Gonzalo Zambrano Narvaez, P.Eng., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Geotechnical Engineering, Subsurface Energy , Faculty of Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept

Pronouns: he, him, his


Assistant Professor, Geotechnical Engineering, Subsurface Energy , Faculty of Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept
(780) 492-5511
6-217 Donadeo Innovation Centre For Engineering
9211 116 St
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H5


Area of Study / Keywords

Subsurface Energy Systems Geotechnical Centre Mine tailings Geotechnical Centrifuge Physical Modelling CO2 geological Storage CCUS network risk modelling Rock Mechanics High Pressure and High Temperature Rock Physics Modelling Geothermal Deep geological repository


In the past ten years, Dr. Gonzalo Zambrano has been involved academically and professionally in innovative applications of rock and soil mechanics principles to environmental and energy-related studies. During this time, Dr. Zambrano helped lead efforts in the establishment of advanced laboratory facilities – GeoREF (high temperature/pressure experimental lab), GeoCERF (beam centrifuge research facility) and GeoPrint (3D printing of rocks and fractures) – and he contributed to the development of the reservoir geomechanical modelling platform, GeoRMT. Dr. Zambrano have engaged and collaborated with public and private sector organisations, pushing the boundaries of physical modelling research in GeoCERF forward at an accelerated pace.

Dr. Zambrano welcomes applications from a diverse range of individuals, including graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, visiting scholars, enthusiastic undergraduate students, and M.Eng degree seekers in fields like, subsurface energy, geotechnical engineering, mining tailings engineering, and civil engineering. The program strongly encourages those eager to gain research experience to apply.


Dr. Zambrano is keen on expanding his research endeavors in the following areas: ❶ Investigation of the resilience of subsurface energy utilization, including underground hydrogen storage (UHS), geothermal applications and deep geological repository; ❷ Establishment of a network dedicated to carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS); ❸ Development of physical and numerical models to study the multiphase flow in porous media; ❹ Implementation of comprehensive measurement, monitoring, and verification (MMV) techniques for injected fluids in field-scale programs, encompassing both shallow and deep horizons (> 3000 m); ❺ Advancement of an advanced laboratory program utilizing 3D printing of porous media to validate numerical models; and  ❻ Utilization of advanced AI-ML applications for risk management in subsurface energy systems.

