Florence Glanfield, PhD, MEd, BEd, BSc
Pronouns: she/her
Vice-Provost (Indigenous Programming & Research), Provost & Vice-President Academic - Admin
- glanfiel@ualberta.ca
- Phone
- (780) 492-6492
- Address
2-29 South Academic Building
11328 - 89 Ave NWEdmonton ABT6G 2J7
- Availability
- For Scheduling a Meeting please contact Jenn Gallup, jgallup@ualberta.ca
Area of Study / Keywords
Education Mathematics Indigenous Relational Research Enactivism
Dr. Glanfield is currently Vice-Provost (Indigenous Programming and Research) and a Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Secondary Education. She is an Affiliated Faculty member with the Centre for Research for Teacher Education and Development at the University of Alberta. She earned her PhD in 2003 studying mathematics teacher understanding as an emergent phenomenon.
Dr. Glanfield worked at the University of Saskatchewan, College of Education (1999 - 2007) and began her tenure at the University of Alberta in July 2007.
Dr Glanfield is a citizen of the Métis Nation of Alberta, born and raised in Northeastern Alberta. Dr Glanfield’s research interests explore the experiences that individuals (teachers and learners) as well as collectives of learners / communities have with mathematics and learning mathematics. Dr Glanfield collaborates with colleagues and has engaged in research projects with Canadian Indigenous communities, urban Aboriginal youth, elementary & secondary mathematics teachers, and teachers and teacher educators in Tanzania and Rwanda.
Two of Dr Glanfield’s current research projects are with colleagues across Canada around the ways in which Indigenous and ‘Western’ knowledge systems interact in mathematics and science education.
As Chair of the Department of Secondary Education (2012 - 2019), Dr. Glanfield began exploring pathways for Indigenous languages speakers to become certified teachers in the province of Alberta.
Dr Glanfield’s career has included opportunities to work with students and teachers in all regions of Canada, in the US, in Tanzania and in Rwanda; teach high school mathematics; work with the Alberta Ministry of Education to develop provincial mathematics curriculum, participate in implementation of provincial curriculum, develop student assessment materials; and organize national and international fora.
Dr Glanfield’s been actively involved in, and has served in leadership roles with provincial (Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers' Association), national (Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group), and international professional organizations (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, TODOS: Mathematics for ALL, and the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics).
Dr. Glanfield's received the following awards:
2018Special Award Recognition from the Mathematics Council of Alberta Teachers’ Association
2017Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Award, National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics
2014Iris Carl Leadership and Equity Award, TODOS: Mathematics for ALL
1995Alberta Mathematics Educator Award, Mathematics Council of Alberta Teachers’ Association
Primary Research Interests:
Mathematics Teacher Education, Aboriginal/Indigenous curriculum perspectives, teacher education, relational research, enactivism
Recent Courses Taught
Summer 2021: Towards a Curriculum of Community
Upcoming Courses
Winter 2022: EDSE 539 Secondary Mathematics Education: Research Issues in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
I am currently not accepting PhD students.
Scholarly Activities
Research - Presentations
Selected Invited Presentations
Glanfield, F. (2020). Engaging with First Nations, Métis, Inuit perspectives in mathematics education. Invited plenary presentation for the annual meeting of the British Columbia Association of Mathematics Teachers, Virtual.
Glanfield, F. (2019). Relationships with/in/around mathematics. Invited presentation at the annual meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group, Antigonish NS.
Simmt, E., Binde, A., Glanfield, F., & Mgombelo, J. (2018). Building complexity into development projects: A case study. Invited panel presentation at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto ON.
Wiseman, D., Glanfield, F., & Lunney Borden, L. (2018). How we are coming to know: Ways in which Indigenous and non-Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing might circulate together in mathematics and science teaching final report. Invited presentation at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto ON.
Glanfield, F. (2018). Indigenous knowledges, mathematics, journeys, and in-powerment. California Mathematics Council Annual Meeting, Palm Springs CA.
