George Peschke, PhD


Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences




Algebraic Topology, Homological Algebra, Homotopy Theory

Featured Publications

George Peschke and Tim Van der Linden

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 2016 January; 220

George Peschke

C.R. Acad. Scie. Paris, Ser. I. 2011 January; 349

The fiber of functors between categories of algebras

David Blanc and George Peschke

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 2006 January; 2007

Localization of epimorphisms and monomorphisms in homotopy theory

W. Shen and G. Peschke

Topology and its Applications. 2004 January; 145

The plus construction, Postnikov towers and universal central module extensions

David Blanc and George Peschke

Israel Journal of Mathematics. 2002 January; 132

Central extensions and generalized plus constructions

Guido Mislin and George Peschke

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2001 January; 2