Gillian Lemermeyer

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing
5-283 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy
11405 87 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 1C9


Area of Study / Keywords


Gillian Lemermeyer is currently appointed as Assistant Adjunct Professor in the John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.


INT D 222 - Indigenous Health in Canada

This course is offered in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action, and is the beginning step to culturally safe interaction and practice. Focus is on introducing students to a variety of historical realities and contemporary issues relevant to Indigenous health in Canada. Students will examine issues and contributions facing settler relations from a historical, contemporary and critical perspective, with a focus on health and well-being. Note: Priority will be given to students in health science programs where this is a required course. Not to be taken if credit received for NURS 222.

INT D 570 - Healthcare Ethics

An interdisciplinary course exploring selected topics in bioethics. Includes examination of ethical theories and principles within the context of clinical practice (nursing, medicine, rehabilitation medicine, dentistry, pharmacy) and learning experiences to improve moral reasoning and ethical decision making. Prerequisite: consent of Instructors. [Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre]

NURS 513 - Qualitative Research

The focus of this course is on qualitative research approaches and includes an introduction to the philosophical foundations of qualitative methods. Emphasis is placed on the selection of appropriate methods to answer research questions; on data collection, analysis and interpretation of results; and on the appraisal of qualitative research literature. Attention is also given to knowledge synthesis, mixed methods, ethics in research, and knowledge translation in advanced nursing practice.

NURS 687 - Advanced Principles and Practice of Qualitative Inquiry

This course provides an advanced examination of the theoretical reasoning, methods and research strategies of specific approaches within contemporary qualitative inquiry. Students explore the key ontological and epistemological foundations that underlie different theoretical orientations and how different approaches lead to differences in research methods and practices. Prerequisite: Graduate level research foundations or introductory qualitative research methods course.

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Featured Publications

Gillian Lemermeyer

Medical Humanities. 2022 February; 48 (2):230-237 10.1136/medhum-2021-012220

Gillian Lemermeyer

Qualitative Health Research. 2021 September; 31 (9):1570-1581 10.1177/10497323211005434

Cathy Adams, Patti Pente, Gillian Lemermeyer & Geoffrey Rockwell

Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2021 June; 12749 10.1007/978-3-030-78270-2_4

Cathy Adams & Gillian Lemermeyer

In E. Langran (ed.), Proceedings of SITE Interactive 2020 Online Conference. Online: Association for the advancement of computing in education (AACE). 2020 October;

Gillian Lemermeyer

Explorations in Media Ecology. 2020 September; 19 (3):319-335 10.1386/eme_00049_1