURS 344, NURS 345, and NURS 416.

NURS 437 - Mental Health and Wellness in Nursing

This course in mental health provides opportunities to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes to promote wellness, through safe, ethical nursing practice, in a variety of contexts. The focus will be on mental well-being throughout the lifespan. Learning experiences will provide students an understanding of the mental health nursing process. Clinical hours listed are the total number of hours and will be offered over 6 weeks. Note: Available only to nursing students in the After Degree/After Degree Honors Program. Prerequisites: NURS 344, NURS 345, and NURS 416. Corequisite: NURS 431.

SC INF 327 - Santé mentale et bien-être en soins infirmiers

Ce cours en santé mentale offre des possibilités d'acquérir des connaissances, des compétences et des attitudes pour promouvoir le bien-être par le biais des soins infirmiers sécuritaires et éthiques dans une variété de contextes. L'accent sera mis sur le bien-être mental tout au long de la vie. Les expériences d'apprentissage donneront aux étudiantes une compréhension du processus de soins infirmiers en santé mentale. Les heures cliniques indiquées correspondent au nombre total d'heures du cours et seront offertes sur 6 semaines. Note: Ce cours est réservé aux étudiant(e)s du programme BSc inf. bilingue. Préalables: NURS 216, NURS 224 et NURS 225.

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