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers

  1. Shamsedine, D., Hamdi, P., Ishutov, S., Zambrano-Narvaez, G., Winhausen, L., Chalaturnyk., R.J., Amann, F. (2023) “Exploring the Brittle Behavior of 3D-Printed Sandstone Analogs Under Various Stress Conditions” Engineering Geology Journal (under review).
  2. Araujo-Guerrero, E.F., Alzate-Espinosa, G. A., Chalaturnyk, R.J., Zambrano-Narvaez, G. (2023) “Geomechanical laboratory testing for sand production characterization using 3D printed core analogues” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (under review).
  3. Lopez-Saavedra, S., Zambrano-Narvaez, G., Ishutov, S., Chalaturnyk, R.J. (2023) “Assessment on the impact of local pressure measurements on hydraulic properties of individual 3D printed factures” Water Resource Research Journal (under review).
  4. Sanchez-Barra, A., Zambrano-Narvaez, G., Chalaturnyk, R.J. (2023) “An In-Depth Analysis of Strength and Stiffness Variability in 3D-Printed Sandstones: Implications for Geomechanics” Energies 2023, 16, 5406. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16145406.
  5. Hodder, K., Sanchez-Barra, A., Ishutov, S., Zambrano-Narvaez, G., Chalaturnyk, R.J. (2022) “Increasing density of 3D-printed sandstone through compaction” Energies, 15(5) 1813.
  6. Arias-Buitrago, J.A., Alzate-Espinosa, G.A. , Arbelaez-Londoño, A., Zambrano-Narvaez, G., Chalaturnyk, R.J. (2021) "Experimental Study on the Effect of Temperature on the Mechanical Properties of Unconsolidated Silty Sandstones" Energies 14(21) 7007.
  7. Ishutov, S., Hodder, K., Chalaturnyk, R.J., Zambrano-Narvaez, G. (2021) "Replication of Carbonate Reservoir Pores at the Original Size Using 3D Printing" Petrophysics , 62(5).
  8. Ishutov, S., Hodder, K., Chalaturnyk, R.J., Zambrano-Narvaez, G. (2021) "A 3D printing short course: a case study for applications in the geoscience teaching and communication for specialists and non-experts" Frontiers in Earth Science, section Solid Earth Geophysics (9)
  9. Song, R., Wang, Y, Ishutov, S., Zambrano-Narvaez, G., Hodder, K.J., Chalaturnyk, R.J. Liu, J., Gamage, R.P. (2020). "A comprehensive experimental study on mechanical behavior, microstructure and transport properties of 3D-printed rock analogs" Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53(12). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-020-02239-4 .
  10. Liu, L., Thomsen, P*., Chalaturnyk, R.J., Deisman, N., and Zambrano-Narvaez, G. (2020). "Anisotropic Borehole Response from Pressuremeter Testing in Clay Shale Caprock", Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 58(8), 1159-1179.
  11. Ardila, N., Zambrano-Narvaez, G., Chalaturnyk, R.J. (2019) "Wettability Measurements on 3D Printed Sandstone Analogues and Its Implications for Fluid Transport Phenomena" Transport in Porous Media. 129, 521-539.
  12. Gomez, J.S., Chalaturnyk, R.J., Zambrano-Narvaez, G. (2019) "Experimental Investigation of the Mechanical Behaviour and Permeability of 3D Printed Sandstone Analogues Under Triaxial Conditions" Transport in Porous Media. 129, 541-557.
  13. Primkulov, B.  Chalaturnyk, J., Chalaturnyk, R.J., Zambrano-Narvaez, G. (2017) "3D Printed Sandstone Strength: Curing of Furfuryl Alcohol Resin Based Sandstones" 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, Vol 4. No 3.
  14. Alzate Espinosa, G.,  Arias Buitrago, J.A., Morales Monsalve, C.B., Arbelaez Londoño, A., Naranjo Agudelo, A., Chalaturnyk, R.J., Zambrano-Narvaez, G. (2017)" Permeability and porosity changes in unconsolidated porous media due to variations of confining stress and temperature - An experimental study". Boletin de Ciencias de la Tierra, Vol 41  - July 2017.
  15. Martinez-Garzon, P, Bohnhoff, M., Kwiatek, G., Zambrano-Narvaez, G., Chalaturnyk, R.J.  (2013) "Microseismic monitoring of CO2 injection at the Penn West EOR Pilot, Canada: Implications for detection of wellbore leakage". Sensors, Sep 2;13(9):11522-38.
  16. Zambrano-Narvaez, G. and Chalaturnyk, R.J. (2011). "Case Study of the Cementing Phase of an Observation Well at the Pembina Cardium CO2 Monitoring Pilot, Alberta, Canada". International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 5, 841-849.


Zambrano-Narvaez, G. (2012) "Design, Deployment, Performance and Assessment of Downhole and Near Surface Monitoring Technology for Geological CO2 Storage" PhD Thesis, University of Alberta, Canada.


CIV E 395 - Civil Engineering Analysis

The formulation of partial differential equations for modeling civil engineering problems. Introduction to analytical and numerical solution techniques. Prerequisites: MATH 201, MATH 209 and CIV E 295.

CIV E 697 - Rock Engineering

Elements of structural geology, analysis of the geometry of rock defects, properties of intact rocks. Properties of rock masses and stresses in rock masses, stability of rock slopes. Rock foundations and underground excavations in rock. Case studies.

CIV E 698 - Petroleum Geomechanics

Application geotechnical engineering principles to petroleum engineering problems. Principles of thermo-poroelasticity are reviewed. Borehole stability, hydraulic fracturing, subsidence/heave, sand production, formation damage and reservoir-geomechanical modelling are the major topics for the course. Special attention is given to geomechanical influences on reservoir flow processes. Prerequisite: consent of Instructor.

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