Glanfield, F. (2017). Learning about equity in mathematics education leadership through the lens of Indigenous perspectives. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Meeting, San Antonio TX.
Glanfield, F. (2010). Learning from children: Implications for mathematics lesson designs. Conference Presentation, Ontario Association of Mathematics Education 2010 Annual Conference, St. Catharine’s ON.
Glanfield, F. (2010). Emerging relationships: Aboriginal peoples and mathematics. Keynote Presentation, Ontario Association of Mathematics Education 2010 Annual Conference, St. Catharine’s ON.
Glanfield, F. (2009). The aboriginal learner: An inquiry into lived stories. Conference Session, Western Canada Educational Administrators Conference, Edmonton AB.
Glanfield, F. (2009). The new mathematics curriculum: What administrators need to know. Conference Session, Western Canada Educational Administrators Conference, Edmonton AB.
Glanfield, F. (2008). The literacy of mathematics curriculum-making. Keynote Presentation, Sciematics: Saskatchewan Mathematics Teacher’s Society, Saskatoon SK.
Glanfield, F. (2008). The story of mathematics: Case study of one Aboriginal student. Topic Study Group of the International Congress on Mathematical Education, Monterrey Mexico.
Glanfield, F., & Wiseman, D. (2007). Talking mathematics, talking science: Bridging meaning in the curriculum. Keynote Presentation, Dreamcatching 2007: Workshops in Math & Science for Teachers of Aboriginal Students, Regina SK.
Glanfield, F. (2006). Inviting elementary mathematics teachers into the community of mathematics. Academic Homeplace Conference, Centre for Research in Teacher Education and Development, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB.
Glanfield, F. (2006). A reflection about mathematics teacher education programs in Canada. The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) and the Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (SMM), Guanajuato Mexico.
Research - Publications
Selected Publications
Refereed Articles
Swai, C. Z., & Glanfield, F. (2018). Teacher-led professional learning in Tanzania: Perspectives of mathematics teacher leaders. Global Education Review, 5(3), 183-195.
Ngalawa, A., Simmt, E., & Glanfield, F. (2015). Exploring the emergence of community support for school and encouragement of innovation for improving rural school performance: Lessons learned at Kitamburo in Tanzania. Global Education Review, 2(4), 101-125.
Greenes, C. E., Cavanagh, M. C., Tsankova, J., K., & Glanfield, F. (2013). Can we cross the street in time? Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 19(2), 86-93.
Simmt, E. S., Glanfield, F., & Sookochoff, S. (2013). Explanation and discourse in 9th grade mathematics classes. Reprint. delta-K, 50(2), 28 – 35.
Gattuso, L., Vermette, S., Freiman, V., Mowat, E., Glanfield, F., & Perelli, M. P. (2013). L’enseignement de statistique et probabilities au Canada et en Italie. Statitique et Enseignement, 4(1), 107-129. http://publications-sfds.math.cnrs.fr/index.php/StatEns/article/view/141
Donald, D., Glanfield, F., & Sterenberg, G. (2012). Living ethically within conflicts of colonial authority and relationality. Journal of the Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies, 10(1), 53-76.
Donald, D., Glanfield, F., & Sterenberg, G. (2011). Culturally relational education in and with an Indigenous community. in education: exploring our connective educational landscape, 17(3), http://ineducation.ca/article/culturally-relational-education-and-indigenous-community.
Glanfield, F., & Murphy, M. S. (2011, June). Possibilities for understanding children’s mathematics knowledge. Delta-k, 48(2), 17-19.
Murphy, M. S., & Glanfield, F. (2010). Mathematics teacher educator identity: A conversation between a specialist and a generalist. in education: exploring our connective educational landscape, 16(2), http://ineducation.ca/article/mathematics-teacher-educator-identity-conversation-between-specialist-and-generalist
Clandinin, D. J., Glanfield, F., Chung, S., Lessard, S., Schaefer, L., & Caine, V. (2010). Potentials and possibilities of collaborative research. Shvilei Mehkar, 17, 20-41.
Sterenberg, G., Barrett, L., Blood, N., Glanfield, F., Lunney Borden, L., McDonnell, T., Nichol, C., & Weston, H. (2010). To become wise to the world around us: Multiple perspectives of relating Indigenous knowledges and mathematics education. Delta-k, 47(2), 21-29.
Glanfield, F., & Sterenberg, G. (2010). Amelia’s mental images of numbers. Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(8), 504.
Doolittle, E., & Glanfield, F. (2007). Balancing equations and culture: Indigenous educators reflect on mathematics education. For the Learning of Mathematics, 27(3), 27-30.
Glanfield, F. (2006). Secondary mathematics education curriculum developments: Reflecting on Canadian trends. delta-K, 43(2), 17-19.
Glanfield, F., & Pushor, D. (2006). The courage to be constructivist mathematics leaders. Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership, 9(1), 25-33.
Nichol, C., Archibald, J., Glanfield, F., & Dawson, A. J. (Eds.). (2020). Living Culturally Responsive Mathematics Education with/in Indigenous Communities. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Glanfield, F. (2007). Reflections on research in school mathematics: Building capacity in teaching and learning. Toronto ON: Pearson Education Canada.
Glanfield, F., Aitken, N., Simpson, S., Midgett, C., Joyner, J., & Thompson, C. (2003). Mathematics assessment: A practical handbook for K-grade 2. Reston VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Book Chapters
Glanfield, F., Sterenberg, G., & Donald, D. (2020). Understanding the landscape of culturally responsive education within a community-driven mathematics education research project. In C. Nicol, J. Archibald, F. Glanfield, & A. J. Dawson (Eds.), Living Culturally Responsive Mathematics Education with/in Indigenous Communities (pp. 71-90). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Simmt, E., Binde, A., Glanfield, F., & Mgombelo, J. (2019). Developing capacity for teacher inservice education in rural Tanzania: Embracing emergent phenomena. In I. Eloff (Ed.), Handbook of Quality of Life in African Societies (pp. 327-344). New York: Springer.
Thom, J. S., & Glanfield, F. (2018). Live(d) topographies: The emergence and dynamical nature of ideas in secondary mathematics classes. In A. Kajander, J. Holm, & E. Chernoff (Eds.), Teaching and Learning Secondary School Mathematics – Canadian Perspectives in an International Context (pp. 51-60). New York: Springer.
Madden, B., & Glanfield, F. (2017). Research in Indigenizing teacher education. In D. J. Clandinin & J. Husu (Eds.), International Handbook of Research on Teacher Education (pp. 1149-1165). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Ltd.
Lunney Borden, L., & Glanfield, F. (2016). Indigenous ways of knowing mathematics. In P. Liljedahl, D. Allan, O. Chapman, F. Gourdeau, C. Lajoie, S. Oesterle, E. Simmt & P. Taylor (Eds.), 40Years of CMESG/Les 40 Ans du GCEDM. (pp. 237-243). Burnaby, BC: CMESG/GCEDM.
Wiseman, D., Onuczko, T., & Glanfield, F. (2015). Resilience and hope in the garden: Intercropping Aboriginal and Western ways of knowing to inquire into teaching and learning science. In H. Smits & R. Naqvi (Eds.), Framing peace: Thinking about and enacting curriculum as “radical hope” (pp. 237-252). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Glanfield, F. (2014). Secondary mathematics education curriculum developments: Reflecting on Canadian trends. In E. Chernoff & G. Sterenberg (Eds.), Selected Writings from the Journal of the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association: Celebrating 50 years (1962 – 2012) of delta-K (pp. 377-382). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Steeves, P., Yeom, J. S., Pushor, D., Nelson, C., Mwebi, B. M., Murray Orr, A., Murphy, S., Glanfield, F., Huber, J., & Clandinin, D. J. (2009). The research issues table: A place of possibilities for the education of teacher educators. In C. J. Craig & L. F. Deretchin (Eds.), ATE Yearbook XVII: Teacher Learning in Small Group Settings (20 pages). Lanham, MD: The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.
Glanfield, F., Oviatt, A., & Baczuk, D. (2006). From teachers’ conversations to students’ mathematical communication. In L. R. Van Zoest (Ed.), Teachers Engaged in Research: Inquiry into Mathematics Practice, Grades 9-12 (pp. 75-96). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and Information Age Publishing.
Research - Research Activities
Selected Research Studies Activities
2018 – 2021 Learning Experiences for ALL: Encounters with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Perspectives in Mathematics and Science Education. F. Glanfield (PI), M. Higgins, S. Khan, M. Kim, K. Rose, Alberta Education.
2019 – 2021 “What Does It Look Like in the Classroom”: Locally Meaningful STEM teaching and learning in Indigenous K - 12 Contexts. D. Wiseman (PI), F. Glanfield, L. Lunney Borden, SSHRC Insight Development Grant.
2016 – 2017 How we are coming to know: Ways in which Indigenous and non-Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing circulate together in mathematics and science teaching and learning. D. Wiseman (PI), L. Lunney Borden, F. Glanfield, SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant.
2014 – 2015 Curriculum Development Prototyping Research. W. Dunn (PI), F. Glanfield, B. Ritter, Alberta Education.
2014 – 2019 Advancing Research Methodology in Mathematics Education for Collective Learning Systems. L. McGarvey (PI), L. Martin, J. Mgombelo, E. Simmt, J. Towers, B. Davis, F. Glanfield, J Proulx, J. Thom, SSHRC..
2012 – 2017 Capacity Development for Mathematics Teaching in Rural and Remote Communities in Tanzania. E. Simmt (PI), F. Glanfield, J. Mgombelo, A. Binde, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
2010 – 2013 A Narrative Inquiry into the Educational Experiences of Urban Aboriginal Youth and their Families. V. Caine (principal), F. Glanfield, D. J. Clandinin, L. Baydala, & M. Ebbers (co-applicants), SSHRC.
2010 – 2012 A Narrative Inquiry into the Schooling Experiences of Aboriginal Youth and Families. V. Caine (principal), F. Glanfield, D. J. Clandinin, L. Baydala, & M. Ebbers (co-applicants), Alberta Centre for Child, Family, and Community Research.
2010 – 2011 Supporting and Sustaining Elementary Mathematics Teacher Development in Tanzania: Lessons for Universities. E. Simmt (principal), F. Glanfield & J. Mgombelo (co-applicants), SSHRC.
2010 – 2012 Creating a Research Network to Develop an Understanding of Relationships between Aboriginal Knowledge Systems, Wisdom Traditions, and Mathematics Education. F. Glanfield (principal), D. Donald, G. Sterenberg, & E. Doolittle (co-applicants), SSHRC.
2008 – 2011 Reclaiming Teacher Practice as Intellectual Work: Transforming Education Across Education Communities. A. Ward (principal), F. Glanfield & M. S. Murphy (co-applicants), SSHRC.
Featured Publications
Developing capacity for teacher inservice education in rural Tanzania: Embracing emergent phenomena.
Simmt, E., Binde, A., Glanfield, F., & Mgombelo, J.
2019 January;
Thom, J. S., & Glanfield, F.
2018 January;
Madden, B., & Glanfield, F.
2017 January;
Glanfield, F., & Sterenberg, G.
Teaching Children Mathematics. 2010 January; 16 (8):504
Sterenberg, G., Barrett, L., Blood, N., Glanfield, F., Lunney Borden, L., McDonnell, T., Nichol, C., & Weston, H.
Delta-k. 2010 January; 47 (2):21-29
Doolittle, E., & Glanfield, F.
For the Learning of Mathematics. 2007 January; 27 (3):27-30
Editors: Cynthia Nicol, Jo-ann Archibald Q’um Q’um Xii, Florence Glanfield and A. J. Sandy Dawson
Murphy, M. S., & Glanfield, F.
in education: exploring our connective educational landscape.
Glanfield, F., & Murphy, M. S.